I Hate Systems

Chapter 888 Morning Dew

After having a relaxing meal, Compass Carburettor and Gehera went to watch a movie before returning home. He placed his bag in the living room and went through the files to arrange for the classes the next day before hitting the bed.

Gehera slept beside him, covering her face with the bedsheet as she soon fell asleep.

In contrast, Compass Carburettor was wide awake as usual, his mind running nonstop even if he closed his eyes. As long as he didn\'t move his body, his Mental Strength would recover, so sleep wasn\'t in his system.


He was surprised to yawn, observing that he was indeed feeling sleepy, happy at the result as he focused on the Psyche Star of Mental Peace, \'I\'m getting there, slowly but steadily.\'

He closed his eyes and struggled for a few hours before eventually falling asleep. He woke up two hours later, noticing that it didn\'t dawn yet. But for some reason, he felt relaxed, able to feel better as his mind was a tad clearer than usual, as if he were a forest of trees right after a gentle shower of rain.

That gentle vitality of freshness made him feel stronger than usual. And of course, this was too strong an emotion that was felt universally by the people that woke up in the morning. Of course, a resonance occurred with the people in the Dreamland, resulting in the birth of the fourth Psyche Star.

Psyche Star--Morning Dew!

\'I hadn\'t expected them to be created this quickly.\' He was surprised at the result. Though, it made sense when he thought about it. As he proceeded with the life of a regular human, he was about to experience things.

And when an experience caused him to be emotionally moved, it would resonate with the people in his Dreamland. With a vast world with plenty of varying life experiences, of course, there much be enough people to feel like him at that moment.

This resulted in the birth of Psyche Stars. And with the creation of one, he became a bit more human, causing him to be more emotionally moved by his daily life experiences, resulting in the birth of more Psyche Stars.

It created a beneficial cycle.

\'I\'ll soon be able to create enough Psyche Stars to entirely become human.\' He thought happily. The creation of a Psyche Star only served to further conceptualise his mind and character.

It was akin to rooting himself firmly in his mind and consciousness. Moreover, each Psyche Star acted as a pillar supporting his Dreamland, allowing it to grow more complex as the people within it would be more human and would experience emotions at a deeper level.

It would lead to spiritual growth.

Based on his estimates, Compass Carburettor figured out that by the time he had eight Psyche Stars, he would become a human. Following that, any addition of Psyche Stars would only serve to deepen his spirituality--understanding regarding himself.

A week since he woke up and he had already birthed four Psyche Stars. He hadn\'t expected such a rapid pace at the start. Though, as he thought about it, his eyes gazed to the side, staring at Gehera\'s figure, \'If not for her, Mental Peace and Morning Dew wouldn\'t have been birthed so quickly.\'

His hands gently brushed aside her hair, \'It seems before I noticed, she too has become an important part of my life.\'

Compass Carburettor thought as he inspected himself, \'Who and all would force me to risk my life for their sake?\'

It went without a question that he would do it for Stencil. But surprisingly, as he thought further, he observed that Hazen and Gehera had taken such a spot in his mind.

Further below that were Truck-Kun, Rhizen, Grisha, and Ranze. He would take action for them too, but he wouldn\'t risk his life for them.

In the end, the list ended there. He understood that he didn\'t care much about anyone beyond that and at most treated the rest casually according to the situation at hand.

But this was still considerable growth as a person, especially since his days as a System Host, he as a merchant only formed relationships with others based on the benefit they offered him.

The only ones he cared about were his family, which reduced down to Stencil eventually. But now, he cared about two others on the same level as her.

It needn\'t be said about Hazen. That was just another individual of himself that branched out to become a unique entity. But despite their differences, when his daughter\'s life was at risk, he arrived at her rescue.

That wouldn\'t be something he would ever forget. Then there was Gehera, someone he only chanced upon thanks to the Main Character\'s fate and became entangled with. Over time, through action, she won over his trust and confidence.

\'Had I not become a System Host, is this the emotional maturity that I would have attained as an adult?\' Thinking as such, he smiled, not having any hesitation as he got out of bed and went for a morning jog.

He returned around 6 AM and began to prepare breakfast.


Gehera woke up around 7 AM, her eyes lighting up at the aroma wafting from the kitchen. She got up in curiosity and headed to the kitchen, observing Compass Carburettor cooking up a simple breakfast.

Upon noticing her, he turned around to state chirpily, "Morning! Take a bath first, breakfast is almost ready."

"You changed more overnight." Gehera said, commenting as she headed to the bathroom, "I\'m loving it!"

"It was only for two hours, but I actually fell asleep like a human. My fourth one was birthed when I got up." He began to hum by the end, having fun with the simplest activity that life had to offer.

\'His gaze...\' Gehera closed the bathroom door as her face flushed red in response, \'Wasn\'t it a tad affectionate?\'

\'How did I manage it?\' Even she herself was confused before fisting into the air once, deciding to embrace the changes that she had only thought about but had never expected to see.

She just became excited when her eyes trailed across her figure in the mirror, noticing that her stomach had become a bit flabby. Instinctively, she took out a totem before shaking her head, deciding against it, \'Compass too is putting an effort to regain his humanity through natural means.\'

She placed the totem back in her Ruin of Amagoth, refreshed herself and began to get dressed. She then arrived at the dining table to see the served breakfast, happily digging into it as her eyes lit up in response, "It\'s good!"

After having a few bites, she asked, "Did you go jogging in the morning?"

"Yeah, as I\'m becoming more like a normal human, I have to do human tasks to stay fit." Compass Carburettor replied in response as he ate, this time able to enjoy the food better than the previous day.

"I\'ll join from tomorrow. I gained a bit of mass...you see..."

"You look perfect though." Compass Carburettor commented casually before noticing the stillness of the atmosphere as he looked up, watching Gehera eat her breakfast in silence, her face red like a tomato.

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