Adorable treasured fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Chapter 437 “Elder of the Medicine Sect (3)”

Chapter 437 “Elder of the Medicine Sect (3)”

In response to that claim, a slight frown was made by the elder as he shifted his attention over to the specified woman. Fortunately, that’s all he did for now until an exclaiming cry from below caught his ears.

“You are lying!” Before the hesitant man could stop his nephew from blurting more careless words in this situation, the peachy boy had already rushed forward to point directly at Wang Deyi using his iconic sissy finger posture, “The Dragon Fruit is mine! I can give it to whoever I please, who do you think you are?”

“You little twerp, get the fuck out of here!” “Wang Deyi snapped, If not for this blasted little brat then the fruit would’ve been mine long ago.

An Zhen Ning didn’t want to get involved before because of all those aforementioned reasons, but now to hear someone scolding his precious nephew in front of his face, it’s time he got serious too.

“So is the Medicine Sect the same as the Wang family, robbing others of their possession? This Dragon Fruit belongs to our An House, and it is my nephew’s wish to gift it to his friend Bai Xiachen over there. Everyone here saw it with their own eyes, or could it be the medicine Sect wants to ignore the opinions of the world and do as they please?!”

Naturally Elder Zeng wouldn’t worry about the mouths of others when its of such importance to himself; however, that doesn’t mean his superior – the sect leader – would turn a blind eye to such tarnishing matters. It’s a surety that he be expelled if words got out!

“Girl,” the elder’s tone softens up, “This Dragon Fruit is for refining a seventh-grade medicinal pill used for breakthrough. Aside from that, it’s mostly useless for anything else. I suggest you give it up so I can put it to better use.”

This wasn’t the senior looking down upon Bai Yan, but rather its her age that made him think this way. It requires extreme talent and time to reach such high levels in one’s alchemy, and the woman there didn’t seem to meet any of the criteria.

“Girl, don’t be too hasty in rejecting me just yet.” Not getting mad either, the elder only showed a faint smile like he’s confident to win her over, “I can see you cherish the Dragon Fruit greatly as well, that must mean you are an alchemist yourself. How about this, if you give me the fruit then I will help reserve a spot inside the Medicine Sect for you. Surely a great opportunity like this is better than a fruit that’s of no use to you right now?”

As the most sacred of places for all alchemists in this world, it’s well known that the greatest of this profession are part of this power. As to the rest in the wild, they are merely considered half-ass.

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Sure enough, everyone present were shooting looks of envy at Bai Yan after hearing this proposal. The only exception being Wang Deyi and his eldest brother who displayed raging hate.

It should have been us who was supposed to be rewarded. Now it taken by this woman!

“Old grandpa,” the one speaking was soft and cuddly, “My mother already said she’s not interested, why are you still clinging onto my mother so persistently, aren’t you ashamed?”

Towards the insult, Elder Zeng’s complexion definitely grew darker with a tinge of anger slowly seeping up from his eyes.

“Girl, I am advising you out of consideration. If you pass up on this opportunity then there won’t be another chance in the future.”

Now there’s no way Wang Deyi could stay idle upon seeing his coveted item leaving before his very eyes. Roaring out with hate seething through his teeth: “No, you cannot leave! Elder Zeng, you mustn’t let this woman leave. If she does then there won’t be another chance to take the Dragon Fruit!”

So what if she rides a dragon? Dragons have long disappeared for a millennium, there’s no way a single serpent could outdo a magnificent power like the Medicine Sect.

“You shut up!”

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