Monster Factory

Chapter 177: The industrial priate

Thank you Monkoto for the support.

The internet had already become a part of many people’s everyday life that couldn’t be replaced.

And surfing through the news was also a common habit among the public.

Entertainment news, was and always would be more interesting than technological news.

In the morning today, every news site simultaneously released an explosive piece of news about [The Extraterrestrial Her]. Director Ding Yin, and investor and actor Xue Ninggong, had decided to abandon all computer generated effects for other filming methods. Additionally, they confidently announced that this would be a brand new initiative.

The film crew releasing this statement was purely to attract more attention to their movie, and to raise interest from the public.

However, in the world of media outlets, this statement from Ding Yin got interpreted as: This futuristic fantasy movie will shock and awe everyone out of their right mind, and will definitely be more shocking than Hollywood productions.

The media had always been great with words, and everyone who knew about Ding Yin knew that he was truthful to the T and loved the movie industry from the bottom of his heart.

Which was why these kinds of people would never play with gimmicks and boast just to make themselves look better.

As for the internet media, the popularity of the topic was their main concern at hand, so without tweaking around the director’s words a bit, where would the ‘fun’ come from?

Every since the internet media posted this pieces of news, what followed was literally a never ending fight of comments.

“Shock and awe everyone’s eyes? Hehe ~ I think it’s more like they’ll be shocked at the disastrous box office returns.”

“I...... Although I am a die hard fan of Xue Ninggong, I’m still not stupid enough to believe her film is on par with Hollywood ones.”

“Ding Yin the pig teammate, you threw my Ninggong under the bus!!”

“Wow ~ they always say good things never leave the door, but bad things go a thousand miles. Now those foreigners will all be laughing to death at how crazily stupid we are.”

“Wait, but aren’t you guys curious as to how they’re going to film the film now that they abandoned all computer generated effects?”

“It’s nothing more than the computer generated effects being too five cents and Ding Yin playing with computer models into a fit. *Sigh* ~ Just with the domestic skills, I’m afraid that they’ll turn the movie into a stage play.”

“Originally I was still looking forward to this movie, but now I think I can save the money for more skins.”

When compared to this fantasy movie which had the cooperation and support from Ye Qing, his other product, the Mechanical Colossus I, had much more favourable remarks.

The Mechanical Colossus I was a brand new, technically innovative, to be released product of Monster Heavy Industry. As to create a suspense effect, Ye Qing had the IT department post only ten high definition pictures onto their site.

It was just that there was nothing else but the name.

The traffic for the official site had always been stable because all customers who had bought a M.E.C. would use the site to download their favorite chair program and to post their replies. At the same time, there were always the ones who wanted one, but couldn’t afford one, fanning the flames.

When the news of a new product appeared on the site, it gave them quite the surprise, and this bunch of wealthy individuals who just had too much money on their hands immediately decided to buy it.

Yet when they opened the link to this new product, they found that this product......

To be kind of hard to bring home.

The Mechanical Colossus I was one size bigger than a standard excavator, totalling in at thirty tons.

Being made completely out of metal, with two tank treads, also cemented it as a product that wasn’t for consumers.

With just a glance, no one was able to guess its purpose.

The massive body sitting on top of a treaded base, two folded arms tucked away, and the rows upon rows of giant tools at the back.

It was precisely because no one was able to guess its use that everyone was interested in what it was.

“I feel like this is a road maintenance vehicle.”

“It can also be an ATV ambulance.”

“The official site also didn’t mention when it’ll be released, but this thing still looks damn mighty. Guess that’s the Monster Heavy Industry for you, even a tracked car looks this mighty.”

“I know right? It’s just their logo’s too damn plain. Only a couple of characters, completely unable to display their might and power.”


The sun always rises before the IT dogs.

Ye Qing was woken up by the Master Artisan, while on the table in front of him were all kinds of rough sketches.

Just as Ye Qing opened up his eyes, an endless wave of engine roars ringed in.

These sounds weren’t the sounds of normal machines in operation, rather this was the combined result of dozens of heavy truck engines.

Looking out from the factory, a long line made up of only Sanyi Heavy Industry cement trucks was parked next to the already excavated foundation pit waiting to pump out their contents.

Six cement trucks were currently already in the middle of pumping out their contents into predetermined spaces.

Beside them were two Mechanical Colossuses continuously bending and sticking in steel rebars.

Today was the day of contract signing for the limonite ore with the Ministry of Land and Resources. Ye Qing arrived at the ministry early in his Lagonda, met up with Chief Sun, took the book thick contract papers, then signed his name and stamped on the company’s official stamp.

After stamping, Ye Qing lost 80 million from his bank account, but received the long term rights to mine this stretch of limonite ore.

To mine, however, required a boatload of mining equipment.

But these equipments could all be replaced by the Mechanical Colossus X. It was just that without completing Phase One of development, there was no use in already starting to mine.

Returning back to his office once again, Ye Qing picked up the last sketch of the new Monster Heavy Industry logo he made last night, and then headed straight for the underground base.

The sketch of the new logo had already been finalized, all that was left now was to create it.

Once inside, Ye Qing had the Master Artisan start up the metal smelting center for some titanium smelting.

The plan was to use pure titanium to create a shield backing before adding on his design.

The shield shaped logo came in all kinds of sizes, the smallest ones were as small as a lighter, and were the one that needed to be created the most.

The largest shield was as big as a regular door.

The door sized logo was intended to be placed at the front of the spaceship, so that when the spaceship lands, that was there the scene would start.

Not only was titanium hard to corrode and rust, it was also naturally beautiful, as that greyish metal feel, even after decades of wear, would never fade.

Taking advantage of the time needed to heat up the smeltery, Ye Qing bought a hammer and a wrench from the app’s tool market.

These basic tools were all of rare quality. The hammer looked very much like Thor’s hammer, and the wrench had measurements carved on its head giving people a telltale sign of the size of screw that was being used.

Ye Qing then crossed the two along their handle, and took a picture of it with the 3D camera.

Soon after, Ye Qing took a picture of the Metal Specialist, then with the help of photoshop, cut off the head, horn and all, and placed it on top of the crossed hammer and wrench.

That’s right!

Ye Qing planned on making something similar to those pirates’ skull and crossbone flags.

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