73 Chapter 0073

After a while, I had a proper conversation with the Prolus guy. I confirmed there weren\'t any more people waiting to suddenly start talking in my head, or else I would always be apprehensive.

Although Prolus had written the book of True Alchemy, he was actually a Magi. Magi was also a term for the sorcerer, I wasn\'t sure what the difference was between a Magi and Sorcerer.

\'Why would you write a book of Alchemy when you were a Magi though?\'

`Not just a Magi, but a Grant Magi.`

\'Yeah yeah, that.\'

Turned out that the Prolus guy was just a paranoid man. Even though he was a Magi, he was not confident enough to surpass his predecessors. But he wanted to leave behind his name in the history books, so he started to use his understanding of magic in the field of Alchemy, a relatively less competitive job.

Although Prolus achieved great success as both a magician and an alchemist, and it was great, but just not enough as great as a few others that had set the standards too high.

His wish of going down in the history books was buried, so he decided to pass on his knowledge of both alchemy and magic to future generations, in hopes that it would inspire a true genius and he would at least become a stepping stone in someone else\'s legend.

\'I feel bad for you, somewhat.\'

`Thank you... No wait, don\'t pity me. Grr`

p \'Meh. Anyways, why do you have such a childish voice if you were a Grand Magi?\'

I swear I could see Prolus\'s ego getting boosted after he heard that. Apparently, he became a magician at the age of 5, a great magician at age of 7, a Magi by the age of  9 and a Grand Magi by the age of 11.

He was a truly talented magician, but he was cursed to have a short life. By the age of  11, his chronic illness started acting up and he couldn\'t find any cure for it even with his vast amount of knowledge. This illness was the reason he started learning alchemy, but he was unable to find a cure.

Prolus didn\'t want to die such a pathetic death after accomplishing so much. So he started leaving behind everything that he could for others. There was even a Book of True Magic according to him.

He had divided his consciousness and inserted them inside the book so he could live on and guide the people who got them, even when his physical body was dead.

\'You thought all that when you were 11? Most people are just snot-nosed brats by then.\'

Anyways, it was a true case of a genius cursed by the heavens and their predecessors. It was like how there were many great scientists in the world, but no one else would be remembered as much as Einstein and Newton.

\'Do you know where the Book of True Magic is?\'

I asked in expectation, obviously, I was going to use it for myself. I had left behind the days when I would look at such valuable things and think about selling them instead of using them on myself.

`I don\'t really know. I am just a piece of consciousness, I hold memories of the time when I was alive, but now that I am dead, I don\'t know where my other items might be. I can\'t use magic either, or else it would be easy for me to find my own items.`


In any case, this little child in my head was a valuable asset to me. He was someone who had become a Grand Magi by the age of 11. If he wasn\'t cursed with such a short lifespan, it can only be imagined what he could have accomplished.

`Don\'t call me a child based on my voice, I am old enough to be your grandfather\'s grandfather. Ah, that felt so nice to say, I\'ve been waiting to say that my whole life. Finally, feels like I didn\'t die young.`


Ignoring the kid who was trying to satiate his own ego, I looked at the ogres in front of me. Jezebeth had gathered all of the ogres from Rewan village on my command. They were all talking among themselves as they waited for me to talk.


I coughed lightly, trying to gather everyone\'s attention.

"People of Rewan village, I am your new leader from now on."

\'"Woahhhh! Praise lord Shura! Praise lord Shura!"\'

Now that\'s embarrassing! Yet, it doesn\'t feel so bad. Rubbing my nose with a finger, I tried to keep my embarrassment to myself as I continued.

"The people of Rewan village have suffered for a long time, it is time to end the reign of this eternal darkness and bring prosperity to this place."


Everyone cheered at my cringey lines, just what you need in a world of swords and magic! I could see why Nameless would use this type of approach, although he isn\'t trying to be smart with this, it\'s just his real personality.

"From today onward, I\'ll help you and you\'ll help me to reconstruct Rewan village into a brilliant city! The best that the abyss had ever seen!"


After saying a few more cringey words, my speech finally ended. All in all, the conclusion of my speech was that I was going to turn Rewan \'village\' into a \'city\'. I had no idea whatsoever how I was going to accomplish that, but that was the end goal.

After the speech, I went ahead and made some cooking utensils as the old ones I had made was destroyed by Egran and his rowdy bunch. I still had a lot of spices, rice and fish in my inventory.

This time around, it didn\'t take even half as much time as the last time to cook all the food.

I even got some fine grapes from Rewan village\'s fields. Since the farm fields were way outside the village, they were spared from getting destroyed. I turned the grapes into fine wine using magic and my knowledge of brewing wines.

Although it didn\'t taste as good as a branded aged wine, it was still pleasant to the tongue and was something that managed to gather the praises of the ogres.

"Hey, hey Kris, you\'re still too young for that."

"Give me more, give me more!"

"Bottoms up, everybody!"

There was a festive environment in the village with a single hut standing, all thanks to good food and good people. I could see Ena and Jezebeth drinking with each other with flushed cheeks, looking all the bit mesmerising that they were as they spilt some wine on their fine bosoms.


As everyone was busy enjoying the festive environment, I stealthily slid out of the village and started heading towards Newham Town as I hummed happily.

🎶Someone\'s gonna get their butt kicked

Screaming in misery and pain

Someone\'s going to get their ass whooped

Dying without a proper body or hanging by a chain~ 🎶

I hummed happily as I killed the monsters that came in my way and strodded towards my destination like a kid who had gotten candy.

Half an hour later, I was standing in front of Newham Town.

\'Wow, it\'s much more developed than I thought! The Emperor guy wouldn\'t mind if I took it over, right?\'

My lips unconsciously stretched to the point where my face would look scary.

The entrance to the town didn\'t have any gates or anything, but it had a proper cobblestone road leading toward the town.

I turned on [Camouflage] as I entered the town filled with orcs and ogres. The orcs looked like the orcs from the southern tribe, but they had green red-coloured skin instead.

Finding the mansion of Egran wasn\'t a hard job either, it was easy to spot the lavish mansion in this town where there weren\'t even proper two-storey buildings.

~~What are you going to do now?~~

Song asked as I ran towards the mansion while avoiding the people so as to not cancel my [Camouflage].

\'I am going to have negotiations with Egran to give this city over to me, in exchange for nothing. Because he\'s going to die, either way, right?\'


`Yo, that sounded so cool!`

\'You really are a kid.\'


I looked easily entered the mansion through the gate, bypassing the two guards that were standing uptight.

\'This will be fun.\'

It was time to play a game called, \'Spot the Fire General!\'.



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