Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 258

He didn’t know where that dizziness came from earlier but it was obvious that the Azure Dragon was its cause, Lissandra told him that the dragon could use several mysterious attacks to confuse the target, it could even use fatal soul attacks .

Arthur wasn’t very worried about the soul attacks since he had the chains around his soul but it doesn’t hurt to be careful and avoid such attacks if possible .

’I should hurry up, they are starting to team-up already . ’

He thought they’ll attack him one by one first to test him but from the looks of it, they wanted to finish him immediately . He put the cracked shield on his back and held back Makaze with two hands as he activated [Blood for Blood] then swung the dark blade with all his might toward the Vermillion Bird which screeched and covered its body with its two giant wings .

’[Heavenly Slash]! [Heavenly Slash]! [Heavenly Slash]! [Heavenly Slash]! ’

Arthur ignored the cost of [Blood for Blood] and used it four times, allowing him to unleash continuous heavenly slashes that were purely conjured from Dark Mana which led to them being creepy skeletal heads flew straight at the Vermillion Bird .

After using them, he used [Blood for Blood] one last then tightly clenched the hilt of Makaze, he concentrated his Nether energy and circulated the Dark-Anguish Technique then he slashed the air, resulting in the shattering of the space around it .

Arthur speculated that if one [Heavenly Slash] doesn’t work then five would surely do some damage, although it’s just wishful thinking to hope that’ll severely injure the Vermillion Bird, just buying some time is enough for him, if it’s distracted then he can sneak-attack it and deal a fatal blow .

The last slash contained a massive amount of Nether Energy and was boosted with the Dark-Anguish Technique, further strengthening it yet increasing the cost . This time, it wasn’t a flying dark skeletal head but a lizard-like creature made of only black bones, it had a tail with dark flames and a creepy head with two eye-sockets pulsating with a violet light .

This creature resembled Randuin, the lizard that was sent to Earth with Lucy and the others, however, this one seemed more powerful as only is appearing is threatening .


The first three skeletal heads dispersed upon contact with the flaming wings but the fourth one managed to push the bird, it even forced its wings to open and allow a small gap to be seen through them, the lizard that was leaping at the bird used this chance to jump at the large bird and bite down ruthlessly while issuing a deep roar that brought chills even to its caster, Arthur .


Arthur didn’t know if it screeched due to the pain or from anger, but it was apparent that the lizard enraged the bird as it pushed the Divine Beast back as it bit down, causing some sort of thick dark lines to spread over its left wing .

Unfortunately, the White tiger appeared out of nowhere and attacked the lizard, killing it on the spot without any chance for the latter to resist or even dodge .

When lizard had bitten the Vermillion Bird, Arthur didn’t say idle and watch, instead, he made use of his Spacial Mage to bend space and decrease his presence yet despite that, he could feel the gazes of the silent turtle at the back and the curling dragon .

They were motionless and didn’t attack him but he knew they were waiting for the perfect time to act, the dragon was agile and had a strong physical strength, as for the turtle, Arthur was clueless about its abilities .

He only knew it had a strong shell that is unpenetrable, as for its offensive attacks, he was ignorant of them, which left him in a tight spot .

Arthur teleported closer to the screeching bird and held Makaze horizontally, preparing to begin his finisher, the white tiger turned its head to glare at him when it flung off the lizard so he didn’t have time to fully prepare and was forced to act immediately .

’[Thousand Waves]! ’First Wave, Black as night, Calamity descends!’

The blade became as black as night, it emitted a cold humming sound as it fiercely slashed the cracking space . The rising sun was hidden due to the activation of Arthur’s skill, a curtain of darkness covered the Human Continent and the nearby seas and oceans around it, leaving the hiding beasts in completely fear and bringing awe to whoever was foolish to get close to the area of the battle .

The fusion of his sharp and powerful Sword Energy and the dense Dark Mana was successful as the first wave as unleashed, creating a humongous black wave, bigger than the Vermillion Bird .

The Divine Beast was also startled by the black wave, it knew that it was dangerous so its screeched loudly and lifted its wings, waving them in a weird wave .

The lightning speed black wave was upon the bird in a split second, moreover, Arthur purposely got closer to the bird so that his attack would reach it instantaneously, which will force it to take it head-on rather than blocking it .

He also made sure that the turtle won’t appear out of thin air and block it for he knew that such an attack won’t do much to it, much less kill it .

Although the sky was covered in complete darkness, once the Vermillion Bird waved its wings, a hole was created in that cloak of the darkness, orange flames descended from the sky, bringing with them intense heat that would incinerate trees thousands of miles away .

The flames enveloped the Vermillion Bird, protecting from the large dark waves that were descending on it . Unlike last time, the black waves weren’t blocked easily or dispersed upon contact, in fact, it pushed the bird and caused a big amount of the flames to disappear as if it couldn’t handle the devouring ability of the dark wave .

Arthur didn’t stand there watching, holding the vibrating dark blade, he swung it again, executing the second wave without hesitation despite the stress it put on his mind .

Normally, he would wait a short amount of time before performing the next wave but looking at the current situation, the dark wave won’t injure the bird unless he executes the next wave, plus, the tiger was going to act and either help it or turn its attention to him, which is rather troublesome .

’Second wave, Thunderous God, Punishment for the Sinners!’

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