Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 537 - Elf Queens Frozen Pride & Close To The End

Then, for the first time, Bai Zemin pondered a thought which in the past would never have occurred to him..... This was a thought that he simply could not think of since his birth limited him just like any other human; after all, Bai Zemin was also human regardless of how strong he was.

In the past, this kind of thinking could be seen as foolish or naive; even idealistic. However, with the world evolving non-stop day after day, Bai Zemin felt that for his own growth and for the sake of his own future, he had to consider it.

Before, humans killed sheep for food. Now, humans kill mutated beasts for food. However, unlike most cases in the past, if a human today wanted to eat the meat of X creature, they would first have to fight a deadly battle in order to win.

If a human killed a tiger for food and strengthening, then that was fine. However, if a human died at the paws of a mutated tiger, that human\'s family would suffer endless pain for the rest of their lives.

Then, what about that tiger\'s family? Didn\'t animals have families of their own? In the past these were two questions that were insignificant to most but needed to be considered now that animals had mutated and were beginning to awaken intelligence and feelings not beneath those of a human.

Now, Bai Zemin felt it was right to assume that cases like that of the little ape might happen more often; this particular case had surprised him greatly as it was the first time such a thing had happened to him.

But... Who was to say that such a thing would not happen again? Tomorrow, Bai Zemin or any of his subordinates could kill a mutated beast without knowing that the slain beast had a partner or children, without knowing that they would be hurting the feelings of others and without knowing that they were destroying a family; without knowing that they might have attracted a being that would stop at nothing for revenge.

What would I do if someone murdered a member of my family? Bai Zemin took a brief moment to ask himself such a question but the mere thought of it caused his blood to run cold and the anger in his heart to surge.

Of course, he would seek out the culprit or culprits even if he had to go to hell itself. So, why wouldn\'t other sentient beings do the same as him? It was not only the animals that had mutated into beasts, but any other race that was born from now on in the Earth applied for this.

But in the end, Bai Zemin found the answer faster than he expected.

It was a very simple answer. It was not as difficult as it all seemed.

"I will simply do what I have to do to survive and for those important to me to survive.... Creating enemies in this world is a given, it is simply impossible not to create enmities when there are no firm rules.... Not to mention that in order to grow I have no choice but to kill."

The cold winds of the freezing night blew hard, carrying his voice for miles. His words echoed and resonated for a long time.

It was just that the one who had spoken them was no longer in sight and even the corpse of the creature that had given him an important lesson despite having known it for a couple of minutes also disappeared along with the owner of the male voice.

Seconds later, a giant sun brimming with magic power over 1000 meters in diameter fell into the sea. The water devoured the fire and when the cloud of steam reached colossal heights, an explosion that would become a catastrophe for mankind happened at a depth of more than 2000 meters.

And so, one of the battles that could very well have become the trigger that destroyed cities and annihilated forests, ended... It ended with only one death... And a valuable lesson for the victor.

* * *

Shangguan Bing Xue watched from a distance as the battle between the mermaid princess and the zombie leader unfolded, but there came a time when she even felt bored.

Although it was universally surprising that the mermaid princess could face the zombie leader despite being one stage below, in the eyes of existences like Shangguan Bing Xue herself, it was nothing to be praised. After all, both she and Bai Zemin and many others from the Transcendent faction were able to skip levels and a few were even able to stand up to an existence one stage above.

While it was amazing to see the mermaid princess\'s seemingly endless water summonings, as well as her impressive magical skills to boost the power of such summonings, and while it was truly amazing to see how the zombie leader destroyed purely with physical attacks each of the water-created beasts, Shangguan Bing Xue could not help but feel that the battle was going on for too long.

Of course, most of her anxiety stemmed from the fact that she did not know how Bai Zemin had been doing. So far, she heard no explosions from the distance and even though it had been several minutes since Bai Zemin had left with the beast leader in pursuit, there was still no sign of him in sight.

As the mermaid princess and the zombie leader fought, the war between the zombie-beast alliance and the sea creatures was in full swing and getting fiercer and fiercer.

There were only about 20,000 sea beasts left but the zombie army had been reduced from 900,000 to less than 400,000; this showed that the sea beasts, despite being infinitely fewer in numbers, made up for it with ferocity and tenacity.

The zombies were not at all scary once the fear of infection was removed. Furthermore, this war had served for Shangguan Bing Xue and Bai Zemin to discover that the human body was the only one that seemed to experience problems when scratched or bitten by zombies as the sea creatures were clearly immune; this opened a door with infinite possibilities that needed to be studied more deeply little by little.

Under the ferocious attacks of the shark man, the zombie army began to fall and the beasts present slowly moved into the path of annihilation.

However, just then a change occurred. The beasts that were focused on killing sea creatures suddenly stopped dead in their tracks and their eyes turned blood red.

They all let out thunderous roars that shook the bridge and the atmosphere surrounding the area before they began to slaughter the first thing closest to them. Right, left, north, or south; it didn\'t matter where, it didn\'t even matter the race as the beasts slaughtered everything in sight.


The lead zombie who had just landed back on the bridge after failing miserably to beat the mermaid princess shouted in frustration and fury as he watched the beasts begin to attack each other and even his army of zombies.

"That stupid ape really died!"

The lead zombie\'s disbelieving and furious shout caused Shangguan Bing Xue\'s eyes to light up as if thousands of star-filled galaxies were dancing inside them.

"That shameless little bastard really did it again." Shangguan Bing Xue\'s lips pursed into a slightly happy but mostly proud smile.

The battle that Bai Zemin had just won was the first real battle that from a certain point of view represented two great powers of the human race and the beast race! A battle in which two great leaders clashed and in which the human leader won!

However, just as Shangguan Bing Xue was happy and proud of Bai Zemin\'s achievement, her beautiful face turned white as a sheet when a giant beast towered over her out of nowhere.

The beast was similar to a huge crocodile and when her blue eyes met those two big bright yellow reptile eyes, Shangguan Bing Xue felt her blood run cold.

The alligator, which was once the beast leader\'s mount as well as a complement to his lack of physical ability, jumped up from the bottom of the sea the first moment a golden opportunity appeared. The beast had been waiting for the moment when one of the main enemies of the opposing side would slip up after its presence had been missing for so long, and that opportunity had come now!

This alligator was a Second Order level 92 beast that was especially intelligent despite not having the ability to speak. While the alligator knew that its master had died, the beast had decided to take the life of the human woman who was accompanying the culprit of its master\'s death as punishment before disappearing into the waters and returning to land later.

However, even though Shangguan Bing Xue had been caught off guard since she was right at one end of the bridge and even though her guard was at its lowest point after getting good news, she had already made preparations long ago after Bai Zemin warned her that something might happen because he somehow felt uncomfortable.


An explosion of frozen air burst out in front of Shangguan Bing Xue.

Frost and ice fragments flew everywhere, forming a dense frozen cloud over 400 meters high and over 900 meters in diameter.

The alligator lashed out with its tail without holding back at all as it could still faintly see the shadow of the human female in the middle of the frost cloud. However, the beast was shocked when the strength behind its swing was reduced by 40% as soon as it came in contact with the frozen mist and for every meter forward the power was reduced more and more.

"Hmph." Shangguan Bing Xue snorted and a flash of anger shone in her blue eyes.

The sapphire on her crown \'Elf Queen\'s Frozen Pride\' suddenly let out a faint warm radiance and under the terrified eyes of the alligator its tail began to freeze. However, this was no ordinary ice.

Looking beyond the fog, the alligator was alarmed when it faintly noticed that behind the human woman was another woman who although it was impossible to see her appearance due to the frost fog, was definitely a beauty from the human standard judging by her silhouette.

"Elf Queen\'s Frozen Pride," Shangguan Bing Xue sang in a cold voice.


The silhouette of the second woman who had just appeared pointed her index finger forward and all the frost fog suddenly compressed before flying all the way towards the alligator.


A large part of the bridge was completely sealed under the ice and over 2000 kilometers of the sea in front of Shangguan Bing Xue turned into an ice arena.

Sealed in an ice statue that joined perfectly with the bridge, the alligator "looked" outward with its eyes wide open.

It was just that while the alligator\'s eyes were open, in reality, the beast could no longer see.

[You have received the Soul Power of Second Order Colossal Destructive Alligator level 92.....]

Shangguan Bing Xue unconsciously let out a sigh of relief in her heart as the light in the sapphire of her Elf Queen\'s Frozen Pride dimmed. Her treasure lost all luster and even dulled; having lost all magic power, it needed time to recharge in order to be usable again.

If not for the fact that she had taken Bai Zemin\'s words too seriously and had set a trap beforehand using the second activation of her Ice Maker skill, Shangguan Bing Xue might have encountered severe trouble and her life might have fallen into mortal danger. Fortunately, Shangguan Bing Xue had learned that Bai Zemin seemed to be not only a tenacious and powerful man but also seemed to have a sixth sense as his intuition rarely failed.

Seeing that things were getting completely out of his control, the zombie leader let out a vicious roar and a huge sound wave spread across the entire bridge.

The zombies that were fighting froze for a moment when the sound wave hit them and then began to turn around to try to flee in a southerly direction as it was the closest area to the mainland despite being more than 45 kilometers away.

However, how could the sea creatures let the zombies run away?

Seizing the opportunity, the sea creatures not only continued slaughtering the beasts that had lost their leader but also slaughtered even more ferociously the zombies which due to their agility now just beginning to be comparable to that of a normal human could not run too far before being overtaken again.

"Hahaha.... Zombie leader, looks like the human leader managed to end the beast leader\'s life!" Xian Mei\'er burst out laughing.

Her laughter was extremely beautiful to listen to similar to a melody sung by the gods and the joy in her words was so great that it encouraged her subordinates to kill their enemies with even more ferocity than before.

"The human leader is probably on his way here, how about you stay to greet him?" Xian Mei\'er sneered as she understood the zombie leader\'s intention and with a swing of her staff created three water dragons at the same time.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The three water dragons with ice armor surrounding their bodies roared low before rushing forward with the same common goal.

"Fucking bitch!!!" The zombie leader was enraged when his escape routes were obstructed, and without any other choice, he began to fight against the extremely sturdy water dragons.

The zombie leader knew that if he did not flee soon, by the time Bai Zemin reached the bridge, his life would be over under the human-sea alliance!

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Sorry, second chapy late cause was valentine\'s day and was busy >.<

2400+ words :)

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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