Adorable treasured fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Chapter 1443 - “Exposing Yun Ruo Xi (1)”

Chapter 1443 “Exposing Yun Ruo Xi (1)”

Yun Ruo Xi’s heart panicked after seeing Winger’s pale complexion. As her most loyal dog, she knows her own lies would turn this one into a rabid dog instead after exposure. If that happens, her life would be in peril!

“Listen to me Winger...” Biting her lips tightly, she wanted to twist the story to defend herself some more but was immediately cut off by the old goat’s snickering sneer.

“I reckon you don’t even know the name of this amulet, do you?”

Finding there’s no response from her loyal dog, the old witch instead turns to glare at the old timer: “Quit trying to spell false stories in front of my face. All knows that I am the wearer of this amulet. Do you think you can just casually come up with a name and call it true?”

No matter what, she’s going to keep denying the amulet was from Bai Yan. But no matter though, the old goat didn’t need her agreement and kept talking without a care.

“This amulet is named All Heaven, and only one person is worthy of owning it. Unfortunately for you though, it’s not you!”

All Heaven?

As if some sort of long-lost memory got triggered, Winger tightly grasps onto his own head as he murmured to himself.

Why does that name sound so familiar? Where have I heard it before....

With a boom, something exploded in his mind and causes that face to go deathly pale. The reasoning? It’s because a certain little girl’s voice started to ring out from the depths of his memories and brought the truth forward.

“Actually, the life before I entered the Celestial Palace is also dark. If not for All Heaven keeping me company during that period, I might’ve given up hope and died several times over....”

“All Heaven?”

“Mhmm, it’s this amulet here. See? If you can’t find me then go to the Celestial Palace. Recognize me using the amulet, I’ll wait for you there if I don’t return in time...”


In this moment, that calm heart could no longer be calm anymore like a rippling surface of a pond.

How did this happen?

How could I have forgotten something so important?

That dark place kept him from sensing her aura or recognizing her face, but he never should’ve forgotten that sentence at all!

Why, why did I forget something so important over time? How could I have forgotten it all?

Going from green to white, then white to green, anyone could see the bird man’s emotions were very unstable and nearing explosion right now.

“Why did you deceive me?” No longer pained along the eyes, there’s only endless fury within Winger’s pupil.

How many things did he miss because of the deception? How close did he come to making that light within his heart into a enemy?

Fortunately...... Fortunately, he didn’t listen to Yun Ruo Xi’s word and did something he would’ve regretted for life.

“Why did you deceive me?” He asks for a second time, losing all of the warmth and kindness he ever showed to the other side.

The old witch naturally cowered backwards at the intimidating pose: “What are you talking about, when did I deceive you?”

“This amulet is the queen’s belonging. You took it from her. Now tell me the truth, why did you lie to me?” Winger almost sounded pleading but also threatening.

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