Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 551

The troubadour warmly shook hands with Claud Venice, the two happily smiling . When it was Zodiak’s turn, he neither spoke nor raised his hands, turning the atmosphere awkward .

"Don’t mind him, he’s a bit shy . "-Aneirin

"A-ah, alright . " Claud nodded his head then guided the two upstairs, to his respectable home . He prepared two cups of hot tea for them then waited for them to calm down before talking .

Zodiak remained oddly silent and unresponsive while Aneirin was looking around, fascinated by all the foreign machines decorating the room .

"That’s called a TV . It can broadcast many things like movies and news from all over the world . "

Claud was patient as he explained some of the things to the curious bard .

At some point, the silent Zodiak raised his head and stared at Claud with his usual expressionless face .

"Where are we?"

It was the first thing he said ever since coming here . In response, the scientist gave an immediate and detailed answer .

"You’re on a planet called Serenity and, correct me if I’m wrong, but you also came from the same planet, right?"

"Yes, that is indeed the case . "-Aneirin

"Would you mind telling me the date? Which Era are you from?"

"5th Era, Year 1694 . "

After a short pause, the bard asked: "Did you summon us to the future?"

Claud smiled and corrected him: "Quite the opposite, in fact . You’re in the past . "

Zodiak flinched but the troubadour didn’t seem that surprised .

"What do you want from us?"

Zodiak didn’t trust this friendly scientist and fell uncomfortable in this cozy place, fearing that it may be some kind of trap .

"Honestly, when I attempted my summon, I didn’t expect it’ll really work . After all, Theoretically, time-travel is possible but no one was able to succeed yet . Anyway, you’re here because I want to ascertain something . "

"Ascertain of something?"-Aneirin .

"Yes . This planet is crumbling and I kind of predicted that there will be many disasters coming here . If you’re from the future and also from a planet called Serenity, it means I was wrong . "

"Disasters? What kind?"

"Both natural and artificial disasters . "

While the two were conversing, Zodiak was examining the place . Though there was an abundance of these ’scientific machines’, there was an alarming absence of any kind of energy .

"Why can’t I feel any Mana?"

Just as Zodiak said that, Claud hurriedly motioned him to stop talking . He stealthily closed the curtains then spoke with a low, almost inaudible voice .

"Please don’t speak of anything magic-related . "

"And why is that?"

The scientist seemed troubled as he replied: "Magic is banned here and anyone who as much as mutters the word will be punished . "

"Banned? Why is it banned? From where we came from, Magic is a universal thing . "

Hearing this, Claud let out a sigh and spoke again:

"The inhabitants of Serenity despise Magic and think it’s dangerous and unreliable . The truth is that they can’t find a scientific explanation for its existence so they deem it as a defect, an evil thing . "

"You don’t seem like you share their opinion though?"

Aneirin inquired while looking at the anxious Claud .

"Yes, I don’t . I do like science and believe it’s much suited for our civilization but Magic can do wonders too, we just have to know when and where to use it . "

Just as he finished speaking, the door of the room and a graceful figure entered . She had long silver hair and a small mole under her eye, adding more to her beauty .

"Ah, this is my wife, Angel . "

Claud swiftly stood up and walked up to his wife, who was startled by the presence of the two strangers .

"Hello . "

She softly smiled and bowed toward Zodiak and Aneirin . Her husband, Claud, seemed excited as he introduced them to Angel .

"These two gentlemen are from the future . I successfully managed to summon them . "

The woman let out a shocked gasp as she accessed the cheerful bard and the grumpy Zodiak, who was wearing an over-sized black robe .

"They’re also from Serenity so it means my visions were false . "

Claud affectionately held his wife’s hands while briefly explaining the situation . The more she heard him, the happier she became, her soft smile widened and become heart-warming .

"Wait wait, we’re still not sure your predictions are not wron-"

Aneirin wasn’t even able to finish as Zodiak pulled him closer and whispered: "Are you really going to involve yourself with them?"

In response, the troubadour shrugged his shoulders and said: "Why not? The treasure which was supposed to be at the bottom of the well is perhaps hidden here . "

Zodiak glared at his companion but didn’t say anything else . Aneirin took this silence as acceptance of his actions so he resumed his actions .


Honestly, Claud gave them comfortable accommodation and provided them with food and a map of the city they were currently in . At night, Aneirin went out to explore the truly shiny city, as for Zodiak, he remained at the living room, staring at the starry night sky .

Claud, who helped his tired wife fall asleep, entered the room and sat opposite of the silent Zodiak, who now looked like a middle-aged man despite his real age, which was less than twenty years old .

"You know I spoke about my predictions, right?"

The scientist broke the silence by saying that, his gaze lingering on Zodiak’s face . I don’t what it really is but I’ve got an ability that not many know of . He lowered his head, removed his glasses and looked at his hands .

"I can predict things... it’s not entirely accurate but most times it is . Especially with people . "

After a slight pause in which he glanced at Zodiak only to see the latter look back at him, he resumed:

"Back then, when I shook hands with your friend, I caught a glimpse of his recent past . Sometimes I see someone’s past, the visions vary and are not always specific . However, what I saw was a planet almost void of humans . Somehow, it felt calm... peaceful . At that moment, I felt content because, the disasters I foresaw, even if they did happen, weren’t able to eradicate everything . "

The two looked at each other for an inordinate amount of time before Claud spoke again:

"Which is why... will you do me the honor?"

He stretched his hand toward Zodiak, clearly expecting a handshake .

"There is nothing to look at . " Zodiak blatantly refused .

"There is always something . It can be either good or bad, don’t you want to know which one?"

Time crept by and the hand was left hanging, not moving even an inch . When Claud was about to retract it, Zodiak did the unexpected and actually held it, causing the former’s eyes to close for around ten seconds .

When he opened them again, he appeared troubled, sad, and a bit confused .

At first, he hesitated but when he saw Zodiak’s expectant gaze, he asked:

"Do you perhaps know someone called Arthur Bilgart?"

The one who replied wasn’t Zodiak but Aneirin, who appeared in the room like a ghost .

"Bilgart... I’ve heard that somewhere but I can’t remember when or where . "

The poet tried to remember but it was futile, all he could do was wrack his brains for nothing . He put down his lute and sat next to Zodiak while stretching his exhausted limbs .

"I don’t know him . "

Zodiak gave his answer, fully certain that he never heard this name in his entire life .

"But, your face is familiar . "

As he listened to him, Claud chuckled, stood up and starting pacing around the room .

"No scientist believes in God or Destiny but when I hear and see such things... I truly cannot help but doubt myself and everything . "

He looked at the expressionless Zodiak, his face containing apparent melancholy .

"Zodiak, right? That is your name . "

As he heard his own name, he twitched but gave no reply, nonetheless, Claud knew that he was right .

"Strange as it may be, I saw things that either happened or are going to happen . A man who had my face, a woman that resembled my wife, cruel wars and..."

He wanted to spill the last thing but he couldn’t . He didn’t know if Zodiak wanted to hear it or not, making him feel conflicted and apprehensive about Zodiak’s future .

"I saw your death, it was the most vivid of them all . I know the date, the place, and even when . "

Aneirin noticed the serious atmosphere so he neither joked nor talked . He sat there, motionless and listened to this one-sided conversation .

"Then tell me . "-Zodiak

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