Dark King

Chapter 681

However, no matter how much money they had, in the eyes of the nobles, they were still just country bumpkins.

This kind of contempt did not only involve the issue of face.

In some high-end banquet venues, even if they received an invitation, they would still be ostracized at the very edge. No one would pay attention to them and they would not be able to expand their network. They would even directly reject some business deals when they knew that they were not nobles. This contempt was reflected in all aspects. This was not only the advantage of the strict class system, but also the disadvantage. Those who stood on the high side would receive the best treatment, while those who stood on the low side would face the most difficult situation.

Now that there was such an opportunity, for some people who wanted to become nobles, it was worth it no matter what price they paid.

The same mentality existed in the hearts of the nobles. The position of the inner wall in the hearts of the nobles was just like the position of the nobles in the hearts of the commoners. It was unattainable and unreachable. They could clearly see it, but they could not reach it, it seemed to be the same as the saying that what could not be obtained was always the best and the most desired.

The news spread through the entire outer wall like a hurricane. It was even faster than the news when the barbarians invaded the chaotic war.

“Child, you have to learn well. Sit, walk, stand, and run. You have to have a temperament and style. Follow what the teacher taught you. You must not act recklessly.”In a courtyard in the civilian district, a khaki-haired mother was teaching her child.

The child, who was only five or six years old, was dressed neatly and meticulously. His khaki-colored hair was also combed neatly. He wore a small suit and a red tie around his neck. He looked very distinguished.

The child followed his mother’s instructions and walked in the yard. As he walked, he asked, “Mom, why do I need to practice these things? Lili, who lives next door, has already gone to school. I want to go too.”

“Silly child, what’s so good about her attending a carpenter’s college? In the future, when she comes out, she can only do things that commoners do. You are different from them. If you practice these noble etiquette well, one day, we will become nobles,”his mother said with a smile.

“Mom, can we become nobles just by practicing this?”The child asked, puzzled.

His mother smiled and said, “Your grandmother once married a noble. Later, because of some matters, she migrated out of the business district. In our generation, she’s already a commoner. But one day, we’ll go back. When you finish practicing these things, we’ll be able to go back.”

“I know, mother. I will train hard!”

The nobles in the business district received the news one after another. In the Gallo family, which was in charge of the Green Consortium, the head of the Gallo family looked at the newspaper in his hand. He was shocked for a few minutes before he slowly came back to his senses, a pair of fierce eyes, which were used to shout at the business district, became a little red at this moment. Tears welled up in his eyes. He was so excited that his voice trembled. “Finally, finally, we have a chance to return to the inner wall…”

“We, we can finally return to the inner wall!”

Similar voices rang out in many noble castles, and early in the morning, cries could be heard all over the noble castles.

At the same time, in the conference hall of the monastery’s main courtyard, in the central area of the inner wall behind the wall of sighs.., the burly old man sitting in the lead seat said to Mogran who was sitting to the side, “How is it? Did the dragon clan send someone to the outer wall? Why is there no movement at all?”

Mogra said respectfully: “Dean, according to the people I bribed from the Dragon Clan, that Saintess Hathaway has already sent someone to the outer wall. However, the people I sent to the outer wall to observe the situation have reported that the youth is still alive and there seems to be no movement. I guess that the Dragon Clan is not sure whether the news is true or not. They only sent one person to investigate. I think the Scout has already sent the news back to the Dragon Clan. If the person beside the youth is indeed that Saintess Aisha, I think that the Dragon Clan will make a big move soon!”

“Really? There’s no movement at all in the outer wall?”The burly old man frowned. “Who are the people sent by the Dragon Clan to investigate the outer wall? There shouldn’t be many experts who can investigate Aisha, right?”

Mogran shook his head, “I don’t know about that, but they should send an expert. I remember that the person ranked third on the assassination list is from the Dragon Clan. If we send him over, we will definitely be able to find out the true identity of the woman beside this young man.”

The burly elder nodded slightly, “It seems that we need to wait for another day or two. Ask your men to pay close attention to the changes in the outer wall area. By the way, has the military responded?”

“Those guys from the military are thinking the same as us. They also want the Dragon Clan to be the first to test the truth. They are not willing to send the ten war gods to fight with Aisha. It is said that this woman has already awakened her witcher bloodline power three times. Her strength is extraordinary. It is not something that ordinary pioneers can deal with. Even if the ten war gods go out, there will be a lot of casualties,”Mogran said.

The burly elder nodded slightly. Suddenly, his eyes moved and he asked, “Do the wing clan and the Rock Clan Know About This?”

Mogran immediately understood what he meant. He said with a smile, “I have already secretly revealed it to them. I guess they are also watching the Dragon Clan’s actions. They have even sent people to the outer wall area to check it out.”

“A Saintess of the dragon clan is wandering outside. This is a good opportunity to get rid of her. They should be tempted.”The burly Elder’s eyes were deep, he said softly, “This is a good opportunity to see the performance of the three great demon-hunter families. Oh, right, has His Majesty returned?”

“Not yet.”Mogran shook his head.

The burly old man nodded slightly and did not say anything else.

At the same time, in a city in the inner wall area, Glenn dressed up as a noble lady. She was accompanied by two attendants, holding a snow-white fluffy puppy in their hands as they strolled on the street, they slowly walked to a remote street. There were armored soldiers stationed there, but there were not many of them, and they were sparse.

Glenn inadvertently glanced at them a few times. After seeing the defense situation clearly, she handed the puppy in her arms to a lackey. This lackey’s palm was rough, and there was a scar between his thumb and forefinger. It was obvious that he was not an ordinary lackey.

Glenn came to an uninhabited place and immediately used her magic marks power to dive into the earth.

After a short while, she arrived at the underground area where the soldiers were stationed. Soon, she saw a huge well that led to the depths of the underground. According to the description on the drawing, this well was the largest source of water in the city, it was connected to an underground reservoir.

Glenn dived to the side of the well and unscrewed the cap of the glass bottle in her arms. Then, she threw the bottle into the well.

When she was done, she immediately went back the way she had come, and soon she was back on the ground. She put on her bright coat, took the puppy from her attendant, and turned away.

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