Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 733: Massive Destruction

Although the sun was present high in the skies, its light was so opaque that it could be easily ignored and its only use at this point was practically to let the humans know that in theory, they were still in daylight time and that the clocks were not misreading the time. It was just that the black sky above their heads was simply too dark, so dark that it could probably be categorized as the darkest night ever recorded in Earth\'s history.

However, even though there was insufficient sunlight, even though there was no moon to illuminate the earth, and even though there were no stars present to beautify the skies, this did not mean that there was no light or beauty shining above everyone\'s heads.



Despite the distance, the human soul evolvers fighting on the ground against the goblin army suddenly heard a thunderous explosion that by far had surpassed all previous ones. Several of them could not help but raise their heads as if by prior agreement and their faces lit up with various colors just as the sky and earth did.

"Beautiful..." A female soul evolver couldn\'t help but mutter those words even in the situation they were in, probably relaxing a bit due to the success the human troops were having in the war against the goblins.

"Beautiful but also terrifyingly dangerous." A First Order soul evolver next to the girl couldn\'t help but point out as he looked up at the sky with a pale face.

The words of the First Order soul evolver who was one of the warriors that had done the best in this war after taking the lives of countless goblins and saving several of his companions were precisely the words that everyone had in their minds as they looked up at the sky with dread.

The mana clouds seemed to have been swallowed by some kind of invisible monster as within a range of approximately 10 kilometers not even a purple cloud could be seen in the sky. If one looked beyond that 10-kilometer perimeter, one could see the terrifying shock wave pushing all the clouds back just like the receding ocean tide.

More than 10,000 meters above their heads, about 4,000 meters of sky had been tinged by bright purple flames that slowly spun in a spiral shape. Surrounding the purple flames were crimson lightning flashes that intermingled with the sparks of natural white lightning formed by excess mana in the clouds of mana.

Standing on the southern wall, Shangguan Bing Xue looked up at the sky with worry written all over her face.

She had replaced Feng Tian Wu as the soul evolver in charge of this battlefield and had ordered her to move to the north gate to support Sun Jun and Wu Keqian because although the north gate was the most distant to the mana egg located several kilometers away from the south gate, the lack of a powerful mage in the north was taking its toll on the Stamina of all the soul evolvers in that area.

With the addition of a powerful Second Order mage, a mage with powerful fire skills which was one of the most destructive natural elements in existence, the situation in the north became much more manageable and all the soul evolvers who were panting and sweating were finally able to take a breath.

"It\'s been more than 10 minutes... but he still hasn\'t returned..." Shangguan Bing Xue frowned as she muttered in worry.

Considering that the number of enemies was lower at the time she had switched battlefields, and considering that Bai Zemin had managed to wipe out the lives of 4-5 Third Order goblins in a minute at most, Shangguan Bing Xue had assumed that he would end everything shortly. However, even after 10 minutes, the explosions in the sky were getting fiercer and fiercer than before so she couldn\'t help but worry.

But Shangguan Bing Xue could feel that the battle in the skies had just ended. In fact, everyone could feel it.

"That explosion and the power used was at least three times higher than the previous ones." Shen Mei pointed out with a frown.

It was just at that moment when countless fragments of shattered metal began to rain down from the sky. The shattered metal fragments were surrounded by purple flames, and even though they disintegrated in a matter of seconds, they left millions of tiny purple traces in the sky marking the trajectory they had made before being consumed by the powerful flames.

"... It looks like the zeppelins were destroyed." Evangeline pointed out as she half-closed her eyes.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Just as Evangeline had finished saying those words, four bangs broke out from the huge spiral of purple flames and crimson-white lightnings.

"Goblin?" Shangguan Bing Xue frowned and her heart sank when she saw the four goblins falling from the sky.

Those were four Third Order goblins, and they were still alive even though they were tremendously battered!

Bai Zemin hadn\'t managed to kill almost any goblins during all this time? Not only did Shangguan Bing Xue and the others feel pressured and anxious when they thought of a certain possibility that they did not even want to imagine, but even those who were linked to Bai Zemin through the skill Loyal Follower of his Lord subclass felt their hearts clench at the thought.

One of the main reasons why so many powerful and brilliant people were willing to follow Bai Zemin was because of his power and the fact that so far and regardless of the circumstances, he had somehow or other managed to end the lives of all the enemies that came his way as he continued to move forward with steady steps.

However, Shangguan Bing Xue and the others knew in their hearts that if Bai Zemin were defeated in combat, the practically blind and religious belief that many of his followers had in him would waver completely. As for what if Bai Zemin fell in combat.... everything he had built so far would be destroyed in a second, and those watching from the shadows waiting for the opportunity would immediately pounce like hyenas hoping to get an extra piece of meat.

It was then when a crimson flash broke from high in the sky, and when Shangguan Bing Xue saw what it was, her face turned white as a sheet.

The object was a normal spear, however, that spear was encircled by red flames that covered its crimson body. The problem was that Shangguan Bing Xue had seen Bai Zemin use this attack two times in the past, and judging by the terrifying magical power surrounding the spear, it was clear that the disaster it would cause once it hit the ground would not be small.

She did not know what had happened in the sky, but Shangguan Bing Xue was clear that she had to make a move before the skill Crimson Blood Judgment launched by Bai Zemin hit something!

With a pale face, Shangguan Bing Xue extended both hands forward and used the second activation of his skill Ice Maker: "Ice World!"

Shangguan Bing Xue\'s Mana practically emptied out completely and her legs trembled. She used sheer willpower to stand upright while pushing all her mana out by making use of her high magical power and in a thousandth of a second a great change occurred on the southern battlefield.

When the blood spear surrounded by flames was less than 5000 meters high, its terrifying magical power began to affect the surroundings. The rivers of blood began to evaporate, the earth began to tremble, the sky rumbled, and the temperature of the area rose so high that even the goblins stopped their assault to look up with confused eyes.

At the same time, several ice traps that had been set several hours ago by Shangguan Bing Xue at Bai Zemin\'s request were finally activated under her command. Pa nda


Countless silver-colored magic circles exploded, and all the Mana and magic power they contained was released at once.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, a great cloud of white frost enveloped the area and the vision of everyone in the south of the entire battlefield was almost completely blocked. The frost was so dense and thickly concentrated that even with the temperature being much higher than normal it was not expelled.

A second later, the crimson glow in the sky grew and along with four explosions caused by the Third Order goblins slamming hard into the ground, the terror finally descended.


The power of the explosion was followed by screams of terror not only from the human side but also from the goblin side, because unlike zombies and mutant beasts, the goblins did have basic intelligence. However, the terror screams of the goblins disappeared without a trace in an instant while the terror screams of the humans were silenced by the earthquake that reverberated for more than 60 km around.



The ground shook and caved in, causing the First Order and Unclassified soul evolvers to lose their footing and fall amidst their cries of shock and fear.

High on top of the walls, the faces of the soldiers were as white as paper as they watched the huge blaze of crimson fire soaring into the clouds, ending in the shape of a mushroom covered in lightning.

"Ugh..." A pained expression appeared on Shangguan Bing Xue\'s beautiful face as she held both hands outstretched and tried to hold down the fort. Her expression was so pitiful that any man would not hesitate for a second to sacrifice himself for her lovely beauty, but everyone was too scared to pay attention to what was happening to her.

Several kilometers distant, right on the line that separated most of the goblin army and the human army, a huge wall of ice stretched for approximately 100 kilometers long and rose more than 3000 meters into the sky.


The fierce shockwaves continued to strike with great power on the wall of ice as they spread out in a circular shape with the point of impact as the center. The goblins on the other side of the wall were wiped off the map in a flash, and regardless of whether it was First Order or Unclassified, their bodies exploded when they were hit by the shockwaves or incinerated when they were reached by the flames.

Behind the huge walls of ice, the humans watched wide-eyed and fear-filled as they tried to scramble to their feet in an attempt to get as far away as possible from the blazing hell in front of them. They had no confidence in that wall of ice!

The power of Crimson Blood Judgment was simply too destructive, Bai Zemin could not control it at all. The power of the attack had been so huge that even from the north gate the slight trembling of the ground could be felt, and when the soul evolvers and soldiers stationed there looked up to the sky, they saw the crimson glare burning fiercely in the distance.

Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity even though it was only a few seconds, the power of the magical attack began to slowly fade as the mana and magical power began to be absorbed by the evolving Earth.

The strong winds that were already fierce calmed down a bit, the crimson fire began to fade, the trembling of the ground became progressively less, and the rumbling of the sky was no longer as thunderous as before.

Crack.... Crack... Crack...!

The cracks that already covered the entire wall grew. A moment later, that wall of ice that had prevented the humans from being wiped out from the mana finally couldn\'t take it anymore.


With a loud bang, the giant wall of ice collapsed.

Some pieces of ice were as big as the size of a house while others were as small as a speck of dust. The larger ones caused the ground to shake again as they fell while the smaller ones floated in the sky for a long time like endless sparkling diamonds that would have made the eyes of many shine had it not been for the horrible scene beyond the now fallen wall.

From the human side, beyond where the wall of ice stood, there was a crater so large that it looked like a small abyss. The ground had been melted at least 3000 meters and its width was at least 20 kilometers, slowly losing depth as one moved further away from the center of impact.

The earth was scorched, the ground cracked, burning lava ran through the rocks deeply buried inside the crater and fiery steam was slowly rising into the sky. It was a truly terrifying scene that chilled the blood of all humans at the mere thought that only a wall of ice had saved them from the same miserable fate that the goblins had experienced.

Standing on top of the walls, Evangeline moved to support Shangguan Bing Xue when the latter was close to collapsing. There was a thin trickle of blood running from the corner of her lips, but Shangguan Bing Xue\'s eyes were fixed in the distance.

"... No matter how many times I see it, this attack is really terrifying." Shangguan Bing Xue said in a low and weak voice. She struggled to stand on her own as she slowly said, "Such power.... It\'s hard to believe that a human can reach such destructive capacity."

Lin Min, the person in charge of the armed army at the south gate, was as pale as a sheet. The man had fallen on his butt while sweating bullets staring into the distance. Although he could not see the destruction, the trembling from the previous attack had caused him to be unable to stand despite the distance.

That thing was caused by a human?! Bullshit! Not only Lin Min but none of the nearby soldiers that heard Shangguan Bing Xue\'s words could believe such a thing even if they were beaten to death!

Evangeline and Shen Mei said nothing. Both women had pale faces as they looked into the distance. Unlike normal humans, they were able to see a bit of the situation in the distance, and even though they both knew that the cause had undoubtedly been Bai Zemin, it was hard for them to accept.

At the end of the day, Shen Mei did not know of the existence of Crimson Blood Judgment and Evangeline had only seen the aftermath of the attack but without seeing the true result of it even once.

Only those who had accompanied Bai Zemin since the beginning of his journey, since before he could leave the university, only they knew how terrifying the power of Crimson Blood Judgment was.

This was the third time Bai Zemin was forced into a corner and one or more enemies forced him to use this attack.

At the east gate, Wu Yijun\'s face was pale but her mother Sun Ling\'s face was even worse.

"That... That... What was that?" Sun Ling muttered in horror.

Wasn\'t that power too crazy? It was practically comparable to a nuclear bomb!

Although she had witnessed the final destruction of the fight between Bai Zemin and that Fourth Order existence in the ruins, this was on another level when it came to pure destruction!

Chen He observed the sky with a complex expression. There, a small golden dot slowly descended as countless blood chains danced around it like loyal servants waiting for the master\'s command.

He sighed and said in a clear voice, "That\'s one of Bai Zemin\'s attacks.... That\'s why I said before that he was no different from a moving nuclear bomb."

Sun Ling said nothing. She looked at Bai Zemin in amazement and her respect for him was only increasing. At the same time, when she looked at her daughter standing beside her, Sun Ling could not help but smile bitterly; her daughter watched with smitten eyes as that small golden dot with countless crimson chains slowly descended from the sky.

In the sky, Bai Zemin who was being watched as if he was a god, was barely struggling not to fall as he tried his best to keep the blood inside his body.

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