Accompanying the Phoenix

Chapter 58

Xing Zhi Listened to Shen Li walking slowly and stepping to boil water outside, he estimated the time and figured that the water was almost ready .

Shen Li suddenly said to him: “I can see things today . I didn’t believe that even though you are a fisherman, the house would be so well arranged . This is very good . ”

The white clothes flashed by on the side of the door, and the figure dodged to the side . Shen Li heard a clamor and sounds of ding and clank, thinking that the people outside were in a panic . After all of that, this scene was just embarrassing .

Shen Li waited for a long time, and there was no sound outside, but she could imagine the frowning and wry smile of Xing Zhi .

It was... so comfortable .

Shen Li tilted her head inward and bent her mouth . After she had enough fun, she stepped in . When she turned her head, she saw a dark young man dressed in coarse linen, really like a fisherman working by the sea all year round . Shen Li blinked and heard him say in the hoarse voice she was used to these days: “Girl’s eyes are better?”

Shen Li looked at him carefully: “My five senses come and go . Today, my senses of taste, smell, and touch are broken, but it’s a lucky day to be able to hear and see . ”

The youth frowned slightly: “Why is this?”

“I don’t know the specific reason . I couldn’t do this before so let me do this now . Shen Li stared into his eyes, and said,

“Thank you, son, for taking care of me and taking off the chains out of my limbs, I really troubled you . I don’t want to impose, but I’m still unable to move freely, I’m afraid I have to ask you to take care of me for a few more days . ”

He gave an understatement, “Hmm”, then sat down and took a teacup to drink tea, but as if he felt that he shouldn’t have agreed so fast, he took a meal with the teacup and after pondering for a while, he said with a clear cough:

“I have to go to sea every day to work, and the girl is seriously injured . I have delayed a lot of time to take care of the girl a few days ago, and I can’t delay it in the next few days . ”

The corners of Shen Li’s mouth moved slightly: “I will give you a sum of money . ”

“It’s not a matter of money, but of time . You delayed it, but life doesn’t wait . ” Shen Li choked . Thinking that she shouldn’t accept his words . She thought she was taking advantage of him, but now it seems to be the opposite . But she should continue with the act .

He shamelessly said, “It’s better to be like this . The girl agreed to grant a wish before, but that was not the time . Why don’t you give me one more ?”

“What do you want?”

“For now your word is enough, if I tell you now I fear the girl won’t be able to do it, so keep it for now . So I can help you heal your injuries with all my heart . ”

Shen Li looked at him for a long time: “The son was originally such a talkative person . ”

“Before the girl was like a person who could die of anger with just a few words, I didn’t dare to say much . But now...” He finally drank the tea in his hand, and the edge of the cup covered the curve of his lips, “Isn’t this because the girl promised me to make a wish?”

It was that if Shen Li did not agree he would throw her out . Shen Li was very clear he wouldn’t but she still looked at him and replied: “Okay, I accept your double wish . As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you achieve it . ”

He put down the teacup, the curvature of his lips remained as usual, but he only smiled for a moment, then he turned his head slightly . Looking at Shen Li’s direction, he pursed his lips, changed the smile on his lips, and said, “I have cooked fish soup, can the girl taste it?”

Shen Li nodded, although, even if she eats fish she wouldn’t taste it . Eating the soup and drinking water, was the same .

Even after living in this hut for some time, Shen Li’s limbs were hurt too badly, and it was much slower than usual . Her five senses still did not recover . She told herself not to worry . But every time someone had to feed her, she hated herself very much, and more importantly...

“I want to go to the toilet...” Shen Li said hardly in her voice .

In fact, they have done this many times, but she didn’t know at that time that was Xing Zhi helping her . Shen Li just treated as an ordinary fisherman, she always thought that she could hurt his head to make him forget . But now she knows it is Xing Zhi . First, she is injured and she can’t kill him even if she wishes . Second... She... is even shyer around him anyway...

Third, he is a god, someone who should be prideful, he shouldn’t have to do this for anyone...

When Shen Li’s thoughts were a mess, he took out the chamber pot placed in the corner as usual, and he specially modified Shen Li to make it convenient for her current body so that she could sit on it .

Xing Zhi probed into Shen Li’s quilt, loosened her belt, and then pulled her pants down . Shen Li’s clothes were long . He arranged her clothes in the quilt before removing her from the quilt . He carried her out, put her on the chamber pot, let her sit down, and left the door without changing his face .

Shen Li sat and adjusted her emotions for a long time, and then relaxed . But the last thing was to clean up, she would rather die than let him do it .

Struggling with the pain of the open wound, she cleaned it up by herself, and then drooped her head and shouted: “Okay . ” She walked in from outside the house again .

When he put the quilt on Shen Li, he saw blood oozing out of her wrist, his brow wrinkled slightly and the corners of his mouth moved, but in the end, he said nothing .

After each incident, Shen Li always felt awkward for a while . After Xing Zhi set her up, he left the space for her and went to the yard by himself .

In fact, he had nothing to do, so he just watched the room in a daze .

After some more time, Shen Li was barely able to walk .

She was inevitably a little eager to make herself run, but even walking two steps was too much and she would fall .

It was okay when she didn’t have the senses . If it didn’t hurt she could just get up and continue walking, but once the sense of touch recovers, if she falls to the ground, the joints of the limbs would be too painful, and if she couldn’t bear it, she would have to shake her teeth and stay on the ground for a long time...

So every time she practiced walking in the house, she would make sure that Xing Zhi was absent . She was already embarrassed enough, especially in front of Xing Zhi...

hapter 58 . 2

The time Xing Zhi was absent was getting longer and longer . After breakfast in the morning, no one was seen . Shen Li also practiced moving her limbs day by day, but she couldn’t force the recovery speed of her bones and muscles .

Shen Li’s vision did not recover that day . She touched the table and walked, she was tired, and she wanted to pour some water .

When she touched the teapot on the table, she found that her fingers were not under her control, she tried her best to hold the handle of the kettle tightly, but she couldn’t .

It was more difficult to restore the flexibility of the fingers than to resume walking and running . Those small muscles and bones were not fully restored . It was a hundred times more difficult to take a teacup and hold a pair of chopsticks than walking and running .

Shen Li was a little stuck at this moment . She desperately wanted to hold the pot handle, but she was unable to succeed .

If so... If so, how could she hold a weapon in the future? How could she protect her people? Touching her arm, she let the teacup fall to the ground, the cracking sound was harsh .

There was a rush of footsteps outside the door, Shen Li was angry, and with a flick of her hand, she flicked everything out of the table: “Get out!”

The moment the door opened, the teacup fell on the door frame, cracking the porcelain . The film hit over the person’s brow bone, and blood immediately ran out .

Xing Zhi stopped without frowning, he stepped forward in two steps, grabbed Shen Li who was about to fall and helped her to sit by the bed . For a moment, the blood falling from between his eyebrows fell on the back of Shen Li’s hand .

When she was blind, his touch was always more sensitive than usual . When he turned to clean up the other debris in the house, Shen Li grabbed his hand .

Xing Zhi looked back at her, Shen Li’s mouth moved, but she never said a word .

The hand holding his hand became tighter and tighter, and she refused to let go . He squatted down in front of her and looked up at her slightly, “What’s wrong?”

Shen Li was silent for a long time, then she turned and slightly bowed her head:

“I hurt... I hurt you... I’m sorry . ”

Knowing that Shen Li couldn’t see, he smiled softly in front of her, “It’s okay . ”

Shen Li didn’t let go when he responded like this: “For physical reasons...I’ve been a little impatient recently . ”

“Yeah . ”

There was silence between the two . I don’t know how long later, Shen Li loosened a hand, touched Xing Zhi’s face, and poked his cheek with her index finger: “Here is it hurt?”

Xing Zhi allowed her fingers to lie on her face without stopping her . Only smiled and answered: “No . ”


“Not there . ”


“No . ”

Sensing that he seemed to be playing with herself, Shen Li was slightly angry and poked fiercely: “Here!” A feeling of wet fingertips came, but he heard a muffled hum . Shen Li retracted her hand: “I’m sorry... it got in your eyes...”

Xing Zhi sighed, took her hand, and placed it on the brow bone: “It’s here . ”

The blood seemed to flow a lot... Shen Li asked: “Does it hurt?”

Xing Zhi remained silent for a while then nodded: “It hurts . ”

As if it had been cut by a sharp knife, the chilly pain in his browns was followed by a hot pain and a feeling

Shen Li fell silent: “I’ll try to...control my temper . ”

“You don’t need to control yourself . ” Xing Zhi whispered, “Here, you don’t need to have control . ” He wanted her to act recklessly .

After venting her temper, Shen Li calmed down and thought about it . She insisted on practicing every day, but she was no longer so eager for quick success .

After practicing this way, her body recovered faster, and her five senses were better . When she didn’t have the sense of touch, she focused on sight and hearing, and when she didn’t have the sense of hearing, her sense of smell was strengthened . After a while, her five senses were unexpectedly improved . For Shen Li, this was a victory .

One day, when Shen Li was able to walk steadily without holding a chair or table, she suddenly wanted to go outside to see . Unexpectedly, she opened the door and stepped out .

It was this step that made her see the behavior of standing in the yard . He did nothing but stood in the sunshine like a young man by the sea and quietly met her .

He never left .

He has been silently accompanying her in his way .

“I’m hungry . ” Shen Li said .

“I cooked fish soup . ” A very ordinary conversation, but it made her feel warm .

Since Shen Li has been able to take care of herself, Xing Zhi really left the yard .

He made breakfast early in the morning and put it on the table to let Shen Li get up and eat, and then he packed up and went out to sea with the nearby fishermen . At noon, he returned alone again, carrying the fish that he had caught in the morning, setting firewood on the fire, and cooking lunch for Shen Li .

When Shen Li’s sense of smell recovered, she could always smell the fishy smell of the sea, but it was different from the original smell . At that time, he was full of the smell of sea breeze, without the slightest fishy smell, as if he was just in the sea for months letting the wind blow in his skin, and now he has everything on his body, salty, fishy, ​​bloody...

He is serious about pretending to be a fisherman...

Just like when he was reborn as a mortal, although he had his memory intact, he also only focused on doing what mortals should do in life .

Shen Li really admired such a mentality of being at ease .

Shen Li has been bored recently . After waiting for her trip in the morning, she walked around the yard twice, feeling really bored, and simply stepped out of the yard to see how the nearby fisherman worked .

She knew that still, She couldn’t walk fast, so when she reached the nearest fishing village, the people who went out fishing in the morning had already returned . They all unloaded the fish from the boat outside, but one just stood on his own boat and looked at something . He was rubbing his eyebrows, seeming to have a headache .

Shen Li was a little curious . She walked up the wooden trestle and walked to the place where the boat was parked: “Did you not catch the fish?” Before she finished speaking, Shen Li glanced at the things on his boat, a boat of pearl mussels and exotic treasures, but none of them were edible .

Shen Li had not yet recovered her mana, so she couldn’t detect the breath of the gods on his body, but the Dragon King is not a stupid one . Knowing that the High God was casting a net on his sea, how can he let go of this good opportunity to give gifts? The fish was also dragged out by the Dragon King . After seeing such a bunch of things, Shen Li couldn’t help but laugh out loud .

Xing Zhi was still a little unhappy, but seeing Shen Li smiled, he curled his eyebrows: “Why are you here?”

“I want to see how the fish are caught . ” Shen Li pointed to his boat without a fish and said, “But it seems that you didn’t fish today . ”

He stopped and nodded: “Yes, I deliberately added these things today . ”

This person really didn’t even hiccup when lying . Shen Li sat down on the trestle bridge: “Let me see, so many babies, take a few to sell for money . ”

Xing Zhi shook his head and only picked up a few pearl mussels: “Too many are useless, so I’ll throw them back into the sea in the afternoon . ”

“Don’t!” Shen Li called to him, “I’ll choose a few first!”

She hurriedly jumped into the fishing boat, he tried to help her while she walked, but the fishermen who came back and forth afterward walked in a hurry . Someone didn’t pay attention to bumping into Shen Li, and Shen Li went straight down, slammed into his arms .

She was hugged firmly, her chest pressed against his chest, and she could almost feel the other’s heartbeat .

This hug was as warm and safe as in that dream .

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