I Hate Systems

Chapter 501 Luck Entanglement

Chapter 501 Luck Entanglement

Hovering in the same trenches of space were Immortal and Truck-Kun, their figures concealed, undetectable to the Grade 2 Systems.

When Immortal heard their discussion, his face darkened as rage and a sense of helplessness seethed in him, "Those bastards."

"What they say is indeed the truth, Immortal." Truck-Kun sighed, "Their invasion of the Cultivation Worlds is the highest. We\'re unable to deal with their sheer numbers."

"But, things are changing." He smiled, nudging Immortal, "You\'ve seen what Rhizen has attained, right?"

"Yes, a power not belonging to the Systems but one that can wipe them out." Immortal nodded as his mood slowly eased up, "Once he becomes strong enough, he\'ll become a new addition to us. And through him, we too would be able to obtain a method to kill the Systems."

"Yeah, until now, no matter how many times we destroyed the Systems, they simply revived through the System World." Truck-Kun sighed, recalling some bad memories, "Because of that, the worlds supplying us power is constantly diminishing."

"And now, the Main Character has worked with Rhizen, the harnesser of Luck to create a power system that can kill Systems." Immortal said in relief, "And as long as Rhizen continues to grow in this fashion, he\'ll eventually become the Luck God."

"Hopefully, we\'ll be able to protect the two until they grow strong enough to fend for themselves." Truck-Kun said in concern, "Even though I have faith in the Main Character, his plan seems dangerous."

"He knows what he\'s doing. Cut him some slack." Immortal retorted, "He knows his strengths and weaknesses clearly and he\'s taking advantage of everything that can work in his favour. He\'s a bonafide merchant that can obtain profit in any situation."

"Anyway," Truck-Kun heard the two Grade 2 Systems continuing to converse nonstop, feeling irritated as he said, "Shall I annihilate them? They are annoying."

"You can\'t kill them anyway. So why bother." Immortal said with a tone of exhaustion, "All you\'ll do is give away our positions to the enemy. If their Grade 3 Systems or those fucking Grade 4 Systems arrive, it\'ll be hard for us to fight them all, especially since we can\'t kill them yet."

"They are indeed troublesome." Truck-Kun controlled himself quickly, "Honestly, I don\'t want to fight them without Mystique."

The reason Truck-Kun was evasive was that Grade 4 Systems were the most troublesome existence of all.

In terms of the power scale, a Grade 3 and a Grade 4 System were equal in power. This was why they were usually spoken about in the same line. In terms of power, they were equal to the Gods.

But the reason the Grade 4 Systems were said to be at the peak of the System hierarchy was due to a simple reason.

They controlled Time!

Regression, Reincarnation, and Transmigration!

There were three Grade 4 Systems in total, each with troublesome abilities.

Regression can casually jump through time to affect the past. Reincarnation can casually jump from one identity to another. And Transmigration basically jumped from universe to universe without any time delay, irrespective of the flow of time in such universes.

Their abilities seemed simple, but they were not. Their abilities could be used in some complex ways with a web of cause and effect that they were a nightmare for anyone to be targeted.

Among the Gods, only Mystique dared to face them.

Immortal was once capable of fighting all three at the same time, even having the chance to win. But he had been weakened considerably over time as more and more cultivation worlds were invaded by Systems and taken over.

And now, he didn\'t even dare face the Grade 4 Systems.

Truck-Kun was capable of facing Reincarnation and Transmigration to a certain extent, but he had low battle experience and hence couldn\'t last long against them.

Fighting was inherently against the very essence of his being, so Truck-Kun\'s combat ability was limited.

Among the rest of the Gods, only Mystique could fight on part with them. His abilities were tricky and couldn\'t be guarded against.

And they existed at such complexity that the targeted Systems, even if they won\'t die, would never escape his grasp. Quite a lot of Systems had been rendered paralysed by Mystique, now remaining in a state of suspended animation in the Systems World, unable to be cured to date.

The System World too didn\'t dare to extract their power to birth new Systems, afraid that Mystique\'s power would take this opportunity to seep into it and corrupt its power. He was very well capable of that.

Mystique was pretty much the sole reason that hindered the Systems from devouring every single universe in existence.

After conversing for some time, the two Gods stopped speaking, continuing to observe the state of affairs in the Gaider Realm.

The Restriction Order only worked against the Systems. So, they were able to observe everything with zero obstruction.

As for the Grade 2 Systems, they were unable to observe anything due to the Restriction Order that was powerful enough to restrict all Grade 2 Systems.

They were currently relying upon the Luck values that they sensed from the Cultivation World. As all the Systems in the Cultivation World were Luck-based Systems, this was the most accurate mode of observation to get a gist of things.

Moreover, they were able to sense the Main Character through the fluctuations in the Luck of the Systems. The Main Character was innately shielded by fate which prevented them from sensing any information about him.

But, there was an easy solution to that.

Since the Luck-based Systems were already in the Cultivation World and they were aiming for the Main Character, the Luck of each had tangled together in a complex formation. And in this formation, only the Main Character\'s luck wasn\'t visible.

So, it was clear as day for the Grade 2 Systems on how strong Compass Carburettor got. And that was how they understood that he was getting cornered.

After all, the Luck-based Systems had created a grand plan from the very beginning. And it was the fact that the Luck of the Systems that are killed would be transferred to the survivors, leading to the final survivor being the strongest.

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