Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 494

Chapter 494: 494

I have only walked a dozen steps before screams and dull thuds from bodies falling to the floor followed. It was a weird feeling to have a few people I was just talking to earlier, telling them that everything was going to be alright with a smile on my face, meeting their end abruptly like a dream suddenly turning into a nightmare. The commotion only lasted for a few moments before it was quiet once more.

I could only hear the sound of water sloshing and hitting against the barriers of the harbor.

The moment I looked back, their bodies were being carried out one by one. Morales came out briefly while wiping his knife with a piece of cloth and then our eyes met.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” Morales asked as he approached me.

I let out a faint smile, “Yeah, I know everything. Good thing I didn’t come out to just piss. I would’ve come back to corpses that wouldn’t be able to answer my questions.”

Morales took a closer look at me as he placed his knife back on the sheath, “You better report everything to the president then. I’d love to hear what they said but I wouldn’t trust anything coming out of their mouths.”

“I was about to look for him. Well, real eyes realize real lies, right? There are a few things you wouldn’t be able to get ahold of if you keep using force.”

Morales kept a straight face while looking at me but his eyes squinted for a bit with my explanation, “Hmm, better get to it then. I still have a lot to take care of regarding this harbor.”

“Hmm? This is just a guess but, are you gonna be the one running this place?”

“Affirmative, is there a problem?”

“No, not at all. We’ll be seeing more of each other then and I hope we get along.” I offered a small handshake.

‘I guess this place wouldn’t be just turned over to me… I’m gonna ask for more info later though…’ I thought to myself.

Morales returned it with his own then he said, “We’ll be in different cities but sure, I see no problem in it. I better get going, good work on the prisoners.”

We eventually parted ways though I felt like Morales was either too preoccupied to deal with me just yet or he was just like that in the beginning. Either way, I have new people to deal with and I hope it would be not as hard to get along with them.

‘Is he a member of that squad though? The president brought a lot more soldiers this time too. I bet there are more waiting in Iskoh’s place.’ I thought to myself.

The president was a powerful ally and a ruthless enemy. No one would wish to be on the opposing side or else the power of a country would rain down on them hard. A few have already tried but they were met with the same fate.

“Sir, the president is looking for you.” a soldier with a huge flashlight approached me, bearing some news.

“And my team?” I asked.

“They were also escorted there, sir.”

“How about Cyrill?”

“Oh, he’s being tended to by our nurse from the other tent.”

“Okay, tell him later that I’ll talk to him after this. Give him a few tablets of Ibuprofen because he’ll f.u.c.k.i.n.g need it.”

“Y-Yes, sir.”

I was shortly escorted to another office that was much bigger where the president and the rest were present. The old dudes were discussing various things with Iskoh while the rest of my team was waiting for me with Borris. They saw me come in and my team greeted me with a simple nod or a short salute. I was about to walk up to them but Oscar called me over to their side.

“Kid, come over here.”

“When did you become Scorpion?”


“Not important.”

“Bah! Stop fooling around!”

I chuckled briefly before I began to report everything that I found out as we started a small meeting. I brought out a map to point out the place where their main group could’ve been.

“They’re located at this port but I doubt that could be the only place they have people in.” I started. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #!_15361050805034705/let\'s-go-back-shall-we_51121577126846378 for visiting.

“I thought you already learned everything from the prisoners?” Iskoh asked.

“Well, I did squeeze everything from them. However, they wouldn’t know everything that occurs in their other base. If we’re going to make a plan about ‘approaching’ them, we should be taking into account everything. It’s a long shot and shouldn’t be expected of them but these places here, here, and here should be checked first.” I explained.

“Wouldn’t matter as much because we’ll mow everything down once we set up this place properly. We’d be staying here for a few days and we’ll do as much as we can, given the time period.” Rod declared casually.

“How long exactly would you be staying here then?” I asked.

“Three days at most but I could extend it up to four or five, no promises though. If I take more time, Roque would start crying like a bitch and I wouldn’t want Manny to take over for long. I didn’t think it would as troubling as leaving Roque compared to bringing him with me.” Rod replied.

“Heh, you left him at your place?” I chuckled.

“Not exactly, he’s at my place.” Iskoh chimed in.

“Is that why your wife came as well?” I shook my head in amus.e.m.e.nt.

“Nah, just being on the safe side. I wouldn’t leave her and she really wanted to see Jude again.” Iskoh continued.

“Enough chit-chat, are we going for them now or what? I know you said earlier we would but I suggest you take some rest. Your soldiers need them too and another surprise attack wouldn’t be as good when they already got notified of our presence.” Oscar started as he waited for Rod’s response.

Rod scratched his head a few times but he eventually nodded, “Yeah, I think it would be better to finish setting up and getting familiar with this place. I’d send a few soldiers to scout the surroundings first thing in the morning but I’d assemble a team to start clearing the dead outside. Cities area a f.u.c.k.i.n.g pain to deal with especially in this region. As soon as I’m done gathering intel, we’d attack as early as we could.”

“It would be better if they come with us and some of my scouting groups. We haven’t been here in these parts when it started but we’re more familiar with the area.” I added.

“Hmm, bring a group or two then. For now, let’s head back to your place, Morales will deal with the things here while we’re away.” Rod concluded.

“Before that… I have a few questions about Morales…” I trailed.

“What? Oh, let’s just say that he’ll be the bridge between the two of you. I doubt you could spare a lot of soldiers to guard this place but it would be better to leave a few of your own here. I’ll be leaving a hundred soldiers here and you two should fill the rest with whatever you can. They don’t have to be soldiers but they should at least know to handle guns. Aside from that, a few people to maintain this place. You know, keeping the upkeep.” Rod explained.

I wanted to discuss more things but the notion of taking a rest was on everyone’s minds, especially the old dudes. They don’t show it but their age wasn’t allowing them to perform for long periods of time compared to when they were still at their peak. It was also nearing sunset and we need to get going if we wanted to get home as fast as possible.

Before we left, the president spoke to Morales for a brief moment, leaving a few instructions. While they were talking, I noticed that Morales was stealing glances at Artem and I could feel a little bit of tension. However, Artem was just standing right behind me, not minding the glances that Morales was giving him. Artem’s group was doing the same thing but my group obviously felt it as well.

‘This could be a problem… Artem and his group have been quiet the whole time as well…’ I thought to myself.

The president was about to ride with Oscar but Morales stopped him.

“Mr. President, why don’t you take the helicopter? It would be faster and safer.” Morales suggested.

“With this kid driving? Hah! I’ll pass this time around. A few of you would be following us anyway and I want to feel the road for a bit. It’s only a few minutes and I’ll get to shoot while driving. D’you know how hard it is to hit something from a helicopter? See you tomorrow, we’ll bring great food if we can.” Rod waved him over, riding shotgun on Oscar’s SUV.

“Understood, Sir.” Morales nodded a few times before bidding us goodbye.

Matthew, Borris, and Cyrill also rode with Oscar and the president but Iskoh rode with us. He wanted to see the view from up top and there was space available. Aside from that, he wanted to check on Jade as soon as possible, and riding the helicopter with me was the fastest way available to him.

Oscar’s SUV was led by two military trucks and a jeep filled with soldiers and they drove ahead of us to save some time.

“Let’s go back, shall we?” I said to my group before turning the engine on.

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