Mystical Journey

Chapter 477: Action 1

The two of them discussed the rough arrangements in the room and how to react to possible scenarios. Only when all arrangements were complete did Wukang take his leave. It was likely he went to continue flirting with Daniela’s girls. His female guard was also missing. Garen sat alone in the room and continued his practice of the Black Water True Technique. He only stood to leave the room when the sun was about to go down.

A green vine armored guard was standing by the door. As he saw Garen exiting, he asked respectfully.

"My Lord, do you have needs?"

"Where is the gathering area of the Seed of the Ancestral God? Bring me to have a look." Garen asked directly.

"The gathering area requires taking the bubble over. Please follow me." The guard was a young man. He seemed a little nervous when handling Garen’s request. But he was considered decent. He was well-mannered, obviously from a good background.

The name of the Nine-Headed Hydra was thoroughly infamous throughout Kovitan, or even the outside world. He was the type who could kill without blinking. It wasn’t an unusual thing to be severely beaten if one wasn’t careful in dealing with him.

Fortunately, Garen simply nodded without uttering much.

Under the guard’s guidance, both of them descended along the vine path and arrived at a larger circular plate. It was the departure point of the bubbles.

Similarly, there were two flight attendants on top waiting for orders. A guest-like man and woman in red robes were ready to board a newly-created bubble.

Both of them saw Garen and the guard who had just entered. In the instant they saw Garen, their expression changed. They obviously recognized Garen.

Garen himself was unclear, but they knew of him. Among the totem users that came to the Ancestral God Pillar, for those of them with strong organizational backgrounds, they had excellent information networks. All incredibly dangerous totem users were all marked with special portraits to heighten their awareness.

Garen was one of the top ten most dangerous men. He was on par with the top few Cthulhus of the Cthulhuism Society and the two elites of Daniela’s royal family. Other than the totem users at the pinnacle, they were the ten most dangerous people. Conflict with them should be avoided at all costs.

This private list was circulated among all totem users from medium to smaller forces. Some grassroots totem users with methods of their own had also obtained and sold it to other totem users at a high price. Hence, in fact, all of the totem users who came for the gathering of the Seed of the Ancestral God were aware of this ranking.

The two totem users bowed to Garen from afar, showing their respects.

Garen didn’t care about them. Under the flight attendant’s arrangement, he boarded the bubble alone.

He sat in the bubble and quickly soared into the sky. He could clearly see the orange landscape below at one glance.

Each giant Ancestral God tree was like ginormous mushrooms. Their vast shade overshadowed the ground below.

From time to time, flesh butterflies and giant bubbles flew pass the Ancestral God trees. It added a fantasy feel to the environment.

The bubble that Garen was sitting in floated for a moment and quickly landed at the side of one of the largest Ancestral God trees. A few temporary gathering points were already built.

The gathering points stood in a circle within the green forest. Each of them had their own sign.

The gathering area was in the shape of an equilateral triangle. Every three gathering areas would form a triangle. From the inner region to the outer region, the grew larger and larger. Each gathering area lined up in three straight lines, stretching throughout the forest.

As Garen landed, the flight attendant was about to finish his shift. He was yawning when he saw Garen arriving. He instantly put on a straight face and a respectful attitude.

There were three take-off points in this gathering area. A handful of people were ready to take off on this particular take-off point. Seeing Garen landing, their expressions changed.

Garen felt something was off. As he landed on the ground, he blocked off the two people who were about to take off.

"Excuse me. Can I borrow some of your time?"

"Of course! Of course, you can!" The two couple-like totem users agreed hurriedly. If their faces hadn’t turned pale, one would think they were very welcoming towards Garen’s inquiry if it was just based on their tone of voice.

After a few minutes....

Garen looked at the two people fleeing. He finally understood what was going on.

The nation of Daniela worshiped battles. Be it the Cthulhuism Society or the Royal Family of Daniela, activities like a battle to the death in front of crowds were not rare sights. It was natural here for the weak to obey the strong.

Before Garen arrived, most of the masters who were ranked in the top ten had fierce personalities. They would severely injure or even kill people without saying a word.

Because of the tense situation between Daniela and the Cthulhuism Society, plus the gathering of Cthulhu’s Origin and the Seed of the Ancestral God, more and more elites flocked over here. There were a few key people who were worthy of Garen’s attention.

The first one.

One of Edney’s famous, next-generation masters - Scylla Whitewater. He was believed to be on par with the Three Great Heroes, as a peak fourth form totem user. He fought on par with the Black Prince for more than ten minutes. According to rumors, he held various precious heirlooms, but nobody has seen them before. He was also the master of the Edney’s Ancient Society.


The top three of the Cthulhuism Society - Thunder God, Light God, and Water God.

The three of them were the strongest existence other than the Cthulhu King in the Cthulhuism Society. They were fifth form masters with immortality. Even Garen himself had headaches when facing them.


A mysterious figure from the Obscuro Society - a girl named Emilo. No one has ever seen her true figure. She always hid under a black mantle, with a black mask and white moon-shaped earrings. Once she’d appeared and heavily injured King Gallo, one of the two kings of Daniela. She destroyed all his various tactics, illusions and totem equipment. Had King Phiroth not arrived quickly, whether his brother, King Gallo could have kept his life was another question.

This sneak attack further intensified the tension between the royal family and the Obscuro’s Cthulhuism Society.

Garen was similar to Scylla Whitewater. They were on par with the top three Cthulhus in the eyes of people. In addition to his fame which had spread here from Kovitan, he instantly became one of the targets that shouldn’t be messed with by fellow totem users.

The gathering of the Ancestral God seeds was a grand occasion held together by the Cthulhuism Society and the royal family. At the same time, it was an opportunity to secretly show off strength and compete for positions.

The most important competition was for the three internal rings. The three internal rings were the best positions.

The three most central area of the triangle was the easiest place to gather the best Ancestral God seeds. Hence, this was the most intense competition over the years.

Garen directly headed to the three internal rings. He followed the paths between the triangular gathering area.

The triangular gathering area was layered. A bigger triangle would surround a smaller one, one after the other. The number of totem users here was uncountable. Some of them set up signs of the organizations, some set up regional signs, while some set up signs of the royal family. The sign of the Terraflor Society was also on a corner on the fourth layer.

Garen didn’t care much. He passed the fourth layer and headed towards the third layer. As he passed by the gathering areas, there were owls, birds, mice on the sides. They were scouting totems. There were also totem users that came out to observe the newly arrived Garen.

On every triangular layer, there was a weak, simple balancing structure. Normally when they faced intruders, they would merge and defend, to avoid anyone interfering with the benefits that had been agreed on.

However, everyone had the information on Garen being one of the ten fiercest people. He was one of the cruelest totem users in Kovitan, even facing fifth form Marshall God Cloud heads on. He wasn’t someone they could mess with.

Fearful gazes were fixated on Garen, observing him walking towards the internal rings.

Passing the fourth layer, he entered the third layer. The totem light waves in the gathering areas strengthened. It meant that spiritualization level tactic formations existed here.

On the empty spaces on the two sides, the branches above and in the bushes, the number of scouting totems increased.

Garen didn’t head to any specific gathering area. He continued along the forest path between gathering areas and headed inwards.

Only stronger forces could obtain gathering areas in the third layer. Frozen Valley, Fire Dragon Island and Starry Eye Association. These three were strong organizations that could sustain themselves in this chaos. All of them had fourth form totem users, but none of them were located in Kovitan. They were large organizations with branches in Edney and Daniela.

Within the Starry Eye Association’s gathering area

A group of blue-robed totem users gathered together around a giant crystal sphere, looking at Garen’s figure which was reflected within.

"The final battles are taking place in the second layer. The Cthulhuism Society and the Royal Alliance each occupy a point. A fierce battle is taking place for the remaining point. A large majority of the ten masters are confronting each other for this position. Now another master on the same level has arrived. Looks like there will be a good show to watch." The association’s leader was an old white-bearded. He was sucking a lollipop as he sat crossed-leg on the floor. He looked casual as he adjusted the clarity of the crystal ball in excitement.

"Normally, those two major forces would dominate the six positions in the first two layers. But now the foreign forces are too strong. Even the Cthulhuism Society and Phiroth had to tamper down their pride,and give up two positions." Another old woman who was knitting answered. "Last time, changes to these positions would take a long time to happen. But after the turmoil, many organizations have regressed and left many positions open. It is natural to have battles like this."

"Let’s wait and see. It’s not so easy to enter the second level." The old man looked like he was ready to watch a show.

His disciples on the side seemed used to it.

"Look! That guy is heading directly towards the Cthulhuism Society’s territory!! What is he planning to do?" The old man suddenly cried out.


Garen stood before the Cthulhuism Society’s gathering area on the second level. In front of his eyes was a small white bungalow surrounded by a white fence. There was a faint red glow above.

A few red-robed Cthulhu Society members were on patrol and noticed his arrival. A few of them stared closely at him as if he was an enemy. They looked ready for a battle.

The decision-maker quickly walked out from the bungalow. It was a tall, cold girl.

Her cold, expressionless gaze fell upon Garen.

"Nine-Headed Hydra Garen Trejons. What are you here for? This isn’t Kovitan’s stronghold." Two other girls behind the tall girl quickly gestured in the air. The tactic formations around the bungalow slowly lit up one by one. Dangerous creatures faintly appeared in the air at once. They patrolled in the air, ready for a defense anytime.

According to the Cthulhuism Society’s intelligence, the man before him can only be defeated by four Cthulhus combined. He wasn’t someone she could handle by herself. She only had to slightly delay with tactic formations before Thunder God and the rest arrived. Then they wouldn’t have to be afraid of the opponent.

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