Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 202

If seeing a woman walking on water was not scary enough, then watching the undead creature crawling on board would have definitely scared the sh*t out of someone . In an instant, Gan Xinwen and the other young men fell hard on the floor as their legs gave way .

Ye Shaoyang quickly rushed toward the undead and slapped it on the head . Its head broke off and green smelly liquid shot out of its neck . After a few seconds, the undead stiffened and fell back into the water .

“Start the boat! Go toward the directions I say, and do not stop!” Ye Shaoyang turned to look at Gan Xinwen .

Gan Xinwen paused for a bit, but quickly regained his composure and began to drive the boat .

Then, out of nowhere, the boat began to shake again . Gan Xinwen looked left and right in panic . If he was not holding on to the rudder, he would have most probably fallen down .

Hands began to appear on the sides of the boat . All of them held onto the boat and tried to pull themselves onto the deck .


Some of their bodies were intact, which meant that they hadn’t been dead for too long . Some of them were only bones . Finally, there were some that had only lost half of their flesh .

These were drowned undead based on the fact that their bodies were bloated and rotting . Worms crawled through their entire bodies . As they moved, green liquid squirted out of their limbs . The scene was terrifying and disgusting . All the young men were now squatting on the floor and seemed to have lost all hope .

Gan Xinwen too sat paralyzed on the floor muttering, “Wh-What are we gonna do?”

Ye Shaoyang said, “Just sail the boat! Try to avoid the undead to the best of your ability . If you can’t, then I’ll be there to kill it! Do it if you want to live!”

Ye Shaoyang quickly scanned the overall situation . The undead that had gotten on board were increasing . All of them seemed like they had been dead at the bottom of the river for many years . Since the water contained an abundance of Evil Qi, the corpses had become drowned undead .

These low-level undead were nothing to Ye Shaoyang . Even if they came in droves of hundreds, Ye Shaoyang would be able to destroy them easily . However, the problem was that there were normal people around . If more and more undead got onboard it could cause problems, so Ye Shaoyang quickly pulled out his spirit binding chain swung it and hit all the undead . Then, Old Guo and Teng Yongqing could get close to kill off the undead .

Ye Shaoyang noticed something as they battled . Teng Yongqing’s weapon was a date wood staff . Buddhist often used weapons that did not have a sharp edge to them; however, their effectiveness was similar to that of a date wood sword .

When most of the undead were pushed back and killed, Gan Xinwen became more confident . He quickly did what Ye Shaoyang had asked him and avoided the undead that floated above the water while sailing in the direction Ye Shaoyang pointed .

Suddenly, the winds picked up again and numerous waves began to form . This time, however, the waves seemed to be milder and were made to simply trap and block the way of the boat .

Gan Xinwen, after recovering from the scare, showed his talent for sailing . He sailed the boat right between two waves as they almost closed together . Ye Shaoyang saw this and was impressed by how Gan Xinwen was able to sail the boat like driving a car .

Jingru definitely found the right guy for me . With him controlling the boat, I can focus on dealing with that spirit .

The boat quickly came to the area he wanted, and he ordered the young men to throw some of the powder mixture into the water . As soon as the mix touched the water, the Evil Qi around it moved back, and the previously chaotic waves began to calm down .

This shocked Teng Yongqing, “Why is it so effective even without the bloodstone?”

Ye Shaoyang explained, “The Qian and Kun positions are the Yin and Yang points of this formation and control the Yin and Yang . The other six points are just facilitating points . Since we blocked the Qian and Kun positions, the other six positions only need to be cleansed by the powder mixture . Of course, this is only possible because I had already cut off the supply of Evil Qi upstream . ”

Ye Shaoyang realized he had explained too much, so he suddenly stopped and said, “Well, that’s all it is . ”

Teng Yongqing nodded his head and said, “Daoists are really knowledgeable when it comes to formations . ” He looked at the Evil Qi that had retreated from around them and asked, “So, since you’re able to push away the Evil Qi with the powder mixture, and the river spirit can’t move into areas without Evil Qi; you’ll be able to block off areas then finally trap the river spirit?”

“That’s right . ”

When the water around them has been cleansed to a certain level, Ye Shaoyang asked Gan Xinwen to move the boat to the next location . As soon as the boat moved into dark water, the waves began to form again . Ye Shaoyang stood in the front of the boat with his Yin Yang Compass and harpoon .

When the boat finally reached the next location, Ye Shaoyang asked the young men to do the same thing, and the water became clear immediately .

As they got to the final position, the river spirit could not wait anymore . She aggressively attacked the boat from the bottom . Since this area was still under her control, her attacks were quite powerful . Even with the stabilization from the golden figure of Buddha and the Pixiu Seal, the boat was still launched up into the air a few times .

Ye Shaoyang feared that if it continued, the boat would ultimately break apart, so Ye Shaoyang discussed with Gan Xinwen for a bit, and when the next attack was about to come, Ye Shaoyang yelled, “Move!”

Gan Xinwen quickly steered the boat aside .

As soon as the motors spun, the boat moved aside quickly . Then, a big shot of water burst out from their previous position, and within the water, seemed to appear the river spirit .

Ye Shaoyang quickly picked up the harpoon and aimed it at the river spirit . Right before he pressed the trigger, Teng Yongqing waved his hand and threw out a handful of walnut like things . As soon as they got close to the river spirit, they shot out a gold ray and pushed back the river spirit .

That was how Ye Shaoyang’s arrow missed the river spirit’s chest . However, the arrow did hit the right arm of the river spirit and stuck in her arm . Ye Shaoyang quickly pulled the line back to drag in the river spirit .

“Ah!” The river spirit yelled out in pain . She shook her body then broke off her right arm . Ye Shaoyang got her arm, but the river spirit had run away again .

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