Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 391 - Soul Affinity: Soul Mates (Part 3)

The soul of a living being was the very representation of force. Not only the physical force, but the soul also represented vitality, strength, power, stamina, agility, etc. The soul represented the limits of the body of each living being and the way in which everyone could have access to their soul was through the "status window" that displayed with the will of the soul evolver.

When a living being absorbed part of the Soul Power of another living being, the soul of the number one living being became more powerful and therefore the statistics increased since the limits that represented the capacity of that living being received a boost that we could notice or not notice thanks to the "status window".

However, although the soul was basically the representation of the capacity of each living being, among mankind there were always different theories or thoughts about it.

For example, romantically speaking, there was a famous phrase that had traveled the world and regardless of culture surely every human being had heard at some time in their lives: "Soul mates".

What were soul mates? This was a question that had no clear answer since the existence of the soul itself was a mystery. However, there were many theories and definitions for romantics who firmly believed in the existence of "the love of their lives".

The most popular thought concerning soul mates was that, when two people were soul mates, the degree in the depth of affinity reached the maximum possible between the two. This could involve similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, etc.

Therefore, humans have always asked themselves at least once unconsciously: "If soul mates exist, where is mine? Is she/he the right one? Is this love true or false?

So, when Bai Zemin talked about the affinity between two different souls, the reactions of the people in the workshop were different.

Shangguan Bing Xue looked deep in thought as she stared at no one in particular so it was extremely difficult to understand what her thoughts or feelings were regarding what she had just heard.

Wu Yijun had a considerably bad expression after hearing Bai Zemin\'s theory as for her the fact that their souls were not compatible was simply like receiving a bad omen in the middle of a storm.

As for Chen He, he looked quite fearful. His expression turned from having a warm smile to seriousness and he looked at her outstretched hand with hesitant eyes. Anyone who paid attention to him would immediately understand that he was no longer so sure about wanting to take his beloved\'s hand to check if they could share records.

As for Bai Zemin, he was unable to appreciate the different emotions of each as he was staring at the small flame in the furnace. It was only after several seconds of silence that he turned his face and noticing the awkward atmosphere said with a smile:

"Why are you all taking it so personally? Didn\'t I just say it\'s just a theory? I\'m not saying that my words are 100% factually correct. In fact, most likely everything I said isn\'t even close at all."

However, none of the three said much even after hearing this.

The main problem lay in the fact that Bai Zemin was analyzing everything from a logical point of view and had left out emotions. The aspect of soul mates or romanticism never crossed his mind while he was elaborating the above theory based on what happened. However, this was thanks to the passive effect of Stone Heart; those who did not have a powerful skill to keep their minds away from emotions did not enjoy such a privilege.

After a moment of silence, Shangguan Bing Xue interjected, "I think that while it might not be as you say, your words make quite a bit of sense if you ask me. Besides, I just came up with a somewhat far-fetched idea."

"Oh?" Bai Zemin looked at her, since she was apparently the only one capable of reasoning with clarity at the moment, he asked, "Can you tell me more about this idea of yours?"

However, Shangguan Bing Xue shook her head and said with apparent calm, "I\'m afraid I better not do that right now. However, I would like us to try to see if between the four of us we can share our records since this idea I just thought of will depend on that in order to be feasible.... If it can be carried out, in the first place."

"That\'s fine for me." Bai Zemin shrugged his shoulders.

Wu Yijun also nodded without saying too much but it was clear that the unease still lingered in her heart.

"This..." Chen He, on the other hand, hesitated. But seeing that everyone was looking at him, he finally gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay. Let\'s do it then."

There was no place to run! Besides, thinking back, wasn\'t this also a good opportunity? If he and Shangguan Bing Xue could share records, then it meant that, even if Bai Zemin\'s theory wasn\'t 100% correct, his soul and hers had some synchronicity.

Shangguan Bing Xue looked at him without saying anything and her eyes flashed uncharacteristically.

"Then..." Bai Zemin looked at the three people in front of him and slowly said, "The result of me trying to share my records with Wu Yijun was failure. The result of Wu Yijun with Chen He could be said to be a rather poor success as the discomfort they both felt was not pleasant at all..."

Shangguan Bing Xue continued with what he was saying, "As for Yijun and myself, even though I was indeed able to see the record of her Hydrokinesis skill, the feeling of rejection was still there. It was probably the same as what she felt with Chen He, wasn\'t it?"

"Yes. I honestly prefer not to do that again." Wu Yijun nodded and said earnestly, "Even though when I try to share records with Bai Zemin I feel pain, my soul doesn\'t reject his like with Chen He. I think there is definitely something strange here."

Bai Zemin rubbed his chin for a moment and then nodded, "I see.... I guess there\'s still a lot to learn regarding Soul Power and Soul Record."

But after he said these words he laughed at himself. How could there not be much to learn? This journey was just beginning for all of them after all!

"So, shall we begin?" Shangguan Bing Xue looked at Bai Zemin and Chen He, "That leaves the three of us. Yijun already made her attempt with each of us."

"All right."

Bai Zemin and Chen He nodded.

"So, do you two want to try first or...?" Bai Zemin looked at Chen He since a few moments ago he seemed eager to try.

Bai Zemin himself didn\'t care who went first or last, to him this was just a minor analysis for further study as they were just scratching the top of the secrets of the soul.

Chen He seemed anxious, just like before. However, this time he was anxious about the results that would come out! For some reason, he wanted to delay the inevitable, but a soft, neutral voice beat him to it.

"Then, I\'ll go first with Chen He." Shangguan Bing Xue said and extended her white palm forward as she looked at her childhood friend.

Chen He looked at the beautiful hand suspended in the mid-air, waiting for him to take it. For a moment, he simply stood there, stunned, staring at it. How many times had he dreamed about holding her hand? Probably too many to remember. However, little did he expect that when the opportunity would finally show itself to him it would be in such circumstances where his heart could not rest easy due to the constant anxiety born of negative thoughts.

Shangguan Bing Xue naturally understood what Chen He was thinking, therefore she did not press. This could be the opportunity to show her precious friend that they were that and only that; friends.

She really appreciated Chen He very much, however, the appreciation she felt for him was that of a friend for her childhood friend. It could even be said that she saw him as a caring brother. Therefore, she really hoped that he would be happy.

Unfortunately, even without joining hands to feel each other\'s soul, Shangguan Bing Xue was somehow sure that there could only be one ending here, an outcome that Chen He would surely not like but which would perhaps help to kill all possible hope.

After almost two full minutes of silence, Chen He finally took several deep breaths and extended his hand forward.

Bai Zemin and Wu Yijun easily noticed how Chen He\'s usually firm and confident hand trembled slightly for every inch it moved forward, closing the distance with Shangguan Bing Xue\'s clearly smaller hand.

Just as his and her hand were about to touch, Chen He stopped his movements as if hesitating. However, Shangguan Bing Xue closed that small breach by taking a small step forward and casually grabbing Chen He\'s hand.

Chen He\'s mind went blank for a moment at the velvety softness that filled his senses when his hand came into contact with Shangguan Bing Xue\'s hand. He felt as if he were touching the most expensive silk in the world and his heart pounded madly just by touching such a casual part of her body as her hand was.

However, Chen He did not have much time to enjoy the sensation that was transmitted to his brain through the palm of his hand because the next moment his face turned pale as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

Shangguan Bing Xue, not wanting to delay this any longer than necessary and not feeling too comfortable even though the hand she was holding was that of a good friend, hurriedly followed the steps previously explained by Bai Zemin and sent the record of one of her passive skills towards Chen He.

When that small fragment of her soul was surrounded by Chen He\'s soul, not even two seconds passed when both of their faces turned pale.

As if a blazing fire were burning between their hands, Shangguan Bing Xue and Chen He hurriedly let go and walked several steps away with white faces. A thin trickle of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth while she held a hand to her chest as if she were experiencing great suffering.

Bai Zemin and Wu Yijun\'s faces changed at the same time and they both stepped forward to hurriedly support them.

"Are you all right?"

"Bing Xue! Chen He!"

The pained expression on Shangguan Bing Xue\'s face was on the level of Wu Yijun\'s when she tried to do the same with Bai Zemin the day before. On the other hand, Chen He looked even worse as if not for Bai Zemin\'s quick support he might have collapsed after stepping back a couple of steps.

"It\'s no good." Shangguan Bing Xue shook her head as with Wu Yijun\'s help she rested her weight on the worktable, "His soul and mine are too different. The rejection is just too high."

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