Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 193 The King Dust Snake, King

Rex\'s one week stay in the underground city was a memorable one, and after enjoying himself thoroughly alongside his friends, he was ready to go.

Having made all the negotiations and talk with the Naga Queen already, he no longer had any shackles here that tied him down and prevented him from leaving. Though the Queen wanted him to stay, she did not force him.

And having spent one week with her, Rex learned to respect her.

Apart from her flirting and naughty side, the Red Ruler of Death was a truly powerful existence. Rex revered her more after learning of the primordials.

Because of his Coffin of the Ancients and some other observations that he made, especially recently after his trip to Planet Tioron, he already came to the conclusion that pure bloodline beasts were the original invaders.

Perhaps, due to the atmosphere and other layers that protected the earth surface, mystic energy was not as unbridled and unadulterated here.

This was why mystic beasts here had undiluted mystic powers and bloodlines, only those that had ties to outside the planet were pure bloodline beasts. Rex confirmed this after hearing the story about the ancients.

The fact that only 12 Primordials were responsible for leading the invasion that almost led to the extinction of humanity was all that Rex needed to fully comprehend the full extents of the Naga Queen\'s power and influence.

She was a powerful warrior and a powerful Queen.

For a long time, despite his outrageous growth speed, Rex was always under pressure since his enemies were those who were far more powerful than him.

If for one reason or the other, his enemies lost patience and decided to send their strongest warriors after him, despite all his trump cards, he stood no chance.

But with the Naga Queen now, he finally stood a chance.

If he could continually please the Naga Queen with his blood and help her recover, perhaps on that rainy day in his moment of need, she would be the one that would stand up for him and fight on his behalf.

And in his opinion, for a Primordial like her, despite being injured now, very few mystic warriors on earth could stand up against her and survive.

Even if he didn\'t get Sword Saint Minato\'s full inheritance, even if he didn\'t become the leader of the Blood Spartan Tribe, making the Naga Queen his ally was already more than he bargained for when coming to the Great Desert.

All in all, he made a great gain coming here.

And before leaving though, Rex still wanted to make one more gain. "I have one last favor to ask of you".

The Naga Queen turned to face him with a teasing smile on her face. "What?"

"I want the Dust Snake that attacked me and my companions".

"Oh". She flicked her tongue playfully. "You want to use that mystic treasure of yours on it?"


"Well, no, I refuse". She smiled playfully. "The Dust Snake is my subject".

"But I am your ally".

She ignored him like she didn\'t hear what she said. "For any transaction, there must be payment. If you pay me enough, I may decide to give you".

"What do you want?"

"Guess". She continued smiling playfully.

"Ok". Rex sighed exasperatedly and gave in. "You\'ll take a hug?"

"A kiss".

"A peck".

"A passionate kiss on the lips!"


Rex palmed his head. "Ugh…"

"Take it or leave it".

"Ok, fine".

This time, Rex was bolder. He grabbed her tightly by the waist and proactively kissed her, after like a minute, he detached from her and turned to leave. Of course, he left with the Dust Snake.

As he left, the Naga Queen flicked her tongue. "Goodbye, my love!"

Rex shuddered again on hearing this word despite hearing it so many times already, making her to chuckle in amusement.

Once he left her chambers, Rex went to get Ben, John the sailor, and his transformed beasts and warrior before finally leaving the underground city for good. If everything went according to plan, he was not returning anytime soon.

Rex stood before the weakened Dust Snake and brought out one of his most important mystic treasures, the Coffin of the Ancients.

Instantly after the snake set its eyes on the coffin, it shuddered in fear like it just saw its natural nemesis as the snake tried to squirm away to no avail.

With the Naga Queen herself putting a suppression on it, the snake could not struggle to escape, it was firmly in Rex\'s grasp.

Rex looked the snake in the eye. "You remember that day?"

"With your minions, you outnumbered me and surrounded me. You bullied me and my companions, you almost made me die and lose all 3 of my companions".

"For a long time, I\'ve thought of how to get my revenge".

"Death is too light a punishment for you to pay for your sins".

"I am too lazy to spend my time torturing you before killing you".

"In the end, after a lot of thinking, I thought of this, the coffin".

"What better punishment than turning your enemy into your loyal servant whose sole purpose in life is dedicated towards serving you and dying for you?"

"After a lot of thought, I think turning you into my 3rd transformed beast is the best punishment that you can ever serve".

"That way, you get to atone for your sins by helping me".

The Dust Snake struggled even more now as the fear in its eyes intensified. Warriors were not afraid of death, what they were more afraid of instead was losing their rationality and becoming slaves of their own selves.

The Dust Snake pleaded but Rex was ruthless.

Once he opened the coffin, he grabbed the snake and threw it in. Having prepared for it during his 1 week stay in the underground city, he brought out a bunch of mystic stones and started throwing them inside the coffin.

The coffin swallowed them all and in no time started glowing with a red light. This time, the coffin asked for his blood which it drank to glow brighter.

After pouring in a lot of his mystic energy, to Rex\'s disappointment, for the first time, the success rate of his coffin worked against him and it was a failure.

Fortunately, the Dust Snake\'s body was not destroyed in the process which gave him another chance to try transforming it.

Despite its cries, he ruthlessly started the procedure again. At this moment, this apex predator among desert snakes was no longer as menacing as before.

After pouring in his blood, a lot of his mystic energy, and tons of mystic stones, a few minutes later, the glow of the coffin finally dimmed and this time, it was a massive success.


[Congratulations! You have created your 3rd transformed beast!]

[You have acquired a pure bloodline beast: King Dust Snake!]

[Do you want to give your 3rd transformed beast a name?]


"Yes". Rex nodded and briefly thought.

Dust Snakes were prestigious beasts among Desert snakes. The same way that Sand Worms were regarded as the apex predators across the desert, so also were they regarded as apex predators among all snakes in the desert.

They already had that prestige and royalty vibe, and with the new bloodline that it got after being purified by the coffin, Rex easily decided on a name for it.

"Your name shall be King".


[Transformed Beast: King Dust Snake!]

[Grade: Advanced Mystic Beast!]

Name: King

Master: Rex Vector

Strength: 3,850

Speed: 3,500

Mind: 900

Vitality: 3,000

Agility: 1,800

Dexterity: 1,850

Health Points [HP]: 12,000/12,000

Mystic Energy Points [MEP]: 13,800/13,800

Mystic Affinity: Sand & Dust; Wind, Fire, Illusions!]

[Special Organ: Myriad Poison Gland!]

[Special Ability: Myriad Poison Secretion!]

[Skills: Poison Secretion; Dust Conjurer, Sand Manipulation; Wind Envoy, Fire Brigadier, Illusion Sorcerer!]

[Poison Secretion: When activated in battle while attacking with the teeth or tail, the myriad poison gland is activated to secrete the poison of choice into attack to affect opponent.]

[Dust Conjurer: When activated, dust is conjured through mystic energy from the air which can be used to form a mist to obscure the vision of opponents. Dust can also deal minor internal damage to opponents which stacks over time.]

[Wind Envoy: When activated, the wind comes under the control of the Dust Snake through which hurricanes and other wind attacks can be unleashed.]

[Fire Brigadier: When activated, the fire element comes under the control of the Dust Snake through which it can unleash most fire skills.]

[Illusion Sorcerer: When activated through the eyes, enemy is drawn into an illusion world where the Dust Snake is king. Enemy is suppressed in the illusion world, and would constantly receive damage until death unless he escapes.]

[NOTE: At the mythical level, the Illusion Sorcerer skill can grow to become as powerful as the Gorgon Medusa\'s Illusion of Endless Horrors!]

[Sand Manipulation: When activated, sand is manipulated and turned into lethal weapons through which enemies are attacked.]

[NOTE: When fully mastered at the mythical level, Dust Snakes have a percentage chance of unlocking the myth level skill, Carbon Manipulation!]

[Passive Abilities: Patience!]

[Patience: Patience is a virtue.]

[Remark: An absolute kill of a transformed beast!]


Rex successfully turned his enemy into his strongest transformed beast!

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