500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 187 Son Of A Bitch!

Listenia and I played in bed for a good while longer, and when we were done, the two of us cuddled up. Sleep came fast for her before me, but my mind was back on that damn bird.

I wasn\'t sure why, but it was bugging me. It was clearly not a bird, but what then? A human shaman? Or a shaman of any race? And why was it still bugging me!

I pulled myself from Listenia, but it was nearly a fight to get my tail free from her grip, and I lost some hair in the process. Once I was free, I got up and walked over to the single window in the room.

"You son of a bitch!" I whispered harshly as I stared at the eagle that was staring back at me on the roof across the street.

I glared at the bird and tried to figure out what to do. No wonder that damn thing was bothering me! I was practically staring at myself!

Just how long had that damn bird been there? Had it been watching us? I made expectations for Sage, but I did not approve of spying on me while in the act.

I opened the window and stuck my hand out the window in the shape of a gun. I wasn\'t going to kill the bird, but I was going to get to the bottom of this!

I lined up the shot, but at the last second, the eagle hopped to the side, and my air bullet missed. I narrowed my eyes and activated the runes in them, not only zooming in on the bird but also the humanoid form that was hidden. My ability to see mana would always show me the true form of their magic, no matter what form they were taking.

"I am coming out here, and you had better be waiting over here when I get out. Do not make me chase you, girl!" I whispered harshly, and the eagle tipped its head at me, only further infuriating me.

I shifted down to a cat and hopped up on the window sill then back out on the room. The bird was now on this roof, staring at me. I walked over to the peak and sat down. I had been about to transform back, but then I remembered that I was naked, and I could see some nails sticking up from the wooden shakes.

"How long have you been watching me?" I asked in my deep voice.


"That is not the sound an eagle makes! Who are you?! Transform back, or I will force you to!" I growled, and the eagle hopped back.

"I wasn\'t watching that long! I was just curious about you!" The eagle said, and then it turned into Sakura, the girl that I had met on the other side of the wall.

"You were supposed to help the girls tomorrow, not be spying on me or trying to attack me!" I growled, but Sakura put up her hands.

"I wasn\'t trying to attack you! I was trying to come and talk to you! I just get strange urges when I am in Beast Form!" Sakura exclaimed, and I sighed. It was true that using a druidic spell like Beast Form did make you a little feral.

"Still, you should be sleeping and not spying. I was having a hard time getting to sleep cause I couldn\'t stop thinking about you! Then I got up to find out you were creeping in my window!" I growled, licking the side of my paw to use it to smooth a rogue hair above my eye.

"Sorry! I deserved what I got!" Sakura said, putting her head to the wooden shake peak.

"You are damn right you did. I have no regrets about what I did. I will apologize for many things, but that is not one of them," I said, and Sakura nodded quickly.

"I will leave you now! I just wanted to know what kind of person you are. Everyone talks about you like you are some mythical creature. I am starting to see why. You never speak to cast, and you can do things that I have never even heard of," Sakura explained, and I nodded.

"Yes, and if you actually show up early in the morning, I can teach you some. That can\'t happen if you stay out here all night watching me," I said, and Sakura nodded and changed back into an eagle.

"I will head back now. Sorry for watching you, but I did watch when you were with the elf. Not that much, at least. Did she like sucking out your growth?" Sakura asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"That is something that you will have to find out for yourself sometime, or I dare you to ask her," I said, thinking about cumming in Listenia\'s mouth and her reaction.

"Oh! Well, I might just ask her then. Unless you want to let me try?" Sakura asked.

"Not today! I just want to get to bed without eyes on me," I growled, and the eagle shrugged.

"Another time then. Have a good sleep, Galio," Sakura said and took off into the air, heading to the north wall.

I sighed and headed back inside, changing back to human and closing the window. I crawled back into bed and got under the covers to cuddle back into Listenia.

"What were you doing outside?" Listenia asked, startling me.

"Dealing with a bird that was staring at me," I said, and Listenia shook her head.

"Where is your tail?" Listenia asked, and I rolled my eyes, bringing my tail for her to grab and cuddle into. "Better, now get to bed, and stop harassing the wildlife."

I shook my head and then kissed the back of Listenia\'s neck softly a few times before closing my own eyes. Within moments I was fast asleep, but it seemed that my night was only just beginning.

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