The Alpha's Return

Chapter 107 - War Day

"Calm down Fenrir. Sometimes, we must know when to back down. This is one of those moments. Odin has listened to us, and even though Angela told something completely wrong, he waited, and listened to us for a little bit. He even went through the hassle of confirming it to be true. Although Angela was, well, problematic, the others are not going to face the same issues. Praneeth should not fall into the same problems again, that is for sure." Lucas said.

"There are some people that you just cannot trust to do their job indeed. But that is besides the point. Why the hell do I have to give face to someone like Odin? He should know that we went through all the hassle of coming all the way here, so we must have something important to say. Why would he doubt us. Let us just go." Fenrir said again.

"There are more reasons why we came here instead of Olympus or somewhere else. We need to negotiate a good deal so that we can get a proper way out after the whole fighting is over. Imagine it. You can be free. Anytime you want, you can get out of my body, and you can just stroll around." Lucas said.

"And I still have my doubts. What the hell is in it for you? Why is it that you want me out of your body so much? We have had quite the collaboration." Fenrir asked.

"Sometimes, immortality is not everything. Sometimes, I would rather just die and go up there, and live with her forever. If this negotiations go well, I also want all my sin gone, and have a pretty healthy balance of karma left." Lucas said.

"After all these ears, you still cannot forget her, can you? You are such a hopeless case, honestly. Sometimes, I think that I made a mistake choosing you instead of Jack. At least, he was fun. I wanted to leave you for him, but he just had to go and die." Fenrir said.

"You are really going to start that conversation again? Alright. Let me tell you why Jack did not agree with you. He did not want to believe in the nonsense that you spouted, and after you transformed all of a sudden, he ran away with fear. Accept the fact that at the end of the day, he was a coward through and through." Lucas snarled.

Fenrir growled in response, but he did not retort. Lucas continued to game on his phone, when the door opened.

"Lucas! We have a problem. To be more precise, you have a problem." Lucas heard a breathless Bjorn say.

"What happened, for you to be in such a hurry?" Lucas asked, chuckling.

"That idiot Ragnar gave away the fact that you have Fenrir within you. All the warriors of Valhalla know that you have him within you. They are all incensed, and they are barely able to stop themselves from coming here to kill you." Bjorn said.

"Interesting. Alright, noted." Lucas nodded as he looked back to his phone.

"What do you mean, noted? Hundreds, no, thousands of warriors want to murder you, and you are doing nothing! Tomorrow is war day! Everyone has to participate. Not to mention choosing you, everyone will be trying to kill you. What are you going to do then?" Bjorn said frantically.

"All the warriors in Valhalla are going to be targeting me?" Lucas\' eyes lit up. "This right here is the true reason that I stayed here. It is totally worth it to stay here. Imagine how fun tomorrow is going to be!" Lucas grinned.

"Are you being serious right now? Your reaction to someone like that is grinning? You really are a mad man. Meeting you is one of the biggest mistakes of my life." Bjorn shook his head.

"A lot of people share that opinion. But most of them were sent below the ground by me, so I am not so sure if they are unbiased in their opinions." Lucas chuckled.

"You are just impossible. Just remember. This is war. I will be facing you, and I am not allowed to skimp on my punches." Bjorn said.

"Don\'t worry about it. Your death will be painless, and one of the last ones, so no one will actually know how badly you lost against me. I know that your prestige here is actually pretty important, and I don\'t want to be one to take your entire life away from you just for my fun. But that is all that I can do. If you rush to your death, then kill you I shall." Lucas shrugged.

"You are going to face hell tomorrow, and you are not at the least concerned. You will regret underestimating everyone here. No one is here without a reason, and you pissed of them all." Bjorn shook his head as he jumped onto a bed.

The next day,

Lucas was in the middle of the room. He was awoken by a rooster, but he was positive that the sound was not organic at all. The room was brightly lit, almost immediately after the rooster cried out, and Lucas was quite pissed at how early he was awaken.

For now, he was stretching. Within his wardrobe that he had brought, there was also a tracksuit that he had opted to use this time around. He expected there to be a lot of movement, and he wanted to be as unrestricted as possible. He started jumping a little and looked at the others in the room. All four others were awake, and they looked at Lucas with uncertainty and hostility.

"Today, you are going to see the true power of a warrior." Egil said.

"You lost against me in less than five minutes. Shut up and do what you are doing." Lucas retorted.

Egil looked away with shame. He could not respond to this, because Lucas was absolutely right. Lucas did not bother with them any longer, and he looked up at the ceiling with solemn eyes.

"Looks like they expect everyone to be ready by now, huh? They are already taking us to the war room, or wherever. Well then, let us hope that this goes well, and I have a good time." Lucas chuckled.

His body started disappearing, and within a few moments, he was no longer to be seen. Lucas reappeared in a vast plane, with nothing in sight. The only one he could recognize was the Valkyrie in front of him.

"Brinhyldr! What a pleasant surprise. So then. What are the rules? Are we really doing a me versus everyone else fight? I just want one person to be able to hold the fort, and I can kill everyone else." Lucas grinned.

Brinhyldr frowned. She looked at him with serious eyes.

"This is not the time to joke. Valhalla cannot afford to have every single one of its warriors die all at once. The energy consumption will be far too much for it to continue to sustain itself. All of Valhall might even collapse. That is why I am here to ask you. Please do not kill everyone. Leaving them crippled is enough."  Brinhyldr beseeched.

"Wow. That was not what I had expected to hear. I wanted to hear something more on the lines of the exact opposite. Now this is troublesome indeed." Lucas paused for a moment.

"Just be honest. What do you want in return?" she asked.

"All the Valkyries in a line in their bikinis, and me allowed to get a pick. That includes you. I won\'t force her to submit, but if she does, then who is to say that I won\'t have my fun?" Lucas rubbed his hands.

"You pervert!" Brinhyldr gnashed her teeth.

"I am losing a lot in this trade. I need to cover all that up, don\'t I? Fighting makes a man miss a part of his life that he doesn\'t have control of. I can only ask for this. So then, what do you want to do? Odin must have asked you to do this. So you should complete this at any cost possible. I know how this works." Lucas said.

Brinhyldr bit her teeth.

"Fine. Under one condition."


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