Inverse System

Chapter 17 - Mental Torture

"Hey Rein, did your eyes just turn red for a second? Hmm, it must\'ve been the reflection of the lights turning on. But wow, I never realized how yellow your eyes are…" Chloe got close to Rein\'s face, putting her pure purple eyes on his yellow ones. Rein let go of her hand and moved his face away.

"Hey! What are you two doing? Let\'s go to the academy dorm! Saphrilla and I are getting sleepy," Called Emria, with Saphrilla yawning behind her.

Rein and Chloe caught up with them and they headed to the dorm. As the building came into view, they marveled at its size. It was a huge 6 story building with balconies, windows, and air conditioners. Each floor seemed to have about 20 rooms, but on the top floor, there were only 4, meaning those rooms were 5 times the size. The luxury rooms. The winner of the entrance tournament would get a free ride to the academy and be given one of the top floor rooms. Rein noticed that Chloe\'s eyes were locked on the luxury floor, with a look of determination. After all, if you get first place, not only do you get the luxury room, but all of your living expenses are paid for you by the school when otherwise, all you\'d get is a free ride. That\'s why, for someone who didn\'t bring any money with them, like Rein, getting 1st place was crucial. They entered the building and stated their names to the receptionists.

"Oh, are you contestants? Sorry, this is the student dorm. The contestants will be staying in the old dormitory building. It\'s directly south of this building, you can\'t miss it," Informed the receptionist.

They headed south and eventually saw an old, unkempt, run-down building. The look of disappointment was etched on each of their faces, but nonetheless, they entered. The inside was nothing like the outside. It was clean, vibrant, with no crack in sight. This old dorm had 20 rooms in total, which is why they had to build a new dorm to fit the size of the school. Of course, not everyone who attends the school lives in the dorms, but as the population grew, so did the demands on dorm rooms.

"Welcome! Oh, so you\'re the last contestants… Rein Xilris and Chloe Aska? Here are your room keys. Oh, and are these your sisters? Hmm, they are registered in your party, so they\'re allowed to stay with you! Here are your keys. Have a good night!"

They walked to their rooms, passing other occupied rooms. As they passed one room, Rein noticed someone peering through one of the doors. Rein smiled devilishly. As they walked past the door, Rein accidentally dropped his key, which had room number 8 on it. There were only 2 rooms left in this hallway, the ones at the end, room 7 and 8. Rein picked the key back up and continued down the hall, noticing the gaze that was on them was now gone. They finally reached the end of the hall and the last 2 rooms.

"Well, today was fun. Thank you guys" Chloe bowed down in gratitude, causing Rein to be oddly surprised. Emria and Saphrilla entered room 8, but Rein was a little behind.

"Hey Chloe, can I talk to you for a sec?"

4 hours later, everyone in the building was fast asleep. Two doors opened in the middle of the night. Room 6 and room 2, and out came the tall delinquent and the thief who stole the coins.

"Hey, I don\'t think we should be doing this Weiss." Said the tall delinquent.

"Loosen up Quint, that idiot dropped his key when he walked past my room, so I saw his room number. He\'s in room 8. But I have a plan. There are two rooms at the end of the hall. Room 8, which is the room he\'s in, but his girl is in room 7. You catch my flow yet? She\'s defenseless… We might as well have some fun, right Quint?"

Weiss was the short thief who stole the coins in the preliminary round. His spring, invisibility, is perfect for espionage. It was what allowed him to steal those coins unnoticed. Quint was the delinquent who qualified 2nd. The two quietly tip-toed to room 7, knocking on it softly, but they noticed that the door was already open as they knocked.

"Heh, that stupid bitch forgot to lock her door. Now I\'m gonna fuck his girl and teach that white-haired prick not to mess with us." Laughed Weiss as he closed the door. When the door fully closed Quint disappeared and the entire room turned into a white void.

"The fuck!? What happened?! Quint?! Where\'d you go man? Shit! Was it a trap?!" Weiss was left alone in the strange, white room. He heard a soft snore come from the void, which sounded like the snore of a woman.

"Who\'s there? Is it the girl?!" He looked around, seeing the hooded girl sleeping in a bed.

"So she\'s still sleeping. Heh, well, white room or not, I\'m still gonna have some fun." Said Weiss, reaching over to the sleeping girl. As his hand approached, the girl disappeared, being replaced by a white-haired boy.

"What the fuck! What are you doing here?!" Weiss screamed, jumping away. Rein approached Weiss without saying a word.

"Hey, you\'d better watch out! Don\'t come near me you piece of shit" Yelled Weiss, looking around him to see if Quint was around. Nothing, except the white-haired man standing in front of him, could be seen. As Weiss was walking backward, he suddenly bumped into an invisible wall, cutting off his escape route from Rein.

"Wh-where\'s Quint?! He should be in here with me! Answer me asshole!" Insisted Weiss, his voice trembling.

"Your mind is in the palm of my hand. I wouldn\'t be talking so arrogantly if I were you." Declared Rein menacingly.

"Please! Have mercy on me! I wasn\'t gonna do anythin\'! I swear! Please just leave me be!!" Weiss begged profusely, getting on all fours and prostrating to Rein.

"That other guy never entered with you. He made a sensible choice. It was all an illusion, so you remember him entering with you. But in reality, he didn\'t accept your disgusting plan." When Rein reached the pitiful goblin prostrating to him, he grabbed him by the hair, lifting him up to eye level with him.

"May your mind be judged by the faith of your intentions." He uttered these words, his finger touching Weiss\' forehead, making Rein dissipate into thin air in Weiss\' perspective.

"Huh..? He\'s gone?" Suddenly, the white void turned pitch black. Weiss\' limbs became chained to invisible walls around him. He began feeling extremely sharp mental pain, followed by excruciating physical pain. He looked down and saw his stomach being gouged out. He screamed at the top of his lungs, but that only made things worst. His fingers began de-attaching one by one, followed by more inexplicable pains. Any form of torture imaginable was used, and after it was all over, his entire body slowly and painfully healed, and the process was repeated for what felt like months.

The next morning, Rein woke up and met up with Chloe, Emria, and Saphrilla. Rein had switched rooms with Chloe the previous day and had her sleep with the 2 girls. He anticipated something like this would happen. He passed by Weiss\' room and peered into it to see nobody inside. He sighed and continued walking. He had copied Saphrilla\'s telekinesis power, which allowed her to physically manipulate objects. Copying it made Rein able to mentally manipulate things, with some limitations of course. Everything that had happened to Weiss was an illusion, and his mind was most likely broken thereafter.

When they arrived at the arena, they were informed that Weiss had come in earlier in the morning and had withdrawn from the tournament.

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