The Legacy System

Chapter 309 - 309: Tricking The Copycat

The truth was that his reaction and his disposition had attracted even Eric\'s attention. This was the kind of guy that would sell anyone at any point for any kind of profit.

Just the countenance he had while speaking all this time, and the way he easily told him everything he knew was enough to prove this point.

Eric would most certainly detest having such a person by his side, as he would never have any secret as long as he knew about it.

Most probably he would even die without understanding how it happened, so he had to be extremely careful around him.

But he didn\'t need every one of his followers or employees to work by his side. For example, this guy could work for his \'dear brother\' or his dear \'father-in-law\'.

Even though he might not help Eric much, at least would impede their advances. In that environment where every side wanted information about the other, he would be like a fish in the sea.

Jumping from one side to the other as long as there was enough profit, would surely make things interesting in the Takeshiba Group of Companies.

Furthermore, there was one more reason why Eric liked this special type of scared rat. When the ship was about to drown were always this type of rat that would be able to sense it first.

So, placing him inside the Takeshiba Group of Companies was the same as placing an alarm system inside the place, that would warn him when and which ship was going to sink.

Ryuji looked at Eric with a weird look, and then towards that woman on the ground, and then once again towards Eric, as he finally reached a conclusion inside his heart.

"I accept!"

He said those words with a seemingly great conviction, even though laced with a bit of disappointment, and reluctance.

It seemed like he had taken a difficult decision, but the truth was that he had long made his decision.

From the moment that Eric had threatened him with the knife, he had decided to agree with whatever Eric wished and said otherwise, he was dead.

A rat like him could easily recognize the cat playing with him, and he understood that if he didn\'t play according to the cat\'s satisfaction, then he was a dead rat.

Those looks right now, were just so that he could play according to the cat\'s expectations, and not give in immediately.

Looking at those good acting skills, Eric showed a smile on his face, as he said,

"Good! Very good! I assure you, you won\'t regret it!"

Hearing those words, Ryuji\'s face shined as it had suddenly seen the sun, but inside he felt a bit of cold feet.

He didn\'t know why but he felt like the cat that had captured him, was much more difficult, and sly than he thought. But now there was no turning back for him.

At least he had ensured his life! Thinking like that, he showed a humble smile on his face, and said,

"Is this little one\'s honor to serve Master!"

Hearing that, Eric\'s face brightened a bit more, as he looked towards him, cut his ropes, and said,

"You are very good indeed! Well at the moment just help me untie that woman, and keep an eye on her!

Do not forget to not cross the limit though, she is mine!"

"Certainly Master, certainly as you wish!"

Saying that Ryuji got up from his place, picked up the knife with a thinking face, and then walked towards Nakamura Reiko, that was the name of the lady, in order to cut her ropes.

He left the gag-ball inside though, as he didn\'t dare to cross his limits, and then walked back towards Eric, and took position behind him like a true servant.

Even though the role had been handed to him suddenly, and too quickly he still managed to adapt really well, attracting Eric\'s attention and curiosity even more.

If Eric would have to put a name to this special ability of his, he would say that this guy was some kind of copycat, able to adapt and reproduce everything he had seen.

Well, Eric\'s intention was to throw this guy in the middle of the jungle and see how he would survive in there, so he felt that an amazing show was about to unveil in front of him.

With those thoughts in his mind, Eric looked at him from head to toe, threw him some white pill, and said,

"Take this!"

The moment that the pill landed on his hands, made the poor Ryuji\'s heart skip a beat, but if Eric told him to take the pill, then he had no other choice but to do so.

He could feel that it wasn\'t some ordinary pill, and his mind started creating thousands of different scenarios, but he had no other choice but to put the pill into his mouth.

The moment he did so, Eric suddenly closed his mouth, and his nose making him involuntarily swallow the pill, as Eric\'s smile became even brighter as he continued,

"With this, your loyalty is assured, I can\'t wait to see your success in the future!"

The moment he heard those words, Ryuji felt that the worst scenario he thought about had come true, but he couldn\'t bear it without asking,

"What was the pill that you gave me master!?"

"Oh that!? It was just a small poison pill, but you don\'t have to worry, as long as you work diligently for me, and take the antidote every once in a month, there will be no problems to you!"


At that moment, a big and large boulder descended on the poor Ryuji\'s heart and shoulders, as he understood that he had no escape from his current situation.

As long as he didn\'t want to die he would have to abide by Eric\'s wishes and orders. Or at least until he received the full antidote.

But until then, he had to be Eric\'s most loyal dog, otherwise, his days were numbered. Damn! Why did he have to meet up with such a tragedy?

He didn\'t deserve this shit! But there was nothing he could do about it anymore, besides playing it cool, like he wasn\'t worried in the least,

"This lowly one understands Master, even though Master had no need to do something like this, as this lowly one swore his life, heart, and soul to Master!"

Even in this kind of situation, this guy was able to keep calm and play it cool, making Eric feel a bit apprehensive that his trick might have failed.

But sensing how fast, and hard his heart was beating at that moment, made him appreciate this guy even more. He was able to adapt even in such a situation.

He had just found himself a rough diamond even without searching for one, he felt quite lucky with his finding.

He would love to keep him around for a while longer, but considering the reason for being there, he felt that it would be a grave mistake to keep him by his side, so he said,

"Now that you have decided to work for me, then there is no use of you staying in this place! Leave these Islands as soon as possible, and go to Kyushu.

There will be people waiting for you, with your new instructions, job, and the monthly shot of antidote!

Now you can leave!"

Hearing all that, Ryuji had no other option but to calmly walk towards the cave\'s exit, and leave the place just as Eric said.

His shaking and trembling legs were a good demonstrative factor of his internal unrest, but there was nothing he could do besides obeying.

In fact, there were quite a few dangerous and tricky thoughts inside his mind, but he would still need to leave this cave in order to try them out.

Even though Eric had most probably intentionally told him that the antidote was waiting for him in Kyushu, as that he didn\'t have it on himself, he still thought that there was no way for that to happen.

Eric must certainly have the antidote on his persona, most probably is inside his storage ring, but he was unable to take it from him by himself.

He needed help!

But in order to gather a bit of help, he would need to go outside the cave and try to find and lure a few experts towards Eric, and that bi*tch.

The weirdest thing about this whole situation though was the fact that he never doubted the fact that he had just taken some weird poison pill.

It wasn\'t that Eric didn\'t understand these thoughts or the fact that Ryuji was thinking about this inside his mind.

In fact, these thoughts, and that mentality were the reasons why he had decided to make use of him.

Eric was trying to plant a rat between his brother, father-in-law, and everyone else in the Takeshiba Group of Companies but not only.

If a rat didn\'t have these thoughts, and that mentality then he would get easily caught, and become useless.

As for the troubles that this guy might bring him, he didn\'t care about it. There was one thing he had understood from this place, after strolling for one night.

This place was overpopulated with bad grass, so he had to start uprooting them if he wanted to be able to use these islands in the future.

Furthermore, these guys would make for the perfect villains and audience to show his Master\'s strength and fighting prowess.

But that was for later, right now he had to eat that roasted meat, and then go searching for the Holy Grounds, he didn\'t have time to lose…

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