Chapter 258

Big events only had occasion a few times a year and they used to be intended only for the best of the sect’s disciples, so unless war or another exceptional event occurred, the life of low-level disciples was quite ordinary within their misfortune.

Due to this, any event outside the rule used to attract attention quite quickly, such was the case for all kinds of rumors about fights or romances between people of greater importance or fame within the sect, among other things.

But today it was not such a mundane event that broke the daily life and peace within the sect, first thing in the morning the news came about the gigantic explosion in the city, and just hours later a second event caused an uproar among the disciples.

In the middle of the afternoon, one of the servants in charge of the cleaning found a corpse dumped in one of the farthest alleys of the servants’ residential districts.

The corpse belonged to a fairly young maid girl, although that was all that was known so far about the corpse, due to the state in which the corpse was found it was practically impossible to recognize the victim.

Rumors immediately flew around the sect at a frankly ridiculous speed pointing out how bored the people of this place were on a day-to-day basis.

Such rumors quickly reached the ears of people with some power or control within the sect but in the case of the death of a simple servant, none of these people moved a single finger, not when they were more focused on the attack in the city and in the movements of the Bai family within the city.

Although that was not the case for all of them, because the moment this news reached the Miao family compound, a messenger immediately left in the direction of meeting his teacher and delivering the news as instructed.


Meanwhile, inside the residence of Mei Fei Long, Desmond was regaining consciousness back from the realm of dreams after his brief nap, and although he was still tired he was forced to wake up because he began to feel a strong feeling of discomfort in his chest.

As soon as he opened his eyes Desmond saw the sun in the distance and from his position he assumed that he had slept just over 3 or 4 hours, then he lowered his eyes to find the reason for his discomfort and what entered his vision left him a little speechless.

At this precise moment on his chest and basically his entire body, Mei and Xiauyue were very comfortable using him as a pillow, both girls had their faces extremely close to each other in a quiet intimate, and cute way.

And although they both used Desmond as a pillow/bed, they were both basically wrapped in a kind of pseudo hug that was quite tender so it was clear that the only reason they both ended up on Desmond was basically that he had come between them in some way while they slept.

Desmond certainly noticed this but did not pay much attention to it, from the moment he met Mei he had a strange feeling of closeness towards her but at no time did he feel a romantic desire or attraction for her.

In any case, Desmond felt that Mei was a person with whom he could get along and with whom he could be friends, which was quite rare considering his history of relationships with women.

In Xiauyue’s case... well, after meeting her for the first time Desmond couldn’t wait to forget about her and never see her again, mainly because he didn’t know how to deal with her.

But after many discussions, Desmond learned to tolerate Xiauyue, mostly because he concluded that it would be impossible for him to get rid of her, she was simply too strong and if that was not enough she was Mei’s love interest; so avoiding her wasn’t even an option.

Of course, after recent events, the relationship between the two had improved a lot, but ultimately, as in the case of Mei, Desmond had little romantic interest in her; So seeing them both use him as an accessory didn’t bother him too much.

Although seeing them sleep so lazily Desmond couldn’t help but think of a certain alchemist who always looked so adorable while she slept.

And without even realizing it, Desmond muttered to himself with a warm but longing smile: “Sasha.”

Just a second later someone was heard knocking on the door.

Knock * Knock *

Desmond wanted to get up to answer the door but to his surprise and disbelief, not one but both girls on his chest get up with disconcerting speed and immediately parted from him and each other.

Ignoring Desmond who was watching them wordlessly, Xiauyue ran towards the door as if she knew it was her they were looking for.

Meanwhile, Mei who stayed in the room looked at Desmond and with a somewhat confused and uncomfortable expression asked: “Is Sasha the name of your girlfriend or something like that?”

Hearing the question, Desmond gave Mei a questioning look as he got up and adjusted his disheveled robe, but after a few moments of silence he still replied, “You could say it, yes”

The unclear answer left Mei a bit confused but before she continued with the topic she heard Desmond ask, “Did you enjoy your little intimate moment with Xiauyue?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied nervously.

Too lazy to talk too much about it Desmond only commented: “Next time you want to be less obvious when you stop pretending to be asleep, I have never seen someone wake up so fast and be so lucid at the same time. ”

Immediately the blush rose Mei’s cheeks giving her normally heroic face a rather attractive feminine touch, not knowing what to say about it Mei was quite relieved when she saw Xiauyue enter her room again.

Before anyone even commented on it, Xiauyue said: “One of my messengers came, this morning when they delivered the message about the Bai family I told them to inform me in case more bodies like the ones you are looking for would be found and it seems that someone was unlucky. ”

“They found a body, right?” Desmond replied.

Xiauyue nodded with a rather serious and dark expression on her face, it was obvious that she didn′t take the news kindly, although such was the case for every person in the room; what they did to those girls was just too cruel.

“They found the body of a young woman, from her clothes they immediately identified her as a servant but given the degree of damage done to her body, it was not possible to identify the girl. Right now some of my men are heading to the place to secure the body and prevent the onlookers from approaching, I figured you would want to be the first to check the place “Xiauyue added.

To which Desmond responded with a simple but sincere: “Thank you.”

“I’ll go too.” Out of nowhere, Mei’s voice interrupted the conversation, her hands clenched tightly and a sullen expression on her face; She didn’t bother to hide her disgust at what happened to the poor murdered girl and Desmond could almost swear that for a brief moment he saw Mei’s pupils start to turn feline before returning to normal.

Xiauyue noticed it too but having known Mei for a significant amount of time she didn’t seem surprised at all.

Without wanting to waste time the trio left the house in a hurry as soon as they hurriedly arranged their clothes, any sign of lethargy or laziness they had this morning had been lost and at this moment an aura of intensity fired from the trio making people on their way instinctively move away.

This was especially the case with Mei and Desmond who exuded an aggressive predatory aura, Xiauyue on the other hand still looked refined and elegant but her usual calm now was nothing more than the stillness before the storm.

In a matter of minutes, the small group reached the servants’ residential area and it wasn’t long before they saw a crowd in the distance.

Upon reaching the place, Xiauyue contacted her men obtaining the exact location of the corpse and some additional details, but while she received the report from her men, the noise of the crowd murmuring with expressions of morbid interest continued to bother Xiauyue.

At some point unable to tolerate the twisted attitude of these people anymore, Xiauyue directly ordered her men to get rid of the crowd.

“Hey, you have no right to kick us out of here.”

“Yes, we want to know what happened.”

“I want to see the corpse.”

To Xiauyue’s surprise, the people in the crowd did not obey her whims as they used to and instead lashed out at her men with all sorts of outrageous statements.

Furious Xiauyue was about to make a move but before she managed to intervene it was Desmond and Mei’s turn to say something about it... or do something about it.

Using almost every last drop of mana inside his body Desmond released a wild and overwhelming pressure around him with his blue eyes emanating a growing merciless light.

Mei on the other hand launched a gigantic blast of golden Ki sending a powerful shock wave that silenced all the people present, small strands of silver Ki manifested around her discreetly mixed in her golden ki while the pupils in her eyes returned to the feline appearance Desmond had seen before; only now Mei’s blue eyes had taken on a metallic tint that was hard to ignore.

The crowd made up mainly of outside disciples and servants almost dirtied their pants at the overwhelming pressure emitted by the duo so they immediately ran with their tails between their legs as far as they could.

Seeing the duo’s reaction, Xiauyue smiled helplessly and commented, “They sure know how to be loud.”

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