Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 673

The voice cut down for a short time, leaving Arthur thinking about what was previously said, especially the last part .

"Excluding the unfeasible and difficult methods, there remains four doable ones . The first; Acquire the Pot of Blasphemy, it’s an Advanced Zen Treasure owned by the System, it could be found in the Andromeda Galaxy, Star ZTTIB-1094, Northern Post, Artificial Construction, Room 451 . It allows the user to store their memories there for an infinite amount of time . Right before the second cycle ends, put your memories there and use the Wish Star to send it back to the ’you’ which is beginning the first cycle and, like that, you’ll be able to relive your life with all your memories intact . Then, when Patrick Jones appears, refuse his proposal . The reincarnation tool he used or will use, requires the user’s approval so there will be no mishaps .

"The Second method; Beyond the Exalted Realm stage, there are two others, the Mysterious Realm, and the Mortality Transcendent Realm . The last known realm to cultivator can be considered unachievable as there has been no one in the last 187,000 years who reached it and in total, only 6 stepped into it . You can reach that stage before the end of the second cycle . I calculate that you need to possess 12,000 Overgods or 3,000 Exalted Gods to reach it, however, that number far exceeds the number of currently existing Overgods or Exalted Gods but there is an alternative . Possess every living being you can find, whether it’s a mortal, a player, a cultivator, it doesn’t matter as you’ll still get stats . Technically speaking, the peak of cultivation or the apex of the physical body doesn’t differ much, just that the former can a bit more things than the latter, but the two can help you break the cycles through sheer force . Time can be bent and broken through several means and one of them is absolute power .

If you follow this method, the alternative, I mean, you’ll need to non-stop possess everything in your way for about two and a half years . It will have a big toll on your body but, with enough time, you’ll learn to adapt to the overbearingness of uncontrollable power, just like Moriah did in the past .

"If I find cultivators that reached the Mysterious Realm, how many do I need to reach the Mortal Transcendent Realm?"

"No less than twenty but the problem remains the same, there are less than twenty living cultivators at the Mysterious Realm . Retrospectively, there have been fewer people that reached the Mysterious Realm than the Mortal Transcend Realm . It sounds illogical but amongst the aforementioned six, four of them reached the apex through exterior means such as unique heritages, powerful Zen Treasures, or inheritances from The Twelve, Dragons, and so on .

Point is, this method is the fastest and safest but it’s mind-numbing and is highly reliant on ’Lucky’ encounters, if they can be called so . For mortals, you’ll need 497,517,488,158 of them to achieve that stage, or 192,000,482,766 Spirit Realm Cultivators, or 85,887,524,916 Heavenly Realm Cultivators, or 76,480,532,457 Deity Realm Cultivators, or 62,899,007,002 Immortal Realm Cultivators, or 58,500,600,200 Divine Realm cultivators, or 45,101,908,764 God Realm Cultivators, or 37,837,921,666 Sovereign Realm Cultivators, or 11,258,982,982,100 God Monarch Cultivators . "

"That much?"

"500 billion mortals is nothing compared to their overall number, it’s barely 0 . 1% . Furthermore, you’re not going to kill them, just possess them so, when choosing this method, I did consider your morals into account . "

"If it’s about saving my life and my close ones, I don’t mind killing innocents . "

"You may not mind but others will . 0 . 1% is an insignificant amount but a large portion may turn into future influencers which will turn the course of time . I am here only to answer questions and not to judge your actions or gauge your determination . Whatever happens on the outside has nothing to do with the Garden .

The third method; Do nothing . Just wait . It’s a simple method that requires non-interference with the cycles . You’re not the first to be stuck in one or more cycles and there is an explainable reason for their end or disappearance . Whether it’s after ten or a thousand more cycles, there come at a time where the Space-Time Continuum will make a move and correct the re-occurring imbalance, it’s just a matter of when . I give answers but I cannot predict the future so I cannot tell on which cycle it will happen . However, when it finally happens, everything will reset and you’ll regain the memories of all of the cycles and will be set free .

The fourth method: Process through Imagination, also known as Physical Ideology or The P-I effect . It’s a very rare ability that is not well-studied by the outside people due to its rarity . It allows the user to transform his thoughts or imagination into a physical manifestation . For example, Edward Ortberg, the man who appeared next to you not long ago, his scissors are able to cut Karma . As for you, you’ll be able to create something that will break the cycles . Usually, every one or so million years, someone with incredible talent will be able to obtain it but your case is special . By possessing different monsters and living beings, you acquire a bit of their talent and, right now, you have more than enough to achieve ’Process through Imagination’ . You just have to have the right mindset and the perfect conditions, such as a quiet place filled with rich Dark Matter or Primordial Energy, a worry-free mind, and absolutely zero distractions .

Those are the fourth methods but there is a fifth one, which is a bit harder . Secure enough Primordial Energy then blow it right after you crack a turbulent Spatial tear . I didn’t speak of this method first because of the difficulty of acquiring Primordial Energy, nonetheless, its success rate is very high... 96 . 204%, to be exact . "

When the voice stopped talking, Arthur stood there dazed for some time before speaking .

"I didn’t expect such a detailed explanation . Thanks . "

"There is no need to thank me . All questions asked here warrant detailed answers, no matter how vague or absurd they may be . You may ask your third question if you already thought about it . "

"I want to know where is Shen Shen and if she’s safe or not . "

Arthur already achieved what he wanted and the only thing weighing on his mind is that cheerful and curious blue-haired girl who he got very close to and wanted to keep safe . She can be naive sometimes but she’s also innocent and still hasn’t seen the real world, which is why Arthur sacrificed this golden opportunity for her . Even though Zaarae also jumped into the pit, there’s no guarantee that she found Shen Shen . It’s better to be safe than sorry .

The Garden spent the same time as usual processing the question before giving him a brief description of the girl .

"Shen Shen, half-human, half-demon . 8 years old, blue-hair, 112cm in height, holder of the Origin Water, and the holder of the Eternal Blue Soul . Birth parents are Arthur MoonStar and Lucy MoonStar . "

At first, Arthur listened carefully but when he heard the last part, his pupils constricted and his body intensely trembled .

"Birth parents? What are you talking about?"

"As I said, she is your biological daughter . "

"How is that possible? I don’t have a d-"

He stopped mid-sentence as he remembered that Lucy was pregnant back on Riarravar, however, she told him that she lost the child as she ended up dying and reanimating back inside the second body he created for her .

’How was she born then?’

Arthur thought to himself but didn’t ask the Garden, which may consider that question as the third one instead of the other one .

"Do you want to know the specifics about her birth? I can include it in the answer if you want . "

"Please do... and thank you . "

"No thanks are needed, again . When your wife, Lucy MoonStar, perished in the Parasite Realm, the Black Devil saved the unborn child and increased its growth, which is why your daughter looks older than she actually is . Furthermore, as she’s half-demon, she was bound to physically grow fast regardless of The Black Devil’s interference . She was taken by him and roamed the world until the day she met you, not long ago .

My answers are nothing but facts so do not doubt their authenticity . It may have come as a surprise to you but, as it’s related to your third question, I deemed it necessary to tell you, especially after you further expressed your willingness to hear the whole truth . "

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