The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 954: Hunting Fate

Chapter 954: Hunting Fate

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

If Sheyan had not fought with Shali before, there was no doubt that he would have fallen victim to the \'Air Cannon\', but because he was prepared, Sheyan could see the abnormality in Shali\'s actions. Although it was impossible for him to dodge agilely like Agility-type contestants, he could immediately put up a guard by crossing his hands in front of him.

The next instant, Sheyan felt a terrible force pressing on his arms. For Sheyan, the force was not so strong that it was impossible to resist. However, Sheyan suddenly had an idea. He did not resist the force but instead allowed it to blow him away.

The force knocked Sheyan off the ground and sent him crashing into the windshield. The glass broke and Sheyan tumbled out. But after several rolls on the ground, Sheyan immediately bounced up. He jumped, then with one hand grabbed onto a passing box truck which happened to make a turn at the traffic light at that moment. The truck quickly drove away, carrying Sheyan with it.

Of course Shali and Stend could not allow Sheyan to escape. They immediately pursued after Sheyan. Although they were both mainly melee-type contestants, they also had several long-range attacks in their arsenals.

They had chased Sheyan for ten or so meters and had managed to shorten the distance to the truck when a crystal bottle was suddenly thrown towards them, leaving a trail of green smoke in its wake. It crashed to the ground and a large cloud of dark green smoke immediately burst forth from it. The shockwave produced by the broken bottle hit both of them at the same time like a strong wind, stunning them and making them dizzy. All the while, the dark green smoke cloud continued to spread, wrapping them inside it.

Sheyan was about to successfully escape when suddenly, he was overcome by a strange feeling. He felt like a pair of vicious eyes were staring at him, but when he looked around, he couldn\'t find anything out of the ordinary. However, the feeling of being stared at only became more intense.

There was a pedestrian overpass ahead of the truck he was clinging to. It was a busy time, so there were a lot of people on the overpass. There was a teenager on a skateboard on the left side of the overpass. This was a pretty common sight on the streets of New York; it was nothing to be surprised about.

But when the skateboarder was trying to avoid a person in his path, he accidentally slipped and fell. His skateboard flew up and shot towards a young man in front of him. The young man was pretty agile so he managed to avoid the skateboard by leaning back slightly.

The skateboard finally stopped when it hit the back of the head of a middle-aged man in suit. It naturally caused a lot of pain. The middle-aged man in a suit instinctively grimaced in agony and reached for the back of his head, but when he raised his hand, he accidentally hit the hand of a child next to him.

The little kid had just come out from a McDonald\'s, where his mom had bought him a strawberry-flavoured McFlurry… The child of course felt painful when he was hit. He was initially licking the McFlurry in bliss, but the hit caused the McFlurry to slip away from his arm. The McFlurry fell off the gap between the steel frames of the overpass and rather coincidentally landed on the windshield of the box truck that Sheyan was hitching a ride on.

The McFlurry immediately splashed over the windshield, triggering the automatic windshield wipers. The result was that the driver\'s sight was completely blocked. Therefore, he had no choice but to stop his car at the side of the road, turn on the warning light, and jump out of the driver\'s seat cursing.

Sheyan narrowed his eyes and focused his gaze, but he had no idea where he should look at. He was merely bluffing when he spoke to Shali and Stend just now. He didn\'t expect the guy called Fate to actually be here!

Sheyan\'s feet did not remain idle as these thoughts flashed across his mind. He had skillfully jumped onto the sidewalk as soon as the truck stopped. When you\'re not as fast as the opponent, there were two practical ways to overcome that. You could either find ways to make yourself as fast as the opponent, or make the opponent as slow as you.

Therefore, Sheyan did not hesitate to move into a large commercial square nearby which had a Wal-Mart and a Carrefour, as well as a few cinemas, entertainment centers and five steak houses. It was literally overflowing with people. Since Blood Sensing was not active at the moment, Sheyan was like a fish in water in the crowd with his rather decent Perceptive Sense.

Shali and Stend, too, rushed into this large commercial square ten seconds later. But Sheyan was like a needle in a haystack right now. How could they find him?

But at that moment, something that had very little chance of happening normally, inexplicably occured. An elevator in the distance suddenly broke down and was stuck between the third and fourth floor. It caused an uproar among the tourists on the elevator. That place immediately became the focus of everyone in the commercial square.

There were about twenty to thirty people on the elevator. Shali and Stend glanced over and saw Sheyan mingling with the crowd. If the elevator didn\'t break down, it would only take another two or three seconds for Sheyan to completely disappear around the corner.

The two of them were overjoyed. Shali instantly dashed straight towards Sheyan. He was a giant of a man; the people he ran over were all left bleeding or injured. Stend jumped and clung to a wall. His nails enabled him to scale the wall like a spider as he quickly moved in Sheyan\'s direction.

Sheyan was not alarmed when his whereabouts were exposed. He squeezed out of the broken elevator with little effort, then took a turn and went into the next elevator. By the time Stend and Shali arrived, the elevator that Sheyan was in had gone up three storeys. However, Stend\'s vision was unbelievable. From the mirror inside the elevator, he could see that Sheyan had pressed the button for the eleventh floor. They immediately took another elevator in pursuit!

When Stend and Shali stepped out of their elevator, they found Sheyan standing on the window at the end of the eleventh floor corridor, smiling at them. He then took out a shining golden pearl in his hand, and actually crashed through the window to jump straight down from the eleventh floor!

Stend and Shali held their breath. The surest way to stay in pursuit was, of course, to jump down following after Sheyan.

But neither Shali nor Stend had the confidence to escape unscathed, or even to escape with their lives, jumping down from the eleventh floor! Don\'t forget, Sheyan might be waiting for them below!

This is the most shameless aspect of Sheyan plan. He had already used the \'Gloryheal\' ability while he was in the elevator to fully recover his HP in preparation for jumping from the building. He was blatantly mocking Shali and Stend for their low Defence and HP. What could they do about it? Jump from the building?

When Sheyan reached the bottom, he landed on a BMW X6 and made a huge dent on the roof of the car. He jumped down casually and looked up to see Shali and Stend staring at him. He laughed out loud, pointed at them and shook his index finger. He then walked leisurely to a motorcycle ten meters away, pulled the man on it down, got on the motorcycle, and started the engine.

Sheyan\'s expression at the moment seemed quite relaxed, but there was a sharpness hidden in his eyes, waiting to be unleashed!

\'If you\'ve been observing me all this time, Fate, you should know that when this bike starts moving, Shali and Stend won\'t be able to catch up to me any longer.\'

\'Your goal is simple - to force me and the two of them to fight each other to the death, and when all of us are gravely injured, you will swoop in and reap the greatest benefit. That\'s why there is a very high chance of you activating your ability the moment I got on the motorcycle so that I can\'t run away from Shali and Stend. C\'mon then! I\'ve boosted my Perceptive Sense to the limit with the \'Goldpearl of the Caribbean Sea\', and I\'m fully focused on sensing your skill right now. I\'ll definitely find you!\'

\'Yes, this is it! This is the feeling! The feeling of forcefully changing the flow of the world, like the shiver when a finger stopped the ticking of a clock! You fool, you\'re three hundred meters to the West!! \'

\'The fact that you can keep up with the change in our battle location means that you should be on a vehicle. I\'ve found you, Fate! So you\'re disguised as an NYPD officer so that you can ignore the traffic lights when you chase after us and monitor our movements. Well then, enjoy my disease!\'

Sheyan abandoned the motorcycle when the engine started to smoke, and ran away!

For Sheyan, getting rid of Shali and Stend in this busy urban area was really not that hard. It was the ability of Fate that he was concerned about. Fate\'s ability was simply too mysterious. Sheyan would not have been able to locate him if his own Perceptive Sense wasn\'t so high.

Right now, Fate did not know that Sheyan already had his eyes on him. When he saw Sheyan fleeing, he immediately started his own motorcycle and gave chase. He seemed to have some miraculous way to perceive Sheyan\'s position, so he was not very worried about losing Sheyan. However, Sheyan had chosen a very clever escape route, forcing Fate to get as close to him as possible.

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