Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 40

“Oh, look at the time. Sorry for keeping you for so long, Yu.” Feng smiled at him.

“No, not an issue at all. I enjoyed your company.” he gently held her hand and kissed it. “See you later, Miss Feng,” he got up and left, following the young man.

Feng watched the door close and let out a long breath. “Phew, what the hell, you stupid game, why did you give notification when I’m talking to someone,” she mumbled, holding her pounding heart.

Just a few minutes ago there was a loud ping and the game notification saying task completed.

“Can you repeat the notification please,” she whispered and as she requested, the notification repeated itself.

{Adventurer, congratulation on completing your task.


Task: Help Aiden and Ethan Manifest

Achieved with the aid of: Mary

Task reward: Ability Type

Ability: Frozen In Time.

Use: The ability to freeze time for twenty-second. Use it wisely adventurer.

Number of uses – 1

Have a wonderful time at your experience in Glimmer of redemption}

Feng reheard all this information. ‘Wow, so I can freeze time for twenty seconds. That’s amazing. It could really be a lifesaver.’ She happily smiled at this generous reward.

The game glimmer of redemption was not only a love game, but it had a complex world building. It had many dangerous monsters and beast that prey upon the humans. The love game was only a part of the game settings.

If one wanted to, they can change the setttings so that they can challenge dungeons and other beasts. The warriors, mages and other categories of players are given tasks to slay them appropriate rewards.

This was decided by all of meth creating team to be inclusive of both genders. The love aspect of the game attracted many young girls, but the fighting aspect was catered to be attractive to young boys.

If by fate she got in this kind of dangerous situation, she could gladly use this time freeze to freeze time and flee.

“But does it work on others?” she whispered and glanced at the twins that were sleeping like little angels.

The game sent another notification.

“Wow, it’s not like this game to actively communicate with me,” Feng sceptically opened the next notification.

{Adventurer, Congratulation on escaping a catastrophe,

Artifact used: Mud gem pin.

Number of uses left: 0}

This was one of the life saving equipments that she received as a task reward for dancing with Ethan and Aiden. She had carefully held onto it in case her life might be in danger.

“BUT When did I use it?” she carefully pulled out the brown jewelled pin from her hair and looked into it. The gem had a huge crack in the middle and it had lost its luster. “How did I even use this? Game system, if you don’t tell me now, I won’t fulfill any of your tasks after this,” she raged.

A systematic chime rang in her mind again.

{Player’s Task reward usage:

Artefact/ Equipment used: Mud gem pin [Life saving equipment that grants one life]

Cause of death: Fell to death

Your physical stats:

Health: 50

Lives: 3

Power bar: 30

Please make sure to work hard, complete your tasks to increase your power and health.}

“The fuck!”

She felt Ethan groan slightly at her outburst. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself a little.

In fact, when she fell overboard, her back took the maximum impact. The ship was at least three stories over the sea level so....

When a heavy object is falling down from greater heights, its momentum increases so does its force of impact.

“so.... I died when I fell and this thing saved me.” she glanced at the dull brown pin. “Calm down Feng, let’s look at the bright side. At least it didn’t consume another one of my lives.”

Feng tried to cheer herself for surviving such a dangerous feat, but inside she was still seething. ‘I could have used this for many other occasions.’ She carelessly tossed it to the side.

“At least now I have time to freeze. I got to be happy with what I’ve got.” she took a sip of tea from the side table.

Finally, after a few minutes of meditating, she was calm as ever. She glanced at the kids sleeping peacefully and smirked. “Aww, they manifested so soon! Such talented young babies.” she kissed them each on their chin.

Aiden moaned and hugged her waist tightly.

“Ops sorry, sleep tight little ones. Tomorrow in gonna make sure that you guys will fall in love with magic.” Feng opened the book about manifesting and started reading all over again.

The many times he read through a chapter more she could comprehend about the theories of magic in this world.

Magic that cultivated inside a mage’s body was on multiple levels. F grade at the initial state of manifestation, E grade when the person is able to harness stronger magic spells, respectively D grade, C grade, B grade and the highest and strongest, the A grade magic power.

The great mage Yubiri was said to the one of the ten A grade mages in this game world.

“So they both are F grade now. hmm... I guess I should ask lady Hiliana if I could borrow some F grade spell books for them to practice,” she mumbled softly. “Wait, didn’t the great mage himself offer to teach them both?”

She peered at the cute kids. “Darn, these two are lucky. But I am lucky to have them with me.” She placed the book silently on the bedside table, blew the candle out and laid down, hugging them both tight to her body.

“Sleep tight little munchkins.”

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