The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fared Consort

Chapter 47

The more I read, the more my dislike grows for Jiang Quan.

The days passed like the water of a swiftly flowing river. Jiang Li maintained her previously bossy and domineering demeanour. Thus, from time to time, she would utter a few provocative words, but Jiang Ruan simply ignored her. However, there was a subtle shift in Jiang Su Su and her mother\'s attitude towards her. She did not know if it was because, at present, she viewed people differently, or if Jiang Su Su and her mother had become unsettled and were unable to maintain their usual calm demeanour. On several occasions, their words to her had a retaliatory, \'tit-for-tat\' undertone. And, although the Old Jiang Madame neither favoured nor ill-treated[1] Jiang Ruan, she also did not make a deliberate effort to suppress Jiang Ruan either. Then, in the blink of an eye, it was time for Jiang Quan and Jiang Chao to return to the Jiang fu.

[1] Bu xian bu dan ( 不咸不淡 ) - literally, neither salty nor bland.

As it was nearly the close of the year, there were many social engagements in the bureaucratic circle. Initially, Jiang Quan had mentioned that he would be home a few days earlier. However, some complicated situations had occurred, which meant that as a result his return had been postponed until that day. Xia Yan was naturally extremely happy. She had already given orders for everything to be tidied up and to begin various preparations, only saying that they should have a lively reunion dinner[2]. As Jian Quan had worked hard for the members of the Jiang household for the entire year, he deserved a huge feast.

[2] Tuan nian fan ( 团年饭 ) - the night before the new year (according to the Chinese i.e. lunar calendar), family members gather to feast together. This is traditionally known as the \'reunion\' dinner, as family members from near and far make it a point to come home for the dinner (FYI, daughters who are married are considered a part of their husbands\' families). There is a lot of food at the reunion dinner . . . drool over some pictures and recipes .

Jiang Li and Jiang Su Su were also very happy. Even though Jiang Su Su\'s expression was calm and moderate, she too could not stop smiling. Although Jiang Quan did not treat his di daughter with kindness, he was really affectionate towards Jiang Su Su. In her previous life, that he was willing to embrace the Emperor, who had offended the officials, was an inkling of how far he would go in order to protect Jiang Su Su. Jiang Su Su held the position of the one he was most proud of out of all his daughters. After all, not only did he lavish all his affection on Jiang Su Su, he even used Jiang Ruan to pave the way for Jiang Su Su. Now, upon looking back on this, she did not know whether to respond with sorrow or anger.

It could only be said that Jiang Quan must truly love Xia Yan, and so, he correspondingly lavished much affection on their beloved daughter, which led Jiang Chao to behave in a similar fashion. On the other hand, Jiang Quan had never paid attention to Jiang Ruan or Jiang Xin Zhi. He had never beaten or scolded them, but had never treated them with warmth either, to the extent that they seemed like two insignificant outsiders. Even Jiang Li did not receive such treatment as the family connections of her mother, Second Yi Niang, gave Jiang Quan a good reputation. Only these two siblings were always neglected.

On thinking about it, Zhao Mei and General Zhao had severed ties very early on, so being associated with her would have yielded no assistance in furthering Jiang Quan\'s official standing. Also, it was Zhao Mei who had initiated the marriage arrangements from the very beginning. In terms of feelings and influence, Zhao Mei was already at a disadvantage. How could Jiang Quan view Zhao Mei with even an ounce of pity? The fact of the matter was that Jiang Ruan and Jiang Xin Zhi were to be used as stepping stones for Jiang Su Su and her siblings. On the other hand, if they became obstacles to the glittering future prospects[3] of Jiang Su Su and her siblings, they would be ruthlessly eliminated.

[3] Kang zhuang da dao ( 康庄大道 ) - lit. broad and open road; fig. bright future prospects.

Lost in thought, Jiang Ruan forgot all about the tea she held in her hand, and spilled some in her carelessness. Bai Zhi, who was sitting beside her, hurriedly called out, "Miss, do be careful."

Jiang Ruan quickly recovered her senses and straightened the teacup. "Has Father already returned?"

Lian Qiao walked in from the outside. Upon hearing Jiang Ruan\'s question, she replied, "He has just reached home and is currently talking to Old Madame." She looked quickly to both sides before lowering her voice to whisper, "However, his expression was not good. It looks like something is not going well."

Bai Zhi said, curiously, "Perhaps it\'s some official business."

It was at this opportune moment that Lu Zhu came bustling into the room with a crafty smile on her face. Lian Qiao immediately reprimanded her. "What do you think you\'re doing in such a heedless manner? Aren\'t you worried you\'ll disturb Miss?"

Jiang Ruan said, "If you have something to say, then say it."

"Miss is truly all- seeing," Lu Zhu blinked and said. "This servant has just gone to the front to make some inquiries, and I know why Master is unhappy."

Lu Zhu was small in size, had a sweet tongue and was sharp-witted. Through her interactions with the people in the marketplace she had developed some degree of slyness, and thus, found it easy to ingratiate herself with the older servants. As a result, Jiang Ruan often sent her to gather information so that she would not be completely in the dark about the happenings in the Jiang fu. Lu Zhu, being intelligent, was always able to suss out information.

After listening to her words, Lian Qiao forgot about reprimanding her and paid rapt attention.

"I heard that he quarrelled with Assistant Minister Shen for some reason; Assistant Minister Shen was exceptionally angry, and Master was also terribly enraged. The strange thing is, despite this quarrel, Miss Shen deliberately and of her own accord wrote out an invitation for Third Miss (i.e. Jiang Li) to visit Shen fu. However, Master is roaring furious. Not only does he refuse to allow her to visit, he even forbids her to leave the fu."

"What\'s the meaning of all this?" Lian Qiao asked with surprise. "That day, Third Miss and Miss Shen did not seem to be on very good terms. Why didn\'t she invite Second Miss (i.e. Jiang Su Su)? Why only invite Third Miss?"

Lu Zhu smiled mysteriously. "The servants are all spreading rumours about how the Shen fu has lost something, and suspicion has fallen on the head of Third Miss."

The servants of Ruan Ju had many complaints about Jiang Li. She commonly adopted a high and mighty air, and always had a hostile tone when speaking with others. She was a far cry from Jiang Su Su\'s gentle manner of conduct, and all of the Jiang fu\'s servants were somewhat fed up with her. Now that she was in trouble, plenty of people were gloating over her predicament.

Bai Zhi said, "If they are really suspicious of Third Miss, it\'s no wonder that Master is so furious. If she did go, wouldn\'t it be the same as slapping ourselves in the face and admitting that we had stolen whatever it is? But, why did the Shen fu employ the method of asking Miss Shen to invite Third Miss to the fu? What would they have been able to find out? Even though the servants view Third Miss as being ordinarily quite domineering, they would not take advantage of this situation for personal gain. There\'s something really fishy about all this. Besides, Master and Shen daren have such a deep relationship, it is highly unlikely that they would quarrel to this extent over a mere possession. What on earth did the Shen fu lose?"

What did they lose? Jiang Ruan smiled faintly, and unhurriedly lifted her teacup to take a sip of tea. "It must be something really important."

That the Shen fu was making such a big fuss more or less revealed that Assistant Minister Shen had discovered the fact that his account book was missing. That day, it had been the first time she, an outsider, had visited the Shen fu, so she would naturally not be familiar with the layout. In the midst of their visit, only Jiang Li had left the ladies\' area, and it would be difficult not to suspect her. However, Jiang Li had no reason to run off by herself to steal the account book, so it must have been Jiang Quan\'s idea. Thus, it was entirely reasonable for Assistant Minister Shen to have entertained this train of thought. The relationship between the Shen fu and the Jiang fu involved a whole slew of mutual benefits and unclear interests. If Jiang Quan had gotten hold of information which could be used against Assistant Minister Shen, it would mean that Assistant Minister Shen would have to humble himself before Jiang Quan from now onwards. However, this deferential attitude would never be authentic, and thus it was no wonder that Assistant Minister Shen wanted to embarrass Jiang Quan.

Jiang Quan had truly been wronged, as this situation had nothing to do with him. Jiang Ruan smiled. Human relations were always very fragile; from now onwards, Jiang Quan and the Shen fu would find it very difficult to maintain friendly appearances because of this account book. Today\'s matter would also be like a thorn buried deep in Assistant Minister Shen\'s side. There would come a day when this thorn would break forth and grow. At that moment, the battle lines between Jiang Quan and the Shen fu would be made clear, signalling the rupture in their relationship.

Jiang Li wanted to cause her trouble, but she had instead made Jiang Li the scapegoat. This could be considered meting out a small punishment in order to prevent bigger mistakes. From now onwards, the Shen fu would view Jiang Li as a thorn in its side. Jiang Quan would also not be happy about the whole state of affairs, for which Jiang Li had only herself to blame.

In her previous life, Jiang Quan did manage to get hold of the Shen fu\'s account book in the end, and used it to exploit the Shen fu\'s key areas of weaknesses[4]. At that time, Jiang fu was already on its way to ascendancy, so the Shen fu could only humble itself and capitulate. However, in this life, it was still early, and the Jiang fu still required the Shen fu\'s assistance on several matters. So, to have their alliance ruptured this early would only mean misfortune for Jiang Quan.

[4] Nie zhe qi chun ( 捏着七寸 ) - literally, to squeeze/hold 7 inches. This arises from the idiomatic advice to squeeze a snake\'s body 7 inches away from its head (打蛇打七寸), which is where its most vital part is. Opinions differ on whether this is the heart or abdomen.

Jiang Ruan patted her clothes and stood up. "Since Father and Second Brother have already returned, we should visit them without delay, otherwise people will say we have no understanding of etiquette and are unfilial. Let\'s go. The Father and Second Brother whom I have not seen for five years - I wonder what they look like now."

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Translated by : shl

Edited by : Anks & Ely

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