Accompanying the Phoenix

Chapter 3

Accompanying the Phoenix – Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The courtyard was built really well, to the point that when Chen Li searched for a gap to hide in, she couldn’t find so much of a crack!

Chen Li has never felt so frustrated or angry . She suddenly made a blood oath; If today, she gets made into chicken stew, she will degrade to a vengeful ghost and haunt heaven for 99 days and 99 nights to the point where they spit blood out of madness . If it wasn’t more them, would she be in such a disgraceful situati-

Before Chen Li could finish her thoughts, an unbearable pain shot through her wings . What happened?!? Panicked, she twisted her head around to see that the commoner girl had clutched both of her wings, leaving her helpless!! Chen Li’s legs ran madly, but alas, she was not free from the girl’s painful grip .

“Such an unpleasant chick, won’t you see how I deal with you!” The girl walked angrily to the kitchen, grabbing something .

Chen Li felt as if her bones were about to tear apart from pain! Bam! Chen Li was slammed onto the cutting board, the girl brandishing the knife above her . Suddenly, Chen Li felt the atmosphere between life and death, the one of a battle . She saw herself once again in the battle field, majestically brandishing her silver long spear . This feeling... had she really become so weak?

“Oh? What’s happening, and why are you here?”

A male voice sounded . In this moment between life and death, Chen Li struggled to turn her head to stare at Xing Yun . The sun coiled around him, looking as if he was an angel, a merciful savior . But in that moment, the knife chopped down, blocking her view .

The girl raised her hands in a defensive posture, and blushed . “X-Xing Yun, uh I just wanted to see you, and wanted to make some stew with the plucked chicken . If the chicken isn’t dead, it won’t taste good in the stew . ”

Chen Li could not even move a claw, completely defenseless . In today’s fight, she had drained all of her strength . She couldn’t help but think- Today, she is dead .

“This chicken cannot be eaten . ” Chen Li was dragged into a pair of warm arms, the scent of medicinal herbs in the air . This smell is really quite good...

“Ah... I apologize... . I just wanted to leave you something before I left . ” The girl twisted her fingers out of nervousness as she spoke in a trembling voice; “Tomorrow, I will be learning business in the far south with my father... I may not c-come back... III-I might never see Brother Xing again!

“Oh? You say you leave me, yet I have never even laid eyes on you . ” The male in question replied rather coldly . The girl’s cheeks were red and eyes bloodshot as she cried . “No! I still saw you every day, looking from behind the walls! Everyday... . ” She looked so pitiful that even Chen li could almost not help but not blame her .

“Ah? Too sad, too sad . I have not once seen you before . ”

Chen Li stared at him in shock, speechless . Was this really him saying this? Even adding such venom into his words!! On top of that, Xing Yun was even smiling!

The girl’s face was deathly pale, staring at Xing Yun in disbelief . “Have you not come to beg for forgiveness or something? Well then I’m sorry, but I have nothing to give you . ”

“No...” She clutched her chest painfully as she staggered away, stuttering . “N-No Need...”

Xing Yun only waved, a calm smile still on his face . Like nothing had just happened, he put Chen Li down and picked up the kitchenware . “Well then, what to eat for dinner today?”

Chen Li, who was still on the floor, saw the girl loitering by the door, apparently still indigent about leaving . In the end, she simply just wiped her nose and buried her head in her arms . Chen Li sighed . This girl, although she is very stupid, and terribly stubborn, her heart is still whole and pure . Chen Li really could not understand the affairs between mortal heats .

The pots and pans clanged loudly when Xing Yun suddenly spoke; “What business can I get?”

Chen Li was completely confused- What business do you need, just sell your body to me! She thought in her mind . Was he talking to her?

“Ah!” Xing Yun smiled, then sighed, before shaking his head . “ I just asked you, a chicken a question . So how could you understand my intentions, and even reply back?” He squatted down and stared at Chen Li in the eye . “Sell my body to you how?”

Chen Li is stunned- How?!? Is this guy really talking to her? How did he know? Did he know from the moment he bought her? She was filled was questions as she stared at Xing Yun, eyes wide . Was this guy, in fact, simply playing with her ever since he had bought her?!?

Xing Yun smiled slightly .

“Yes I was playing with you . ”

Chen Li didn’t move a muscle, forcing herself to stay calm amidst the provocation .

“Also, my name is Xing Yun, not “this guy”, and again, how would I sell myself?”

Pretending to sell himself... . binding her... . Teasing her... Is he not just simply destroying her pride?!? Does he really have no morality?!

“Teasing you, binding you, were they really such terrible things? Well anyway, it disciplines you . ” He gently poked Chen Li’s head, like he was trying to comfort her before standing up and continuing to cook .

Chen Li imminently stood up and struggled to climb over the tall courtyard walls . She must find another place to slowly recover, or she will most likely die in this man’s hands before she could do a single thing!!

After a long, tiring climb, Chen Li had reached the front yard . However, she was so tired that she couldn’t even stand up, but only crawl . The door way out was just so close, yet no matter how much she struggled, she couldn’t reach it at all! The dreary, sunset glow sat on her, making her look very pitiful . At this time, Xing Yun called out, “Come to eat!!” He walked over to Chen Li, picking her up by the wings before returning her again in the courtyard in front of a bowl of Risitto .

Too tired... Chen Li couldn’t even lift her head up, choosing instead to simply fall asleep under the moonlight, surrounded by grapevines .

In this time, she had a dream . She was once again in her human form, lying under gorgeous grapevines as dewy moonlight fell on her jade like skin . In the cold, she could not help but curl up, shivering . Almost magically, a blanket, seemingly from the heavens fell down upon her, followed by warmth and a medicinal scent . She cuddled with blanket as she fell into a deep sleep .

Xing Yun gently swept a blanket on her as he sat down beside her loose dark hair and soft face . “Soft hair... Beauitiful face... Really not a bad looking girl .

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