The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 849: Fragment? Infection source?

Chapter 849: Fragment? Infection source?

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

The Shire had a magnificent night view, but not a lot of people took the time to appreciate it. Most people here prefer to spend their evening in bars and taverns.

That was also the reason why Sheyan kept tossing and turning in his futile attempt to chase after sleep, despite the comfortable bed and warm blanket. The sound of clapping, laughing and Hobbit lutes kept being transmitted from the gap of the wooden floor in his room. Sheyan patiently bore with it until the lute sounds finally ended, but it was soon followed by a series of rhythmic knocking sound as if carpenters were continuously knocking on the tables.

Sheyan suddenly saw his old and blackened door bar shake and move by itself. A few thin branches somehow grew out from the bar. The door bar slowly and respectfully removed itself from its place, as if it was a bodyguard opening the car door for its queen.

The door opened by a crack and in came Melody, along with the fresh and passionate air she brings. Her smell completely submerged Sheyan; her cloudy eyes dreamy and lovely. Sheyan reached out to pull the soft but full figure into his embrace and gave her a deep kiss. His hands showed no restraint in caressing her lovely curves.

Sheyan whispered a few words into Melody\'s pointed ear, prompting her to lift her head and look at Sheyan those bright eyes of her while she asked.

"Is that really alright?"

Sheyan answered earnestly.

"Of course. I won\'t mislead you."

"Then why is your smile so weird?" Melody blinked and asked in a confused and naive tone.

"Trust me," said Sheyan. "I\'m your protector."

Even though he said that with a serious expression, under current circumstances, he sounded really perverted.

"Come on. Hurry up."

Melody finally gave in to his urging. She grudgingly held her hair back with a blush and moved down…

About 2 hours later, Sheyan lied contentedly on his bed. Meanwhile, Melody was punching him with watery eyes.

"You lied! It really hurt."

Sheyan merely yawned lazily. He had a really high defense, while Elves - even Twilight Elves - had never been famous for their muscles. As long as Melody didn\'t pick up a weapon, her punches merely felt like a massage. He suddenly frowned as he said.

"Why aren\'t the people downstairs sleeping yet? They would knock on the tables after playing the lute, then after knocking on tables they would go back to playing the lute. Aren\'t they tired?"

Melody glared at him and said.

"They\'re not knocking on tables. That\'s the cancan dance spread from Anduin. The one performing today is Aunt Marilyn who\'s famous around here. Of course the crowd would be excited."

When Sheyan heard the words "cancan dance", images of black stockings, long legs, and sexy red lips immediately formed in his mind. However, when Melody said "Aunt Marilyn", he suddenly lost all interest. He sighed and said.

"Let\'s just sleep early. Wait, how come you didn\'t close the door when you came in?"

Melody turned back in surprise as she exclaimed.

"No way! I did put the door bar back after performing the natural magic…AH! You liar! I don\'t want to be the one on the bottom…you\'re a bad man!"


The next day, Sheyan only stirred awake at noon. If it wasn\'t for the smell of Aunt Suchell\'s smoked meat, he wasn\'t sure what time he would wake up.

When he was getting dressed, Melody jumped slightly in surprise. She extended a hand and touched a wooden cupboard at the side. The cupboard shivered with a green glow and emitted some creaking noises. Suddenly, the bottom drawer of the cupboard shot out to reveal a brown patch inside. The patch looked suspiciously like dried bloodstain.

Green glow kept circling above the brown patch. Suddenly, a black, three-legged, toad-like creature leaped out from between wood shavings. It jumped up and down a few times before growing an odd pair of wings and tried to fly away.

Melody lazily pointed at the demonic creature. A lump of natural energy instantly wrapped around the creature to reduce it to ashes. She sniffed at the air and frowned.

"The wooden cupboard probably absorbed some death aura. The armour fragment on you is truly filled with darkness; even the aura it leaked out could turn anything it can corrupt into creatures of darkness."

Sheyan was shocked but he maintained a composed expression and smiled instead.

"It\'ll be fine. We\'ll be rid of this annoyance soon."

They went down to meet up with Reef and Franklin. The duo\'s constant yawning indicated that they were also victims of the cancan dance last night. Goots had long been waiting for them. The heard that the magical materials merchants in Buckland would open their shops late and close early, so the four of them quickly ordered 4 extra-large portions of smoked beef and buttered black bread before departing.

After tasting some sour catfish soup from a roadside stall, their bellies were completely filled. They hastily hurried to Buckland. Upon arriving, they were delighted to find that a lot of magic item shops showed no signs of closing yet. They were taking advantage of the sunny day to dry some herbs or to charge some magic items.

As the leader of a merchant caravan that traveled upon the dangerous Middle Earth, Goots naturally had dealings with the shop owners here. He took them to a magic shop that appeared very ancient. The name of the shop was Mouldy Bread, in line with the Hobbits\' unique aesthetic sense.

The shop was owned by an aged Hobbit called Old Steger. He always maintained a smiling expression on his face. When he saw Goots leading some customers over, he immediately invited them to sit outside under the warm sun like he was receiving close friends and family. His employees brought out some cherry cookies and hot grapefruit tea for the guests. A warm atmosphere was instantly created.

As expected of a veteran merchant. With merely a few tiny actions, he pulled both sides closer.

Goots gestured towards Sheyan and said.

"My friends fought with a very formidable dark creature while they were escorting me back. Even though we were fortunate enough to defeat the dark creature and escape, he was heavily injured in the process. He still hasn\'t fully recovered."

Old Steger coughed a couple of times before inquiring with a smile.

"Can I take a look?"

Sheyan answered nonchalantly.

"No problem."

Old Steger strode over to observe Sheyan\'s face. He then went back inside his shop and rummaged around for a long time before bringing out a very old and primitive-looking bowl. A gemshard was engraved at its bottom. Old Steger proceeded to fill the bowl with water.

When Sheyan stared at the clear water inside the bowl, the reflected glow of the gemshard interweaved with sunlight to form a dazzling sight. As per Old Steger\'s request, Sheyan blew a breath into the water. The clear water gradually turned black as if Sheyan\'s breath contained a strong pollution.

Old Steger took a deep look at the water before sighing and told Sheyan with a solemn expression.

"It has been many years since I\'ve seen someone as strong as you. You directly took on the Black Breath of a Ringwraith and still look so full of life."

Sheyan\'s estimation of Old Steger instantly soared. Just from him being able to identify the Black Breath, it was enough to show that Old Steger was no scam! Sheyan humbly said with a smile.

"That was only because the Ringwraith was already injured."

"Injured?" asked Old Steger in doubt. "In this world, who can injure something as strong as a Ringwraith?"

Sheyan sighed.

"Seems like you haven\'t received news of the 8 Ringwraiths\' ambush on the leading figures among the Elves. Lord Elrond of Rivendell has fallen, while the 8 Ringwraiths were heavily injured from the deadly retaliation of the other Elven heroes."

"WHAT!!!!" Old Steger was so shocked by the news that he spilled grapefruit tea on himself. "How is something like that possible!"

Sheyan sighed again and told him.

"The Elves may be great and sacred, but they aren\'t without desires. The Ringwraiths made use of the cracks between them to launch their offense."

Old Steger was shocked stiff. It took him a while to compose himself before saying.

"We must inform the Shire\'s administration of this news at once! Fear not, Númenórean warrior, the Black Breath on you isn\'t heavy and you are also being protected by a natural power. You will heal completely after consuming a magic potion called Boiling Heart. "

Sheyan smiled at Old Steger and said.

"That was why I came here today. Only the Athelas herb can cure me of the Black Breath."

"Hants! Perform the preparation work for the potion immediately. I will be back after a quick trip to the administration office. You better finish the preparation before I come back. I\'m in a bad mood today, don\'t give me an excuse to dish out punishment."

Old Steger was already rushing away while he was bellowing out the order.

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