Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 862 soul Wishing Orb & sounAaeUpgrade

In addition, Bai Zemin had finally encountered other living existences in the dungeon besides the princess of the pixie race. Some of them were orcs, there were mutant plants, humans, and other races as well.

They were all extremely wary of each other, and when they saw each other, they immediately moved in opposite directions to avoid a clash unless they recognized the other party as an ally.

The four biome turned out to be a snowy ground.

The winds were blowing so hard that even level 40 soul evolvers would find it difficult to walk and the snowflakes that kept falling from the sky obstructed the eyesight of beings above level 100.

The snowy lands were especially frightening at night.

Inside a man-made cave within a snow-covered mountain, Bai Zemin looked beyond the entrance.

"This weather is crazy. A level 45 soul evolver would turn into an ice statue if they stay outside all night." Bai Zemin\'s voice echoed somewhat in the cave as he threw a First Order Soul Stone forward.

The Endless Blue Lotus Flame was doing its job as a temporary campfire in the middle of the cave, as a reward, it occasionally received precious food that it was devouring with great pleasure while keeping the place warm and dimly lit.

"This weather will be normal on Earth when it reaches the fourth stage, so you better think of something to counteract it now that you know how terrifying it can get," Lilith commented as she sat on the bed beside him.

Hearing Lilith\'s words, Bai Zemin shook his head and sighed, "There\'s not much I can do except make good buildings and keep the weaker citizens from leaving home. It is absolutely impossible for each and every one of them to have the talent and ability to break beyond level 45 even if they had the intention to make it."

Lilith nodded silently, Bai Zemin was right. Even in Eventide World, a world that had just evolved to the third stage, most living beings were no higher than level 15 or struggled at level 25 of the Unclassified stage trying to break into the First Order.

Out of ten people, usually only 3 of them managed to complete the evolution requirements and advance. As for the rest, they spent the rest of their lives stuck at the maximum level if they ever reached it.

Once the two stopped talking, the howling of the wind became clearer and clearer. Each time a gust of wind cut for a brief moment beyond the cave, the howl seemed to turn into a fierce, bestial roar.

After learning how big this dungeon was, Bai Zemin had given up on the idea of rushing toward the silver-colored tower. Even if he arrived early, it was unlikely that all of his allies would have the ability to get there so quickly, therefore, instead of being forced to wait for them, Bai Zemin decided that it was better to take advantage of all the benefits that this artificial world had to offer.

Besides, even Bai Zemin could not see further than 10 meters in front of him with all the snow that was falling from the sky and the thick walls of wind swirling everywhere.

With no good vision because of the snow, with his sense of hearing blocked by the howling wind, with his steps hindered not only by the wind but also by the snow under his feet, with the freezing cold freezing his nerves and hindering his reaction speed... Going out in the midst of such terrifying weather in an unfamiliar place was not very different from raising his hand to ask to be ambushed.

Besides, Bai Zemin needed to confirm a few things before continuing his journey.

First, he took out one of the 19 golden pearls he obtained from the R*ich*s. This pearl was no bigger than the pearls from the Pik*ch*s but its brightness was in all aspects superior.

[Lightning Pearl (Rank 3, consumable): Contains a considerable amount of pure lightning energy, highly more effective than the Rank 2 Lightning Pearl. Effect: Consuming one Rank 3 Lightning Pearl raises the level of a random lightning-like skill possessed by the consumer by +1 and in case the skill is at level 5 it will be raised to the next stage. Only works on skills of Second Order or lower].

"This Rank 3 Lightning Pearl is a premium treasure no matter which way you look at it." Bai Zemin fiddled with the pearl as he thought about its future uses. "Too bad, I only have nineteen of these. If I had at least a hundred or two hundred, my subordinates\' power would skyrocket considerably after consuming one of these pearls each."

"Don\'t worry, little brother Zemin." Lilith suddenly smiled mysteriously and looked at Bai Zemin with glistening eyes: "I\'m sure by the time you leave this dungeon you\'ll have many more of those pearls, not only Rank 2 but even Rank 3."

"Uh? What do you mean with that?"

"Hehe, you just wait and see. This big sister of yours has good senses after all."

Bai Zemin shook his head and didn\'t try to get information from her. Lilith sometimes loved to play mysterious and if she didn\'t want to say something then the only way Bai Zemin could force or seduce her to talk would be in bed, but it wasn\'t time for those things yet so he temporarily let it go.


A seven colored glow shone in the cave, illuminating the inside for a moment before everything returned to normal.

"Why do you continue to stare at that orb? Nothing will change even if you stare at it a thousand more times and I\'m sure you\'ve already learned the description to the letter, haven\'t you?" Lilith asked perplexed as she looked at Bai Zemin.

He was holding a seven colored orb, it was the orb that the Soul Record had rewarded him with when he learned the skill Soul Manipulation thanks to Kali.

[Soul Wishing Orb (?): An orb capable of sensing the deepest desire of the soul. The treasure that will be formed will represent the greatest desires and urges of the one who uses it. It can only be used by those who have the skill Soul Manipulation].

"What is this description supposed to mean?" Bai Zemin scratched his head in confusion.

He and Lilith had studied the orb for days, every night without exception. Unfortunately, it was difficult to decipher anything with the little information they had.

"Is it assumed that if I desire a treasure capable of immediately making me the most powerful being of all this orb will fulfill it for me? Because if that\'s the case then this daddy might as well use this thing now, right?"

Lilith shook her head, "I don\'t think it\'s that simple, Zemin. I\'m not sure since this is probably the only Soul Wishing Orb in the universe, but I dare swear that if you use that orb now, you\'ll probably regret it later. call it instinct if you want."

"No, I know that too." Bai Zemin sighed. "Forget it, let\'s keep it for now and see later. Since the Soul Record gave it to me as a hidden reward for being the first in the history of the cosmos to learn the skill Soul Manipulation, then this orb has to be something really impressive."

Unless an emergency arose, Bai Zemin did not plan to do risky experiments with the Soul Wishing Orb. The value of the orb was too high to risk losing it due to a careless mistake. Careless mistakes were only allowed in situations where a miracle was able to save the day but not at moments like this.


After putting away the seven-colored orb, Bai Zemin brought out Annihilation of the Falling Sky.

The Soul Armament was currently in the form of a small golden-colored dagger with opaque runes. However, those crimson runes that were previously completely black due to the loss of power now had a small glow on them that added an extra layer of mystery and charm to the weapon.


[Annihilation of the Falling Sky -]

[Current form: Dagger]

[Soul Armament]

[Physical Attack Power: 8,000]

[Durability: ????]

[Characteristics -]

[Characteristic 1: It is currently lightly attached to Bai Zemin\'s soul but its true owner can call it back at will. Other than that, no one but those who have received approval from Annihilation of the Falling Sky may wield it].

[Characteristic 2: Using mana, the user can change the form of Annihilation of the Falling Sky to any weapon desired as long as the user has a clear idea of its composition and features].

[Options -]

[Option 1: Being a King grade Soul Armament, Annihilation of the Falling Sky automatically weakens the damage of any forged weapon, treasure type weapon, or Soul Armament by half. NOTE: Due to its current sealed state the effect is halved on forged weapons above Rank 5, treasure type weapons of Demi-God grade or higher, and Soul Armaments of Count grade or higher].


[Description: A Soul Contract needs to be formed in order to reveal the true power of the weapon and only then can the true Annihilation of the Falling Sky be seen. The requirements to form a Soul Contract with Annihilation of the Falling Sky are currently unknown].


During the past few days, Bai Zemin had slowly felt that Annihilation of the Falling Sky seemed to be strengthening within his soul. However, all the times he summoned the Soul Armament and used it in combat, no strange occurrences happened and the armament\'s records had not changed at all.

That had changed today afternoon when Bai Zemin was fighting against the enemies inhabiting this snowy biome as in the middle of the combat Annihilation of the Falling Sky suddenly released a great radiance that blinded both Bai Zemin and the enemy. After the blinding radiance disappeared, Bai Zemin\'s enemy was nowhere to be seen as if it had vanished and the records of the upgraded version of Annihilation of the Falling Sky flashed in his eyes without him asking for it.

"Why on earth did it suddenly become stronger?" Bai Zemin was truly perplexed regarding this matter.

Annihilation of the Falling Sky\'s attack power was previously only 1000 points, not bad but it was simply deficient when taking into account the kind of enemies Bai Zemin had to face. In fact, were it not for his frighteningly high Strength stat and his other skills such as the Endless Blue Lotus Flame, the normal power of Annihilation of the Falling Sky would not have been able to kill Second Order enemies so easily.

Now that the power of the Soul Armament had suddenly risen to 8000 points, Bai Zemin had finally gained an indestructible weapon that he could use in normal situations under which the use of his main weapon was not required.

Lilith gently touched the dagger blade and after reading the records she couldn\'t help but sigh even though she had seen them before.

"As expected from the legendary Soul Armament of the Heavenly Wolf Sirius. Annihilation of the Falling Sky isn\'t even in its full form, it\'s barely been released a little for some reason but not only has its attack risen so high but its first Option turned out to be so terrifying."

The ability to weaken by 50% the damage that other weapons regardless of whether they were forged weapons, Soul Record treasures, or other Soul Armaments could do was simply cheating. In a battle between two existences, weapons represented a large part of the fighters\' total power, and having the ability to weaken the opponent\'s weapon by half was definitely a big trap card that shouldn\'t exist.

"Could it be because of the skill Soul Manipulation?" Bai Zemin pondered.

Although he hadn\'t felt any change in his soul, it was certain that the skill Soul Manipulation recorded that his soul was now awake. Bai Zemin didn\'t know what it meant that his soul had awakened but it was the only thing he could think of with the ability to affect the power of Annihilation of the Falling Sky, which rested within his soul, in a positive way.

"... Hard to say, but it\'s not like there\'s any other plausible explanation at least for now." Lilith was as lost as he was.

Just at that moment, the skill God of War\'s Will of Bai Zemin triggered and his expression changed slightly.

"Enemy." He said calmly, slowly changing the shape of his weapon to greatsword.

Lilith simply smiled and without a word disappeared.

Bai Zemin would soon understand what she had meant earlier.

One did not always need to find things for oneself as occasionally there would be someone who would gladly give theirs.

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Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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