Astral Pet Store

Chapter 251 House Dragon

Chapter 251 House Dragon

Su Ping raised his eyebrows.

This was not the first time that he had been questioned because of the store prices.

Previously, the prices had aroused some controversy when students of the Phoenix Peak Academy first began to visit his store. However, his training turned out to be rewarding. Students understood that the service offered was of high value, and the price was not high at all.

But those customers present were not as reasonable as the students. They had become sophisticated and paranoid after years of mingling in society, and they had never planned on giving Su Ping any chances to prove himself.

“Quiet!” Su Ping yelled.

He was no longer hiding his astral powers. The force released belonged to a sixth-rank battle pet warrior. His overwhelming power amazed the customers; they never anticipated that this young-looking guy could be so formidable.

Of course, not all the customers were low-rank battle pet warriors. Some were also at the sixth-rank, and they were going to try their chances at the Elite League, while several others were at the upper position of the sixth rank.

Seventh-rank battle pet warriors would no longer be qualified for the Elite League. They could only participate in the Supremacy League.

The upper position of the sixth rank was the ceiling for the Elite League.

A young man standing at the head of the line grunted. He wasn’t afraid of Su Ping’s demonstration of power at all. The young man raised his head so he could look down on him. “You must clarify your high price. You’re not going to force your service on us, are you?”

“He’s right.”

“Don’t try to strong-arm us.”

With someone taking the lead, the other customers had recovered from their initial shock. More and more people began to echo the other people’s views.

Su Ping glanced over the crowd. All he could see were anger and doubt on people’s faces. He understood that explaining wouldn’t do, and he wasn’t in the mood to explain anyways. He waved his hand and opened up the contract space.

“Come out.”


A spurt of flames swept across from the inside.

The temperature inside the store was rising dramatically. Burst after burst of fire emerged from the contract space. Accompanying that were some breathing noises that lingered in people’s ears. The customers felt their hearts were going to a stop because of trepidation.

Tang Ruyan was standing by the crowd as an onlooker. Suddenly, she had a chance to see. She squinted her eyes in fear. This feeling... Was it...


A low and deep noise was heard.

That was a dragon’s roar.

The roar was unique to dragons. The volume was not high, but perfect silence had prevailed. Many people had goosebumps.

A huge dragon’s head was the first thing to sneak out from the contract space. Black flames with dark red flames in between were burning fiercely on the dragon’s head. That was the Inferno Dragonfire, which was said to be evil flames birthed in hell.

Gradually, the Inferno Dragon revealed itself completely, its mighty build and its horrific dragon scales. The Inferno Dragon landed on the store’s floor, overlooking the masses.

After the store had been modified, the ceiling was raised to a dozen meters high, more than enough to house the Inferno Dragon which was over 10 meters tall.

Silence fell. No one was making the slightest sound.

Everyone was staring at this Inferno Dragon with their mouths open and their minds blank.

That was... the Inferno Dragon!

Around the globe, the Inferno Dragon was one of the top 3 most powerful dragons. An Inferno Dragon was actually right there?! The Inferno Dragon’s evil energy and a pungent smell of blood were spread across the place. Everyone felt that they couldn’t even breathe loudly. The gruesome Inferno Dragon was so close to them that they felt they were standing in front of death.

How terrifying.

What was more terrifying was that this pet had been summoned by that young store owner. The dragon was his pet!!

The young man who had been looking at Su Ping with scorn could not believe his eyes. He was staring at the Inferno Dragon so hard that his eyes almost fell out.

That was an adult Inferno Dragon, an overlord among all the seventh-rank pets. The Inferno Dragon could kill him with a single move.

The young man regretted having underestimated the store owner. He thought that the store owner was merely at the lower position of the sixth rank while he was at the upper position. Actually, if he was willing, he would have reached the seventh rank already.

However, he wouldn’t be able to participate in the Elite League if he broke through. Therefore, he had been deliberately keeping his strength at the sixth rank.

Of course, even if he were at the seventh rank, he still stood no chance in front of the Inferno Dragon.

It was unimaginable, to find the rarest of the rarest dragon right there. Who was its master? What kind of family was its master from?!

Noticing the complete silence, Su Ping knew he had achieved the desired effect. Considering that this could happen again, Su Ping had an idea: he told the Inferno Dragon to subdue its strength a bit and go to the door.

Just so that the Inferno Dragon could watch his door, nothing else. The Inferno Dragon by the door was a form of deterrence and promotion at the same time.

Su Ping had not thought of this because, to him, the Inferno Dragon as his back-up pet. His actual main force was the Little Skeleton. As such, he had always been taking the Inferno Dragon for granted.

But he had to admit that for the outsiders, the Inferno Dragon was more intimidating than the Little Skeleton. After all, the fact that the Inferno Dragon was one of the mightiest dragons was public knowledge.

Bang! Bang!

The Inferno Dragon stomped toward the door.

The customers gathered by the counter immediately stepped aside in fear. Some ran out of the store directly, thinking that the dragon was about to attack them.

Breathing heavily, the Inferno Dragon went to the door through the path people had cleared.

Under Su Ping’s instructions, the Inferno Dragon got on all fours by the door, but it remained a few steps away from the two dragon statues. The Inferno Dragon settled down by the door and never made another move. After a long time, the customers in the store finally came back to their senses. They began to find their breaths as if they had suffocated for a few minutes.

“The services and products we provide here are beneficial, and the price is low in comparison to their worth. Anyone with doubts is welcome to leave. Anyone who keeps on creating a scene here will be banished from the store and will be on the blacklist forever,” Su Ping announced calmly.

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

The dragon was still out there by the door.

The Inferno Dragon couldn’t have been a fake one.

How awesome the store owner was to have this dragon as his pet.

This had to be the only Inferno Dragon in the entire Longjiang Base City.

Even across the entire continent, the number of Inferno Dragons was limited. They were never commonly seen pets.

Some customers were getting their hopes up. Their eyes glowed in excitement, and they could not wait to try the services.

A store owner that had an Inferno Dragon wasn’t a person in want of money.

As for why this store owner chose to run his store in this shantytown and not the prosperous upper town area... Well, those big shots had unique personalities. What can you do about that?

The previously raging short and chubby man was trembling and unable to utter a word. The moment the Inferno Dragon came out, he thought the dragon was about to eat him alive, and since then, he had not been able to move an inch.

Of course, the Inferno Dragon didn’t eat him. He was still alive.

He felt he was a lucky survivor from a holocaust.

Cold sweat had soaked his clothes. He wiped his sweat, apologized to Su Ping in a panic, and hurried away. He was afraid to stay another second.

As for the training?

He believed in Su Ping’s words. It was just that he couldn’t afford the one hundred thousand training fee.

If he had that much money, he would rather go and buy a better pet.

The short and chubby man reached the door. He shot another glance at the Inferno Dragon and ran away as if fleeing for his life.

That man was no longer Su Ping’s concern. He called Tang Ruyan over and told her to maintain order in the store.

Tang Ruyan had recovered from her astonishment. There was a troubled look on her face. Back at the Mysterious Realm, she had realized that Su Ping possessed strong powers. This day, to her dismay, she had once again seen proof of his strength. She was sure that she could count the number of her peers that were stronger than her with one hand.

Su Ping was one of the few.

“He is such a freak...” Tang Ruyan murmured. She was thinking that, if and when she was able to return to her family, she would have to ask her seniors for help to overpower Su Ping. Besides, she had to run a background check on him. She had to consider the potential connections he had.

Thanks to the deterring Inferno Dragon, the order in the store was instantly restored.

Everyone stood in line. No one was arguing or asking questions.

Someone believed the Inferno Dragon was proof that Su Ping himself was intimidating as well. Some began to hold him in awe and respect.

After all, Su Ping was the dragon’s master.

Many of the customers stayed while a fair number of people left.

It wasn’t because they still doubted the price; they couldn’t afford it. After all, most of the customers had just paid a visit to check the store out. The set prices were evidently out of their reach.

Some of Mu Shuangwan’s fans left as well, down spirited. They were still young and had to rely on their parents to live. They could afford the service with their pocket money they had saved if the price was in the hundreds or thousands. But the one hundred thousand price was too high for most adults.

Su Ping didn’t mind that many people had taken off. He believed that when the name of the store got out, even the less affluent customers would save money to visit him.

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