Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 851 Deeper? - No. 7

Once my hand was on my katana and my face looks how it looks right fucking now, it was the fucking signal for everyone else that hadn\'t written a will yet to get the fuck away from me because I\'d fucking cut up anyone within my range—even if they weren\'t fucking involved. However, there was a particular motherfucker that fucked around and wanted to find out so I\'ll give him the special treatment he so fucking deserved to have.

A short exhale was all that could be heard the moment a glint appeared for a short second.

Logan was still cheekily holding his bowie knife with a reverse grip—blade pointed downward—but he never looks so confused when its pommel—a carved skull at the end of its handle—looked like it was momentarily floating a few centimeters away from his knife.

Heck, even everyone else couldn\'t explain that instance but there would be more instances like that that would instantly follow.

And right at this moment, Logan\'s skin from his elbow, his wrist, the side of his palm, and the little flap just by his pinky split open.

And immediately after that, the tip of his nose, a little bit of his left eyelid, his left eyebrow, and the left side of his forehead did the same exact thing before blood leaked out, and pain and even more confusion registered on his face.

It looked like a shallow strike but the way the pommel on his knife—due the way he was holding it—was closer to his neck, I purposefully gave him a "flesh wound" AND a little warning that I can give him a shallow or a deep wound—fuck it, a quick beheading if I so wanted.

I could\'ve dug my blade deep into his elbow, cut into his forearm, and made him lose half of his hand, purposefully avoid his knife to prevent damaging my blade, cut back in straight to his cheek, his nose, his eye, his ear, and come out the side of his skull in one quick slash, and have more than enough time to sheathe my blade right after.

With that said, no one had the fucking chance to react and no one even dared to move—even Logan—and when they only heard the quiet clink when I sheathed my blade was the time everyone else present managed to take in a breath.

It\'s just that Logan was still bleeding from his wounds and even he didn\'t know if he was allowed to move or not.

Well, the knife he put up earlier to defend against me had already fallen on the ground and was getting bled on by his own wounds but despite all that, he was still in the same position—still had his arm raised up—but he looked like I was actively sucking his soul out his body.

I sighed as I turned to Kaley, "Hey, can you patch him up?"

It took Kaley a moment to respond, "Y-Yes, w-why\'d you have to cut him in the first place?!"

At this moment, everyone was still partly stunned but Kaley had already pulled out her kit and started to sit down Logan so she could treat him. However, I took a few steps forward and crouched in front of him to make sure he actually got the message.

"Hey, tough guy. This here\'s my wife, yeah? She\'s the best in the world and I don\'t fucking like people like you saying shit to her just to tick me off. But yeah, I IMPLORE you to try anything funny so we\'d just waste a few cups of gas and some matches for you. Have some self—"

Kaley turned to me, "He got it, alright?! Besides, I\'ve heard plenty of insults in my life, I can take some without flying off the handle…" then she turned back to Logan, "You\'re lucky that you\'re only gonna need stitches, everything\'s almost superficial… Can you press this cloth here? A little harder. He even avoided your eye…"


At this point, Logan miraculously found his mute button and he was just following each of Kaley\'s words. But when I turned around, it was the usual thing for Tatiana and Jose—the complete opposite of Quinn and Dave, while Isaac looked like he just had an orgasm.

"H-How did you fucking do that, sen— bro?!"

"It\'s just a simple draw—"

"Simple draw my ass! Ah— I was just— That\'s more than a simple draw! I\'m not an idiot! It— It looked like it but it w-went deep o-or something! That\'s impossible—"

Quinn interjected, "Why\'d you hold back? You could\'ve just killed him—"

Dave suddenly got in between us as he glared at Quinn, "Hey! He\'s a fucking asshole but killing\'s off the table!" then he turned to me, "Isn\'t that too much? What you did?"

I was taken aback, "Too much? What if he said shit about your sister, huh? What would—"

Dave quickly answered, "Ah— Yeah, I would\'ve shot him dead—"

Kaley shouted from behind us, "Hey! What are you all talking about?! He\'s RIGHT here! Someone help me bring him to the infirmary! You\'re all insane!"

Quinn rolled her eyes as she pointed at me, "What if it\'s him, huh? What would you do, hmm? If you know, something bad happens to him?"

Kaley\'s face suddenly went dark, "Insults, we can manage but if it\'s the other thing…" she trailed as she looked in a particular corner inside her kit and let out an eerie smile, "I\'ll cross the bridge when I get there…" then she turned back to Logan, "You wouldn\'t do something stupid as that, right?"

"Y-Yeah…" Logan had never looked so demure as he gulped.

With that said, everyone else actually accompanied Logan to the closest infirmary and the people inside set up a small section where Quinn and Dave could continue to talk about business. Well, it was mostly progress reports on the repairs and the state of the engines they were manufacturing but I couldn\'t help but get annoyed due to how Logan and Isaac were looking at me a little too much.

"What?!" I shouted as I flicked a peanut right in the middle of each of their foreheads.

I absolutely thought that some kind of chaos would ensue but the two dumbasses didn\'t even have the reflexes to dodge them. Isaac got hit squarely but even though the same thing happened to Logan, it bounced off his head and landed on Kaley\'s face, instantly prompting her to snap her neck towards me and give me a vicious glare.

"My bad… my bad…"

"Stop messing around! I\'m focusing here!" then she turned back to Logan, "Are you sure you\'re okay without taking some sort of anesthetic?"

Logan responded weakly, "Yeah… I\'ve never felt so numb…"


"I… I still can\'t believe I\'m alive… I thought my torso was the one floating in the air instead of my pommel…"

"He… He does that sometimes… When he\'s really mad… Just a tip though: there are other ways to get people\'s attention aside from doing what you\'re doing…"


"I\'m not done. This could\'ve ended really~ badly. Tell me, are you always… like that?"

"Well… when I was younger I think something happened then…"

"Can you tell me more about it?"

Quinn interjected, "The fuck are you two getting buddy-buddy for? You should be the one fucking mad right now—"

I quietly waved Quinn off and mouthed, "Shh! Let her cook… Let her cook…"

At that point, Quinn had never been so confused but after a good 15 minutes or so, Logan was pouring his heart and soul into everyone present—crying nonstop, apologizing, and offering everyone a hug—though he knew when to back away when he tried to do the same thing to Quinn and me.

And to my surprise, he just looked for an open bed and fainted right when his head hit the pillow and I actually thought he had done everything he wanted in the world and was ready to pass on.

I chuckled, "No fucking way he could sleep just like that."

Dave shook his head, "That\'s his… talent. He could just lie down anywhere and fall asleep any second. I\'m fucking jealous of it because he takes Tren and it doesn\'t affect his sleep whatsoever…" then he turned to Kaley, "But what did you do to him?"

Kaley answered, "Hmm? I just talked to him? Why?"

"I\'m kinda scared of you now, honestly…"

"Why? Can we talk about it? Also, I heard you mentioned your sister… Can you share some details—"

"No. NO! We\'re not doing this! I\'M NOT FALLING FOR THIS CRAP—"

After another 15 minutes, Kaley was wearing a victorious smile while I was tasked with tucking Dave right next to Logan. No one could look her in the eye right now but Quinn stifled a laugh after stretching her body.

Tatiana turned to her, "What\'s so funny?"

"Nothing, really. It\'s just that they will need that sleep so much right now."


"Well, Jesus is coming."

"Wut? Jesus?"

"Oh, right… No. 7, Jesus is coming. It\'s pronounced as \'Hey-soos\', alright? Don\'t get the two mixed up."

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