500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 517 Take You On A Date?!

She flew a few feet in front of me, keeping up a constant chatter about the kingdom. As we went further, she started to talk more and more about Titania, even asking questions about me and my past. Before long, we reached a giant tree with a throne at the top, and Lorelei told me to wait while she went inside.

A few moments later, she reappeared, followed by a woman with an elegant dress that shifted color as she moved. This was Titania herself, looking up at me with a bit of a smirk on her face.

"Welcome, Galio. It is nice to see you again," She said, and I nodded respectfully.

"It is an honor to be here again, your highness," I said, and she waved off the formalities.

"Let us go to my chambers so that we can chat in private. There are things that we must discuss," Titania said, and I nodded before following her.

Once we were back in her chambers, Titania gestured for me to take a seat before she started talking. Sadly, the calm and collected visage she had been holding flew right out the window.

"What do you want?! Coming here without even telling me? You think that I would just welcome you with open arms after constantly ignoring me?!" Titania demanded, leaning into me and putting her face up to mine.

"You know that you are very pretty, right? I think the dress looks really good on you, and I love the way your hair is up in that bun with the flowers in it!" I said and pulled her into my lap.

She tried to fight me, but I got her into my lap. Titania was pouting, but she even looked beautiful doing that.

"I get it, I am stupid, and I am sorry for not coming sooner, but I did come to see if you would take me on a date tonight?" I asked, and Titania gave me a perplexed look, making me grin.

"You did not just ask me to take YOU on a date, did you?" Titania asked as her look turned sour, and I nodded, still smiling, making her eyes narrow.

"Hold on. I am only asking you to take me because this is your kingdom and island. This is only the second time that I have been here, and I didn\'t think that you would want to go on a date to the human continent. I am sorry that it sounded like I was trying to get you to do all the work; I just thought that you would want to show me everything that you have been working on, right?" I asked, and Titania relaxed in my arms finally and laid her head on my shoulder.

"You are very frustrating, you know that?" Titania asked, and I sighed.

"I might have been told that once or twice before, but does that mean I can still get a date?" I asked, and Titania looked up at me.

"Yes, I will take you on a date," She said with a grin before standing up. "But what is the reason for coming now if you want to go on a date this evening?"

"I have lunch plans, but they aren\'t for another forty minutes. I thought that I would come and apologize to you and then tell you my plan now, so you have time to get ready. I know that you like to plan things, so I thought that it would be best to give you some fair warning and get any arguments out of the way," I explained, and Titania looked back at me with crossed arms, but her hands were only resting on her arms, and not balled into fists.

"I thank you for actually considering something like that. Considering that you are normally not this thoughtful, something must have happened, right?" Titania asked, and I chuckled but nodded.

"Cancer had a talk with me of all people. She gave me a talking to about things, and now I have my head on a bit straighteners. As for the consideration, you can actually thank my mother for that," I said and stood up to walk over to Titania.

"I heard that something with the Zodiacs had happened, and Cancer was with you now. I find it hard to believe that she would be the one that would set you straight. She isn\'t really the forward type, but what would the Goddess of Darkness do that would make you more considerate?" Titania asked as she took my hand and led me out to a balcony. "That is even stranger than Cancer speaking up."

"You can say that again for both of them. Cancer surprised me when she talked to me, but everything that she said made sense, and then she returned to normal after. Nemoria basically ordered me to get others to start taking care of the little things, so now I have more time. I was also reminded of how long some people can take to get ready," I said as I looked out over the fairy city below us.

It was filled with lights and the colors of all sorts of things. I could actually see little fairies flying out in the distance, and a few even stopped to wave at us as they noticed me looking out.

"That is impressive. You were taking care of so many things that you forgot how long it takes some people to get ready. That is why I love you, you know," Titania said and smiled before she kissed my cheek. "Do you have a preference for where you would like to eat?"

"I am just excited to try some of your cuisines and to see this place at night! Even with the sun coming down from the trees, the lights are still clearly visible! I can imagine what it is going to be like tonight!" I said with honest enthusiasm.

"There is no denying that the cities are a beautiful sight, but there is a special city that I would take you to tonight. We are both fans of games, and challenges, so I would like to take you to The Platinum Promenade," Titania said as she waved to a group of passing Silvies, Dwarf-sized fairies.

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