Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 217 - The Fun Must Go On

Cassidy saw how Adrian went from alarmed to panic-stricken to enraged.

She herself was overwrought. Then again, getting followed around by some shady-looking stranger is serious enough to make her feel distraught. However, unlike him, she was still able to keep her calm somehow. She managed to pull herself together and think things through. 

So, before he could send out an order to lock down the whole amusement park just to capture that stalker, she got to talk him out of it. 

"Adrian, checking the surveillance cameras is enough for now. The security can handle this. No need to go that far..." Cassidy said to Adrian right before he gave a call to Edward and told him about what happened. 

"Letting Edward and Charlie know about this incident is enough. I don\'t want to worry the kids and ruin the night for them. Besides, we are still not sure if that person has any scheme. For all we know, he is only scaring out people just for the heck of it. So, in the meantime, can we let the staff deal with it?"

"I don\'t think that creep\'s only messing around, Cassidy. I saw how he looked at me - and at you too. I\'m not going to risk it. He needs to be caught once and for all."

"I understand. But can we please not trouble the kids? It\'s rare for us to get together like this, after all. They deserve to have a good time every once in a while."

"Does that mean you still don\'t want to go home? We\'re staying?"

"Yes. Let\'s continue with our plans for tonight. Please?"

Per his wife\'s request, he decided to move in the shadows for the time being, though he\'d definitely go against her wish once he learned that she\'s in danger. He will not be rest assured until he finds that stalker. That\'s why he\'ll proceed to search for him, but at the same time, he needs to keep it down. 

In the end, they agree to go with what each other wants - Adrian will check the surveillance cameras and talk with the security alongside Edward while Charles takes Cassidy to the children and their other companions.

"Right. So, it\'s settled then," he said, clasping his hands together in a way that told her he\'s reached a firm decision about the matter.

"Check in with me later and stick together, alright?"

"Alright...!" she agreed before she drew closer to him and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"Don\'t go overboard, okay? Listen to what Edward has to say too."

"Okay. You go have fun."

"Let\'s go up on the Ferris Wheel later?"


Right then, Edward and Charles finally arrived. 


"You should\'ve seen it, Aunty...!" Hugo chittered happily, rushing over to where Cassidy and Charles were as they approached him and the others.

"Uncle Asher went \'nyoom\' and I swerved like a madman, and then he hit Aunt Irish so hard!"

His enthusiasm puts a smile on her face. Seeing her nephew having fun like this makes her feel a lot better.

They met up with them in front of the Bumper Cars attraction. Apparently, they were finally done with the gaming booths - or more like Irish and Asher decided to find another way to let out their aggravation after causing a commotion at the last booth they played in.

This time, they wanted to go a little physical, so they agreed to get on a ride that could let them crash into each other as much as they wanted to. 

"We got kicked out, though..." Joshua added dejectedly.

"They said we were playing too rough, especially those two."

"Of course you\'d get banned from the bumper cars," Charles sighed. 

"Yeah, well, now I\'m bored...!" Hugo huffed, pouting.

"Can we play with Aunty now? Why don\'t you come with us to the shooting games?"

"Oh, a shooting game, huh?" Cassidy blurted out, recalling that she just tried one with Adrian earlier. 

"Why? Does Aunty suck at shooting?"

"No, she doesn\'t...!" Asher chimed in from behind them, stealing their attention. 

"You all should see her go. She\'s really good!"

"Huh? I thought big sis sucks at shooting or something," Aira commented to which he shook his head vehemently.

"Nah, it\'s like the one thing she\'s good at!"

Cassidy is affronted by this. She then glared at Asher and bolted out, "I\'m good at other things, too!"

"I want to see you shoot, Aunt...!" Damien enthused, joining the hype. 

"Let\'s go!"

But then, Charles held up his hand and pulled out his phone - it\'s a message from Adrian. Cassidy stayed where she was, a little surprised. It seemed like he already finished what he had to do with Edward. 

"Hold on for a bit. We\'ll have to wait for the President and Sir Edward to come back," Charles said after reading the message.

"How long do we have to wait?" Hugo asked with a frown.

"I\'m not sure."

"Awh! But we\'re at an amusement park! We should be doing things!"

"Well, do you guys want to go get some cotton candy for now?" Cassidy offered to the kids.

Hugo and Joshua perk at this while Damien and Aira nodded. With that, they all ran off for the cotton candy stands, leaving the other adults behind. They soon come back with several heaping piles of cotton candy.

"Here, Aunt Irish...!" Hugo chirped and offered Irish a pile while she only stared at it for a moment, slightly horrified.

"What\'s the matter?"

"I can\'t eat that much! I\'ve been working out!"

"I\'ll just finish whatever leftovers you have!"

"You\'re going to get cavities."

"I\'ll brush my teeth!"

"Should\'ve challenged you to an eating contest instead..." Asher muttered, earning her death stare.

"Oh, wait. No need. You\'ll still be a loser."

Though annoyed, Irish eventually sighed in defeat and took the big ball of pinkish fluff. She then started shoving bits and pieces into her mouth. Hugo and the others have finished scarfing down their share by the time she has gone through a third of hers.

While they all pick at Irish\'s leftover pile, Asher kept making fun of her until they ended up with yet another challenge. 

\'Asher and Irene, huh? Then, there\'s Charlie and Ofelia too...\' Cassidy thought to herself as she watched all four of them hang out in pairs, pouting a little. 

\'Now, I\'m missing my Adrian.\'

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