Nameless King

Chapter 474 Secret Of The Scroll

\'Blind Sorcerer had a girlfriend? Huh, if someone else had said that, I would have thought it was a joke. Well... This is getting interesting.\' Wain muttered inwardly.

It was like a ghost hovering in the air, watching the situation closely. Wain was surprised that the situation suddenly changed so much. With each Blind Sorcerer\'s step, a new figure appeared on the battlefield, he was doing everything to get his way.

\'What are you going to do next?\' Wain pondered.

While Anna and Skeleton fought, Blind Sorcerer headed for the scroll. Twice he had been prevented from getting it, but now there were no more obstacles in front of him.

He jumped over the wreckage of the crumbling spire and quickly made his way to the scroll.

The scroll was very old, with many unusual ancient symbols on it. Blind Sorcerer touched the scroll, and the symbols turned into a single beam that penetrated his glabella. The Blind Sorcerer trembled, and his aura became unstable, rising and falling.

A golden flame appeared next to him, the Flame of Chaos. It engulfed Blind Sorcerer and began to burn him slowly, he was in incredible pain, and his life was on the brink.

"Huh, idiot. If mastering Chaos Magic was that easy, I would have done it long ago." Claus uttered.

He headed toward the spire walking through the air. Droplets of blood dripped from his dark robe. He had dealt with several members of the Blood Legion in a short time. They were strong, but in terms of power, Claus was equal to Anna and Blind Sorcerer, mere minions were no threat to him.

"Hmm? What\'s going on?" Claus puzzled.

The flames of Chaos suddenly became weaker, and Blind Sorcerer smiled weakly.

"Your mistake did not understand what it takes to have the Flame of Chaos as your ally. That power is beyond time and space, which means you must possess them to at least come close to the true power." Blind Sorcerer muttered as he opened both eyes.

It was a great strain for him, he had to control time and space at the same time, but even one moment was enough.

The world went gray again, and everything froze. Anna\'s and Skeleton\'s movements, not unlike the speed of lightning, were slow now, the sparks flying away stopped, as did the debris of the spire falling on the academy.

Then the world was colored again.

Only a moment passed for everyone, but the Blind Sorcerer had enough time to understand Chaos.

"Well... I finally got my third power..." Blind Sorcerer muttered as his eyes brightened.

His white pupils, due to blindness, gradually began to change color. They turned amber, and the rest were black like an abyss.

"I see..." Blind Sorcerer muttered as tears poured from his eyes.

Only then did everyone understand Blind Sorcerer\'s true purpose. Anna, Skeleton, and Claus stopped fighting, they looked at him.

Then to them, he was no longer a powerful mage, a former lover or partner, he was a simple man who had finally gained what he had lost since his birth.

For all of them, the ability to see was something commonplace, but for the Blind Sorcerer, it was a pipe dream.

"Huh, that\'s crazy." Claus shook his head.

"His case is special..." Anna whispered, "Even the rarest medicines could not cure his eyes. He left me to master the Magic of Space and Time. He wanted to turn back time, but fate was too cruel for him."

"So... He had to master the powerful magic to get what we all have finally... Damn, that\'s some mess." Skeleton shook his head.

"Hey, Skeleton, tell me more about your loss. Are you sure the Blood Legion did it?"

"Sure. Isn\'t there a Skeleton in bloody armor in your ranks? He killed my family just like that. I remember his face, everyone I asked said only the Bloody Legion was capable of doing that!" Skeleton exclaimed.

"I\'m sorry." Anna muttered, "But there are no monsters in the ranks of the Bloody Legion. I only accept humans, no one else, those are my rules, and no one has ever broken them."

"What?!" The Skeleton exclaimed.

,m He ran to the edge of the spire to look at the members of the Bloody Legion, they were fighting the academy teachers. They all wore bloody armor, but there were no monsters there.

"No... That can\'t be... Then what did I fight for...?"

"Let\'s go!" Anna exclaimed.

The Bloody Legion were brutal killers, but their leader\'s orders were absolute. All who fought instantly retreated and headed for the spire.

"Are we done here?" Asked one of her subordinates.

"Yes... I can\'t fight him, just looking at him makes my heart break. I can\'t even imagine how hard it was for him." Anna stared at Blind Sorcerer.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

Suddenly the space trembled. Everyone was shocked, for neither Claus, Skeleton, nor Anna had anything to do with it. Blind Sorcerer turned around, a dark hourglass-shaped sign appeared in the sky.

"Magician, we warned you once before not to abuse the Time Magic, but you went further and mastered the Chaos Magic. We can\'t let that go unnoticed." A powerful voice rang out.

Five silhouettes emerged from the portal, four of them wearing black or white armor. Their leader was a Skeleton in bloody armor.

\'It\'s him!\' the Dark Skeleton inwardly exclaimed.

"Who are you?" Anna became wary.

"Stay out of the way." The Bloody Skeleton uttered as he clenched his hand into a fist.

Suddenly a scarlet barrier appeared next to the spire. Everyone inside it locked up. Only Blind Sorcerer remained outside.

"Bastard! Let us out!" Anna screamed.

Her attacks could not even shake the barrier. The Bloody Skeleton wasn\'t paying attention to her. He stared at Blind Sorcerer.

"Attack!" Bloody Skeleton armed himself with his sword.

"You know I can\'t defeat you in this condition." Blind Sorcerer muttered.


He snapped his fingers, and yellow flames rained down on the group from all sides. However, they used special shields, the Chaos Flame couldn\'t penetrate it, but they were still wounded. Nothing could completely quell Chaos.

"Yes. I will take my only opportunity to kill you! It\'s my duty as a guardian!"

"Hahaha." Blind Sorcerer suddenly laughed.

"Let me show you how worthless you are to some people." A dark, jaw-shaped coin appeared in Blind Sorcerer\'s hand.

\'What is it?\' Everyone wondered at the same time.

The coin glowed, and at the same time, the sky shattered into tiny shards. Instead of the bloody color, there was now only the darkness of open space. It looked mysterious but frightening.


A dark silhouette flew in, a pressure from him was powerful as that of a black hole. Streams of dark energy emanated from him, covering everything around him.

"I\'m glad you finally got your sight. Now just watch and enjoy the best show." The silhouette said as a massive silhouette of a jaw appeared above him.

The jaw closed, and all that was left of the group was the lower half of their bodies. The piece of space beside them seemed to disappear from the world forever.

"I hope you enjoyed it." The Dark Silhouette smiled.

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