Rewind System: Vampire Harem In The Apocalypse

1 Chapter 1

A vampire.

The moonlight reflected off the beauty\'s long silky silver hair, illuminating her gorgeous petite yet curvy figure. Pointy ears stuck out from her hair whilst small sharp canines stuck out of her mouth.

Her slit-pupil eyes glowed a bright red crimson.

While she stared at him, he found himself paralysed, unable to move a muscle as she drew closer to him as if they were under hypnosis.

The girl\'s lips slowly approached his face, her fangs were brought into closer view as they were only inches away.

His heart began to pound as the sweet scent of roses permeated through the air.


Whatever expectations he had, were all shattered in the following second however as her fangs suddenly dug into the side of his throat.

"Awaken. You\'re in danger." Her voice echoed.


"Ah-" His eyes opened wide, and he groaned as he smacked his hand against the side of his neck at the same time.

He was drenched in sweat and panting heavily. As he glanced around quickly, he tried to see if the woman from his dream was there, but she wasn\'t.

Instead, he found himself surrounded by bored students who were on the verge of dozing off while listening to the boring chairman\'s speech

"Fuck... It was that dream again..." He muttered before rubbing his neck.

\'There\'s no way right...?\'

\'No matter how realistic it felt... It can\'t be real... Like come on, this is Vampires we\'re talking about...\' He thought to himself.

Short, black and spiky with silver edges and black eyes. The short, scrawny, skinny, 156 cm, frightened young man with hardly any muscle was Xavier Trigger. Due to his short stature and weak figure, he was a target for many.

Currently, the students were in the gym, a large branch of the main building just outside it. Despite being a branch, the two buildings were not connected.

Recent renovations to the gym gave it the appearance of a large assembly hall. Within the large number of chairs, numerous students sat side by side.

"My students... Once again, I\'d like to thank you all for coming on this Friday! I\'m sure you\'re all tired and still in the mood for vacations but unfortunately, we have to come in today! I really hope you all enjoy your first year at college!"

Currently, they are located in King\'s cross, Central London. This was Crimson Booking Academy, the young man\'s new school.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

He felt a throbbing burn on the side of his neck as the other students unamusedly clapped their hands.

\'Fuck... It\'s burning again...!\' he grumbled inwardly before rushing to grab his phone.

After pulling it out, he glanced at the time.

9:15 AM, September the 9th, 2023.

He opened the camera and used it to reflect the side of his neck where he felt pain.

A scar in the form of two dots could be seen evenly spaced out from one another. They resembled bite marks caused by fangs.

His scar was glowing red almost as if it was warning him of something

But the instant he blinked, they vanished.

\'The burning stopped... Damn it... What\'s with this bad feeling...\'

Ignoring the feeling, the young man put his phone away. But upon doing so, his sight fell over a golden ring with a crimson gem on his middle finger.

He stared at the ring\'s gem for a while before moving his sight away from it back over towards the the Principal. His boring speech seemed to be far from over.

"Huuu…" Taking a deep breath and trying to calm himself down, Xavier soon closed his eyes.

But right before he could doze off-


Suddenly, a loud bang reverberated throughout the room, snapping him out of his reverie.

As he opened his eyes wide, he saw the door leading to the assembly hall fly across the room.


After crashing into the wall at the opposite end, it came to a stop.

Complete silence.

No one uttered a word as they stared at the doorframe.

Cold gusts of air and torrential rain began to flow in, but that didn\'t seem to be a cause for concern.

"Hm~ Looks like schools are really the way to go~"

What caught their eyes was the one single figure standing by the door.

He has short antique pink hair and silver earrings on both sides of his ears. A moderately long sharp canine stuck out of his mouth and pointed ears protruded from his hair.

His eyes had a bright red glint matching their crimson colour and his pupils were slit. He wore a night blue uniform and carried a long sword resting inside of the sheathe on his waist.

As Xavier stared into his eyes, his heart sank. He placed his hand over his chest and he began to pant.

\'Those eyes... It\'s just like the girl from my dream\'s...\'

As he looked up at the single person standing there, there was no doubt he was the cause of his fear.

\'Yeah... There\'s no doubt about it... I didn\'t think they were real but...\'

When Xavier finally realized what was happening, he was covered in cold sweat. Suddenly, his neck began to glow and burn as if it were on fire once again.

\'That\'s a vampire...\'

The principal was the first to speak up, he walked up to the vampire on his own.

"L-Look, I don\'t know who you think you are but this is-"


With a flick of his wrist, the vampire\'s sword soared through the air, impaling the principal right through the middle of his head.

After being knocked away and his sword stuck inside his head, he came to a halt a few meters away, right between the legs of a student.

The student on the front row who was closest to the principal\'s body was frozen with fear.

Blood gushed out from his body as he lay motionless on the ground, his eyes wide open, lifeless, but still stuck in the same confused expression.

The sight shook her to her core. Her eyes welled up with tears as her voice struggled to escape.

Ironically, it wasn\'t she who screamed, but a girl to her right.


As a blood curdling scream echoed throughout the room, everyone\'s hearts were filled with panic and fear.

One by one the students hopped off their chairs before rushing towards the exit.

There were two exit doors at the front and two at the back of the assembly hall.

Most students rushed to the back, running for their lives as adrenaline filled their veins.

While they didn\'t know what was happening, they had all seen enough shit to know it wasn\'t good.

Xavier had already moved ahead of them since they were distracted by the show. Even though he wasn\'t the brightest nor the fastest, it was times like these when his low presence and ability to sneak around truly shone.

Cold sweat ran down his face as he stood in front of the door, holding on to the handle.


Even though it was faint, he could hear it on the other side of the door. The sound of faint and quiet growls escaping through the door cracks.


"Oi.. What the fuck is-"

A whistle from the first vampire who had entered the room interrupted Xavier and the other students.

"Kill them all... Ah- But leave the girls alive, we need food~"

Knowing that he needed to step away from the door, Xavier quickly turned to leave. However, as soon as he turned.

He was pushed back by one of the many students who rushed towards the other exit in a hurry.


He felt his heart sink.


Suddenly, everything turned upside down before going black.


Seconds later, Xavier\'s decapitated corpse collapsed on the floor, shattering the gem on the Ring in his hand.

[System Synchronising...]

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