Blood Assimilation

Chapter 10 - Blood [???]

⟪[Detected A Low Life Form Awakening!]⟫

⟪[Location Detected: Low-Ranking Dimension.]⟫

⟪[Detected An Ability Forming. Protocol: Assisting in the Awakening Process…]⟫

⟪[Detected An Anomaly in the Life Form. Applying A Solution.]⟫

⟪[Anomaly Resolved. Assisting further in the Awakening Process…]⟫

⟪[Ability Formed Successfully.]⟫

⟪[Congratulations! You have awakened the Blood [%#@], granting you the ability to fully assimilate with other life forms\' blood and transitioning into their form, thus acquiring their abilities and traits.]⟫

⟪[Applying the Statistical Mechanism in the Life Form. Please Wait…]⟫

⟪[Detected the blood of the Werewolf King of Wind. Assimilation Commencing…]⟫

⟪[Assimilation of the Werewolf King\'s blood: 30% Completion.]

⟪[Due to assimilating with the Werewolf King\'s blood, you have obtained these additional abilities and traits of the Werewolf King: Superior Regeneration[30%], Shapeshift(Werewolf)[30%], Heightened Senses[30%], Gale Riding[30%], Reinforcement (Strength of the Werewolf King[30%])]⟫

⟪[Detected the Low Life Form in Mortal Danger!]⟫

⟪[Finding Viable Solution… Solution Found: Activating Assimilated the Abilities, Superior Regeneration(30%) and Reinforcement(30%)]⟫

⟪[Currently Administering Solution to the Life Form…]⟫

Randy could hear a series of noises ringing inside his head as he was losing consciousness and all of a sudden, he felt his body healing at a rapid pace and the pain in his body disappeared almost instantly. It was almost as if what happened earlier was just a dream— A horrific nightmare that is.

Randy slowly opened his eyes and then he proceeded to look at the ceiling in the abandoned building in a daze. He felt like he just had a horrifying dream where his body was on fire, and he thought that he was going to die.

"I\'m still alive..."

Randy said as he raised his hand up, facing towards the ceiling. But when he saw his appearance or rather his hands, he was shocked to see claws coming out of his neatly cut fingernails and his short curry blonde hair that was disheveled had turned white flowing down his back and over his shoulder.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Randy was startled to see his appearance. And then he swiftly \'walked\' to a mirror-like glass window and tried to make out his countenance at this moment, but he was greatly shocked when he did.

"What happened to my appearance? Why are my eyes yellow? Wait, is it green… No, that\'s not important, what happened to me?" Randy was bewildered by his strange appearance. He just had this weird dream where he was beaten by Jeremiah and his goons. And afterward, he met a wolf-like creature from a rift, and then he subsequently met some handsome pale-faced human-looking monster with red eyes that seemed to be chasing after the wolf-like creature. And then shortly after that, he found himself experiencing an excruciating pain from his blood boiling inside his body and he lost consciousness from the unbearable pain, or at least he thought he had lost consciousness at that moment when he could not bear it anymore.

Randy turned his head around, away from the mirror-like glass and then he looked back at where he was before he moved swiftly to his current location, "Wait a second! So that was not a dream?"

After pondering for a moment, Randy spoke again, "That makes sense. How could I forget the pain I had suffered just now. If it was really a dream, then what I am doing here. And then again, there was that strange voice that I heard before I lost consciousness…"

However, while Randy was busy trying to assess the situation, even ignoring his sudden change in appearance, the mysterious otherworldly voice resounded in his mind again.

⟪[Statistical Mechanism Application Complete!]⟫

⟪[Displaying Status Screen]⟫

⟪[Name: Randy Smith]⟫

⟪[Race: Human(Evolved)]⟫

⟪[Class: Blood [???]⟫

⟪[Title(s): None]⟫

⟪[Bloodline: N/A]⟫

⟪[Physique: Myriad Energy Devouring Physique]⟫


⟪[Physical Strength: 700(400+300)]⟫

⟪[Physical Resistance: 700(400+300)]⟫

⟪[Physical Agility: 600(300+300)]⟫

⟪[Physical Stamina: 695(395+300)]⟫

⟪[Soul Strength: 550(400+150)]⟫

⟪[Mental Strength: 1025(875+150)]⟫

⟪[Mental Resistance: 1020(870+150)]⟫


⟪[Energy Compatibility: Myriad Energy Type Affinity]⟫

⟪[Reminder: Due to the chaotic energy detected in your body, there was a necessity for the creation of energy vessels to hold the energies as soon as possible. To prevent your existence from falling into a chaotic state, the system took the liberty to create the energy vessels for all the current energies in your body. Currently Created Vessels: Mana Seed, and Dual Dantian/Two Energy Cores(Life Energy and Spiritual energy). As for the rest, they are in the process of creation. When you fulfill the necessary conditions, only then would they be fully created]⟫

<<⟪List of Energies⟫>>

⟪[Mana(Magical Energy): 1000/1000]⟫

⟪[World Essence(Spiritual Energy): 10/10]⟫

⟪[Qi(Life Energy): 150/150]⟫

⟪[Evolutional Energy(Blood Energy): 500/500]⟫

⟪[Psionic Energy(Mental Energy): 102.5(87.5+15)/87.5]⟫

⟪[Mystical Energy(Soul Energy): 55(40+15)/40]⟫


⟪Combat System Power Level(s)⟫

Evolution Realm[1]: First-Stage Evolved Human Realm (500/1000)

Martial Realm[1]: First-Stage Martial Disciple Realm (150/200)

Cultivation Realm[0]: None (10/100)

Magical Realm[4]: Beginner-Level Fourth-Circle Magician Realm (1000/1299)

Psi Realm[0]: None (87.5/200)

Mystic Realm[0]: None (40/200)



[Werewolf King of Wind]

<[Shapeshift[Werewolf(30%)](Only activated when in assimilated mode)]>

<[Gale Riding[30%](Only activated when in assimilated mode)]>

<[Superior Regeneration[30%](Only activated when in assimilated mode)]>

<[Reinforcement[30%](Only activated when in assimilated mode)]>



[Werewolf King of Wind]

<[Heightened Senses[30%](Only activated when in assimilated mode)]>


⟪Class Specific Skills⟫

<[Blood Assimilate]>

<[Blood Retain]>

<[Blood Scan]>

<[Blood Authority]>


"What the— Wait, is this the \'Character Status\' that everyone had been talking about? Does this mean I have awakened my ability? Then was that voice earlier the voice of the world that was said to be heard when one was awakening their ability?" Randy started muttering to himself as he tried to grasp the current situation.

After a while, he nodded before saying, "That would explain it then, I heard that after you complete your awakening, you would receive something akin to a character status in video games but since I have never awakened my ability up until now, I did not know how it would look like. But even so, I guess this must be it."

Randy pondered for a while before suddenly screaming almost as if he had lost his mind, "Ahhhhhhh!!! I have awakened my ability!!!! I have finally awakened my ability, Hahahahahaha!!"

Randy started laughing while streams of tears could be seen flowing down his cheeks at this moment. Although he had awakened his ability, instead of being happy, he was crying instead. No one could understand what he was feeling right now.

But if one had to guess, then it would be that he was currently crying tears of joy rather than tears of sorrow that one would expect from someone who had gone through a misfortune.

Randy had to endure so much for the past few years just because he could not awaken his ability and when he thought all was lost, in the midst of a crisis, he actually succeeded in awakening his ability.

Was he lucky or unlucky to run into a rift when he did? In any case, none of that mattered as he had actually succeeded in awakening his long-sought ability.

Randy gradually stopped laughing and the tears on his face were wiped away by him a moment later as he decided to calm down for now. What matters most was seeing what kind of ability he received and what it can do.

There was only one month left before the university entrance examination, but he had just awakened his ability, and he was not sure what it can do as of yet, let alone improve his mastery over it.

Randy took a quick glance at his status screen. More specifically, the \'Class\' Section and what he saw left him bewildered.

\'Blood [???], What does that mean? Does it mean I have the same ability as my dad? Blood Warrior?"

\'But dad\'s ability requires him to manipulate his own blood to create different kinds of weapons including armor to fight, but what type is my ability for it to allow me to transform into this cool— No, this ghastly appearance that would scare people away on the first encounter. Then again, I heard that there were indeed weird and unique abilities out there. Some can even turn into other creatures or shapeshift part of their bodies. Is that what my ability is?"

\'Usually, people had things like Mages, Sorcerers, Cultivators, Martial Artists, Psion, Holy Maiden, Holy Warrior, Mutated Body of varieties and whatnot. But why does mine say nothing of the sort. Even if my ability is of the mutation type, shouldn\'t it just say the ability\'s name and that it was a mutated ability, Why does it only say Blood? Why can\'t it display everything? I have never heard of this before even though I did a lot of research on abilities when I couldn\'t awaken mine.\' Randy thought of the reason why his class section which denotes the type of ability he has was missing the remaining words.

A Mutated Body usually means that one had evolved their body as a whole or part of their body had mutated due to the body accumulating evolutional energy that comes from a type of dimension on the other side of some rifts. This caused a transformation in humans who get affected by the energy and they transform, or shapeshift or evolve or mutate, whatever the term used.

Essentially, humans become something other than human, such as the [Dragon Warrior] that can transform into a dragon partially to gain immense physical prowess or depending on the type of evolution, an innate fire breath or Sharp claws, [Stone Warrior] that can turn their bodies into a firm and solid stones gaining strong defense against attacks.

[Blood Warrior] which was what Randy\'s dad had as a class, which basically lets them manipulate their own blood and weaponize them to fight, and many others that rely on the physical body in some way or the other.

Of course, there were also some that evolved and became a Psion with mental abilities. For example, they gain telepathic abilities or something of the equivalent.

There were people who naturally awaken as a Psion without evolving but usually those people would also have one other ability aptitude like magic aptitude or cultivation aptitude and sometimes even martial arts aptitude.

Randy went through his current knowledge about abilities, but he still could not find a situation like his. But when he looked at his status screen again, he noticed that next to his race, it said that he was an evolved human. So it was more likely that he was a mutated type ability holder.

With that in mind, Randy glanced at the bottom, where his skills were listed, and he was instantly confused by what he saw.

Randy had a frown on his face as he read through the skills section on his status screen, \'Werewolf King of Wind? What is that? Hm? Blood Assimilate? Does that mean I can assimilate with any blood? Wait, I remember that I accidentally consumed that wolf-like creature\'s blood, is that it? Is that what this is about?\'

A moment of silence later, Randy\'s eyes widen as he thought of something ridiculous and he could not help but hold his breath as he could not believe it himself when the thought came to him, but it was the only thing that explained his current situation and his current appearance.

\'Don\'t tell me… " Randy took a deep breath to calm down his rapid beating heart at this moment before continuing, " Don\'t tell me that I can steal others\' abilities or something similar? I mean my current appearance looks like that of the wolf-like creature from earlier, although only my hair and eye color change to white and greenish-yellow, respectively, and my claws evidently only grew sharper compared to before and I did not have its wolf-like form."

"But this is basically a partial transformation. And what is that percentage next to it, does it mean that I can only exert thirty percent of that wolf-like creature\'s abilities? Then how do I increase it to a hundred percent… Do I have to consume more of its blood or something? If that is the case, then it is impossible for the current me, that thing was ginormous, and it looked super strong just from its appearance. I would be seeking death if I try to fight something like that, and there is also the fact that I don\'t know where it went."

Randy went through his skills again and he found some skills that he vaguely understood their use. Like the Superior Regeneration, Heightened Senses which he could feel the effects right at this moment, the Gale Riding which he subconsciously used when he moved to the mirror-like glass, and the Blood Scan which seemed to relate to scanning blood of people.

Although he was not sure if he had to spill blood to scan it or whether he can just scan people directly to find out their blood type and or identify their blood properties.

As for this Blood Authority… Randy had no idea what it means as it looked like it was saying he could have authority over blood or perhaps, control blood? Randy had no idea about these abilities of his, so he planned on testing them out later.

Randy decided to look at his combat system power levels, and he was shocked to see that he was compatible with almost all of them. One had to know that most awakened humans only had one combat power leveling system and only rare genius had two combat power leveling systems.

Although some people could have multiple abilities after awakening, however, usually those abilities had the same source of power or two at most. Randy did not know what to say about what he saw, and he only thought about looking at this later.

There was also his physique which was bizarre just by looking at the name. Like what the hell is \'Myriad Energy Devouring Physique\'? Was he going to devour all energy types without any restriction? How is that working? What is his body made up of to be able to withstand such different types of energies? What kind of monster would it take to have this insane ability?

Thinking about this without any clue, Randy decided to ignore everything else.

Right now, he had to get home as soon as possible, and it is not like his status screen was going somewhere; He can just check it again when he gets home and then sort everything out when he does.

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