Blood Assimilation

Chapter 256

‘No, it feels like my energy pathways were sealed by his finger strike! What did he do to me just now?!’ She cried inwardly as she immediately felt helpless when she couldn’t move nor use her power anymore.

Randy stood up from the floor and shrugged before calmly answering: “Beats me. I have no idea what I did to you either. I only know that it was your weakness. And I have to say, it was more effective than I thought.”

The long-eared, beautiful woman was unconvinced and shouted: “Bullshit! If you don’t undo-”

“I can’t undo it and I don’t want to either- this is what you get for acting arrogant and domineering when you meet people for the first time.”

Randy interjected with a cold expression, no longer putting up with his pretense from before.

“Damn it! Lukziah, kill him for me!” She turned to her entourage, who was oddly silent this whole time, almost as though he didn’t even notice his lady being assaulted.

Randy casually said: “Don’t bother. He can’t move nor talk even if he wanted to.”

Before being thrown down, he managed to hit all the red pigment on that entourage’s body, especially his throat and limps. Due to this, he was rendered immobile shortly after tossing Randy down in front of the long-eared, beautiful woman.


Randy leaned forward while reaching his hand out as he opened his mouth, seemingly about to say something to her when someone barged into the Auction House and shouted, halting his movements.

“Stop! Do not lay your hand on that person, young man! Otherwise, the consequences would be catastrophic!”

Randy raised his eyebrows when he saw the grey-haired middle-aged man with a solemn expression on his face.

‘The Society Leader?’

Unexpectedly, it was the Society Leader that came.

‘What is he doing here? Did he come here because of her?’ Randy wondered and then turned to look at the terrified woman who was still sitting on her chair, and he thought, ‘Turns out her identity was special in this place. Is she a member of a Royal Family or something?’

However, Randy was unrelenting and said: “Society Leader. This woman tried to assault me just now and I only retaliated to protect myself. Shouldn’t I fight back if someone tries to harm me?”

“I know. I heard about the situation from her. But you can’t touch that personage, or you will suffer the consequences of which even I cannot save you from. So just forget what happened here.” The Society Leader pointed at the young lady that received Randy when he came into the Crescent Moon Auction House.

“...” Randy remained silent when he heard the Society Leader’s words, which clearly hinted that that long-eared, beautiful woman had a high status even among the humans.

“Anyway, why did you come to the Auction House? What did you want to purchase?” The Society Leader asked.

“I came here to purchase elemental essence crystals and I heard someone would be trading them for items in the auction today and that I could purchase them later. However, before I could do so, I was stopped by this woman here for her own reasons.” Randy said to him.

He was clearly not telling the whole truth since he never planned on revealing that this whole situation was caused by him accidentally peering into her room out of curiosity, without thinking much about the situation at the time.

“I see. If that’s all you need, then you can take your leave now. I will have someone bring the elemental essence crystals to your room later. For now, I need you to leave. I will handle the situation from here onwards.”

“Eh? But I haven’t paid for them.” Randy said.

The Society Leader waved his hand and said: “It doesn’t matter. I’ll have them bring everything they have in stock to you. You can pay for them later.”


Randy could tell that the current situation was very troubling, as the Society Leader was trying to drive him away from the Auction House as soon as possible. He was even resorting to paying for his elemental essence crystals himself. Since he didn’t want to escalate things any further than this, he decided to leave as suggested.

However, just as Randy was about to walk out of the building, he was stopped by a voice.

“Hold it!”

Randy halted his steps and turned back around and asked: “What is it?”

“Undo whatever you did to her.” The Society Leader said to him.

“But I don’t know... Fine, let me try.” Randy was not lying to the long-eared beautiful woman when he said that he didn’t know how to reverse what he had done to her, as he only did it instinctively while using a bit of his mana during his finger strike.

However, since he was able to strike her weakness with that attack, which was enough to leave her defenseless, he should be able to enable her to move again if he struck the same spot using the same method of attack.

Thus, he approached the long-eared, beautiful woman again with his index finger sticking out.

Meanwhile, when the long-eared, beautiful woman saw his gesture, she thought he was planning to do the same thing again and restrict her movements further.

In reality, the finger strike Randy used on her chest did not render her immobile but instead caused her flow of energy to be in disarray. This caused her to temporarily lose the ability to move her body. However, given enough time, she could move her body again.

But if Randy were to strike her again, she was afraid that she might suffer some irreparable damage.

“W-What is the meaning of this? Are you planning on attacking me again?” The long-eared, beautiful woman spoke in a trembling voice, almost as if she was afraid of Randy- or more specifically, his finger strike that managed to render her body into such a miserable state.

Randy did not bother to explain and activated his mental ability, All Law Seeker, and right away the same gray silhouette appeared in his vision. He was able to detect the weaknesses in the form of red pigments on the long-eared beautiful woman’s figure.

He intends on identifying the red pigment that he struck on the long-eared, beautiful woman’s chest earlier. Since he had already struck it once, there was a possibility that the weakness might disappear. However, that was not guaranteed as this was the first time that he was attempting something like this.

Randy immediately began scouring for weaknesses on the long-eared beautiful woman’s body the moment her gray smokey figure appeared. Sure enough, he was able to identify the red pigment on her chest shortly after. With his index finger that emitted a bit of mana that gathered on his fingertip, he aimed for the red pigment without hesitation.

“W-Wait! Stop him! Don’t let him touch me!” The long-eared screamed with a frightful look on her face, as she struggled to move her body- albeit only slightly. She clearly did not look like the haughty person from before. Most likely, losing her powers suddenly caused her to lose her confidence.

The Society Leader also kept an eye on Randy’s movements very closely in case he does anything harmful intentionally or unintentionally.

Meanwhile, when Randy saw her frantic reaction that made him look like an evil person, he frowned but he ignored her and struck the center of her chest with his mana-imbued finger, and just as the long-eared, beautiful woman was about to scream louder, she noticed that her sealed energy seemed to be unlocked and she could use her powers once again.

‘My powers are no longer sealed? But how? Is it because he struck my chest just now? What kind of spell did he use?’ The long-eared, beautiful woman was impressed and scared of Randy’s finger strike that could effortlessly seal her powers.

Moments later, Randy turned to the entourage of the long-eared beautiful woman and after repeating the same thing on his body, the entourage felt his movement was no longer restricted and could move just fine. He had a terrified expression on his face as he watched Randy proceed to walk away after undoing his restriction.

‘Who is that human? How could he use such a profound skill?’ He wondered for a moment before rushing to attend to his master, who was standing and inspecting herself and her recovered powers.

“A-Are you okay, my lady?”

“Hmph! Do I look okay to you? How can you call yourself my guard if you simply stood there and did nothing as I was assaulted? Is that how you plan to protect me? How could you be so useless to lose a fight before even fighting? How would you face my parents if something had happened to me just now?”

“...” The entourage was left speechless by her questions that contained her frustrations. After all, she was stronger than him, but she also lost to that human.

The Society Leader calmly watched Randy’s figure as he reached the exit, about to leave the building, before he spoke from behind: “Thank you, young man.”

Randy silently nodded but did not say anything and simply left the establishment, as he made his way back to the Society building.


After some time, Randy arrived at the Society building. He currently laid on his bed staring at the ceiling wondering what he should do now that he had nothing to do besides waiting for the delivery of the elemental essence crystals.

‘Should I take on a mission?’

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he still had some business to take care of before he decides to venture out this time. His recent encounters brought to his attention that he needed more experience with his skills and techniques.

But since he didn’t have the time, he could simply comprehend more skills and techniques. However, he doesn’t have any mana-related skills and techniques to learn, so he decided on acquiring new abilities, especially the ones that he stored away in his system.

‘I haven’t yet acquired those abilities that I extracted from the weapons that I took briefly from that burglar. I should acquire those abilities first since there were useful ones. There were also the crystalized ability stones, which had actual human abilities. I wonder if I should acquire those first instead.’

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