Dark Blood Age

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Suddenly, they heard the wailing of sirens arsing above the city.

In the beginning, it was just a vague sound, but as it was getting louder and louder, the people at the checkpoint started to lose their order.

Other people, who had not arrived at the checkpoint, were all blocked at the first and second line of defence.

“Thank... you, Mr.chu!” Zhou Tingyun was panting. She almost wasn’t able to keep her back straight after a long and exhausting run. It almost consumed all her energies. After all, she hasn’t been eating for almost two days now.

“Are you alright?” Chu Yunsheng had already deactivated the armour. He was startled when he saw her face was as pale as a dead person.

“Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zhou... It was because of us, she has not eaten for days, it’s our fault! Our fault!” professor tang’s wife gave out a long sigh.

Chu Yunsheng was dazed for a second. No wonder back in Dong Shen university, she wanted to loot the food factory with them so badly. It was because she wanted to give those two old people something to eat. At that time, he mistook her for a greedy person, now he knew that he was wrong.

‘Wait! Food factory? A Woman? A white dress, the intense ice elemental energy?’ Chu Yunsheng suddenly remembered the women he saw at the food factory.

‘It was her!?’

‘Are they the same person or they just look the same!’

‘The words she said? And the cloaked man, who are they?’ Chu Yunsheng started to associate all those people together.

“Auntie Sun, don’t say something like that. You see! We are here, we are here! Everything will get better!” said Zhou Tingyun. But the swarm behind her made her words sound so ridiculous.

“Do you have any relatives in Jin Ling city? Or any place to stay?” Chu Yunsheng stopped thinking about the cloaked man and the woman in the white dress. Since he didn’t have a clue, he didn’t want to waste time thinking about it. What was important right now was the symbols.

“No, we don’t have any.” Zhou Tingyun shook her head, then she said with hope, “But we still have government right?”

“Wait until you see the refugees inside the city, then you will understand why they don’t have the time for you.” Chu Yunsheng shook his head. “If you don’t have anywhere to go at the moment, come to the Western District, I just happened to have a spare place.” Chu Yunsheng suggested.

“Ah!? Really?” Zhou Tingyun didn’t expect Chu Yunsheng would say this, she almost couldn’t believe what she heard. Chu Yunsheng had already helped her once, she didn’t expect Chu Yunsheng to help her again.

“I also need some help from professor Tang, I’ll provide you food, we may go through this hard period together,” Chu Yunsheng nodded his head.

“Mr. Chu, thank you very much! Thank you!” Zhou Tingyun replied with mixed emotions. To them, food was very precious, because they have not eaten for days.

“Tingyun?...” Lin Junchi’s face was twitching.

“Brother Lin, she hooked up with someone better than you, she will not remember us.” Liu Meng said sarcastically.

“No, it’s not that. Brother Lin, thank you for helping me all the way here, I will never forget it! It’s just... I need to take care of my lecturer and his wife...” Zhou Tingyun pressed her lips very hard.

“That’s alright, Tingyun you may go with him.” Lin Junchi forced himself to smile at them, then he faced Chu Yunsheng and said with a strange expression on his face, “Hello Mr. Chu, I hope you can take good care of Tingyun!”

Chu Yunsheng looked at him and confused, ‘what was wrong with this guy, what does he think I am going to do with her?’

But Chu Yunsheng didn’t want to have an argument over this trivial problem. He patted the little tiger’s head and turned around.

Lin Junchi was dazed for a second, then his face instantly turned red with anger. Because this guy had obviously ignored him.

“There is nothing to be proud of, brother Lin, let’s go!” Liu Meng tried to pull him away but she failed.

At the same time, three vehicles drove past and stopped next to them. It was Lu Yu and Yao Xiang’s group.

“Brother Chu, we have a problem, the insect’s number has increased rapidly!” Yao Xiang said sternly, it was very unusual for him to show a stern face.

“Any injuries?” Chu Yunsheng nodded his head and asked.

“No, Lu Yu felt that something was not right, so we pulled out in time.” Yao Xiang shook his head.

“As long as there aren’t any casualties... We will talk in detail when we get back!” Chu Yunsheng then pointed at lecturer Tang and his wife and said, “get some brothers to move them inside the car, Let’s go!” The weak old couple couldn’t walk anymore, Chu Yunsheng had to ask his men to help them to get to the cars.

Immediately, there were some low ranking dark warriors who came to help the old couple after he said.

Their badges were flickering under the military searchlights.

Liu Meng didn’t dare to say anything anymore. No matter how dense she could be, she still realized this armoured guy was their leader, he was not a person she could mess with!

Lin Junchi’s face quickly turned pale. Then this time it was he, who pulled Liu Meng away.

Only after Chu Yunsheng got into the city, did he realize the situation was worse than he had expected. The troops, which were originally having a break, were all marching towards the second defence line in the wailing of sirens. The sound of footsteps was steady and heavy, the air in the city was tense and uptight. It made everyone feel that there was a great war coming soon.

When Chu Yunsheng went around the city and arrived in the Western District, what he saw made his heart sink. The swarm not only just appeared outside the Eastern District. Outside the Western District’s defence line, there was a swarm as large as the one outside the Eastern District, and they seemed to appear much earlier.

Jin Ling city is surrounded! This was his first reaction.


Meanwhile, inside the city, the rumour started to spread:


The Northern District was under attack!

Gigantic monsters emerged from the Yangtze river!

The Eastern District’s defence line has collapsed!

The first master died in the battle!


The police force has already begun to shoot and kill the people that were causing chaos. A large number of the district area management staff were holding speakers to call the crowds to stay calm, to have faith in GCH, have faith in GRD, have faith in DWH, and believe that Jin Ling City will never fall!

Chu Yunsheng’s cars were raided by the refugees, who thought that they were carrying food, again and again. No one knew what caused them to suddenly become very crazy. In the end, Chu Yunsheng had no choice but to ask a fire elemental warrior to stand on top of a car and constantly fired the gun to warn the refugees that approached their cars.

When he finally broke out of the massive refugee crowd and arrived at his office building, he noticed that the situation here was as bad as outside. He could constantly hear screams and roars in the darkness, some were caused by the people who lost their hope, some were caused by people fighting each other...

Luckily, the building was secured by Lu Guolong’s ability. Ding Yan, other 5 dark warriors and some young and strong of dark warriors’ relatives were patrolling on top of the wall. Some of them were holding guns and some were holding fire torches.

Apart from Chu Yunsheng’s men, Zhou Tingyun and her lecturers were completely shocked. they could not believe that the city they had been dreaming of, the city that gave them hope and kept them going this far looked like this. How was this different from the city they came from?

“Finally you’re back! Mr. Chu, Zhu Lingdie came by earlier!” Ding Yan was finally relieved when he saw everyone come back.

“Why did she come here?” said Chu Yunsheng.

“She brought some news. <The Second Dark Warrior Recruitment Act> was approved during the highest meeting in GCH. Now they are passing the relevant document to DWH. Soon, they will enforce the act and start to recruit all the dark warriors!” Ding Yan said sternly.

“What does she want?” Chu Yunsheng asked directly. He didn’t think that she just came here to tell them the news. She must want something.

“She wants us to join the same division with her. According to her intel, all the dark warriors will be spread into the existing divisions and assist the troops in defending the front line. It is compulsory this time!” said Ding Yan. There was actually more detailed information, but he didn’t have time to sit down with Chu Yunsheng and explain it to him.

“If we all left, what about our family? It’s a mess outside, what happens if they break in?” Duan Danian was very concerned.

“I think the troops will soon start to suppress this riot. If they want to recruit dark warriors, they have to solve this problem first. Otherwise, it will be even more chaotic!” said Ding Yan, he didn’t even raise his head.

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire arose in a distance as if it was trying to prove what Ding Yan said was correct.

“Zhu Lingdie also disclosed a piece of classified information to us. The commander-in-chief was sent to the central hospital today, and the new commander-in-chief was promoted from the army. He is a tough, decisive, and ruthless person.” Ding Yan sneered.

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