I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 181 179. Karna's stunts

Chapter 181 179. Karna\'s stunts

They might tell them but those four would never leak it anything outside as they understand the consequences of such a news being leaked. He might have to change his identity and relocate to a different place for safety, which they never want to happen.

As for Gandhari knowing this? He did not care about as long as she did not go and tell his mother, This information was safe with her and the people present there.

So he honestly answered her but was still not convinced that it was enough for her to neglect his well-being.

"Yeah okay, Then tell me what was the reason you put your hand in the crocodile? Not only do you dive in the crocodile-infested water without any worry, Did you know know-how dangerous they are?

It\'s okay when you play with Susu dolphins in the river but crocodiles? Those are not the animals you can play with, That too in the water their hunting grounds."

Gandhari knew it was not easy to convince Karna but she did not lack any ammunition against him, She saw him to things even the full-fledged warrior was terrified of doing so.

One being literally putting his hand in the jaws of a crocodile and pulling out something, The jaws are known for their cessation of any life under them, And he knowing that dare to do that.

He also swims in the parts of river which are forbidden to swim in as those areas are infested by river crocodiles, Though mostly those do not attack humans but that said mostly and when they come in the human part of the river by mistake.

Only then they do not harm humans. If someone is foolish enough to not respect the boundaries, Those beings are more than happy to add new things to their diet, So it was the stupidest decision to go swim there.

As for dolphins, it was alright but they too are dangerous as they partially are blind, So not on purpose by mistake they can harm him, Which possibility not even entertained by him.

"Ahem, About that, I was helping her, Something dug in her gums, Which made her impossible to eat, I was just helping her to take it out.

As for swimming there? It\'s not dangerous because we are friends now and those crocodiles mainly eat fish only, So they just get bad reps, They just don\'t like to be bothered by people unnecessarily.

Those dolphins are partially blind but that doesn\'t mean they can\'t able to figure out which is food and which is friend.

Being blind they have a very strong sense of smell and sonar, It\'s like they sacrifice their vision for the better sense an- Ohh I get it now."

Karna was embarrassed, of course he knew what it was to say he put his hand in the mouth of the crocodile but he had a reason for it.

Most water dwellers don\'t harm him, especially the females in the them as not only does his water element affection work in them but his charm and other passive increase their affection for him.

That is why he is so uncaringly able to win in the water without any worry and even dares to put his hand in the jaws of death knowing that he would not be harmed in any way, That information which is what make him do it.

He also met the crocodiles a few years ago, He made friends with them knowing that his mother Ganga\'s mount is Marka (crocodile) who had the head of crocodile and tail of dolphin.

Actually, it was started that way but then he found out how easygoing those crocodiles are, They are indeed killing machines but they also have that cute side to them.

He love to see when new younglings come out and mother holds them in her jaws, The same jaws infamously known as the jaws of death, So it was a new side of theirs he get to see.

Those crocodiles also bring their younglings to show him, And so he spends quite some times with them when he gets to have free time for himself once in a while.

Same for dolphins, They were actually the ones who taught him how to swim, Though he inherently knows how to swim because of his water element affection, but those dolphins helped him to improve it.

They also taught him to navigate in the muddy water without using his eyes, Though he does not have sonar like them but he doesn\'t need it as he is easily able to use water around him as sonar.

This way he now able to travel faster in water than in land, Not only that even when he is outside of water he can sense the presence of others without seeing them to some degree like how he did to Bhishma.

He possessing the sovereign just enhances the effect of his training with them, Now he was sure that even if he is not able to win he can\'t lose to the person in the same group as him in the water.

So he didn\'t see anything foolish here but he also understood that the one who is not aware of full details might think otherwise as he was really risking his life for no reason other than to have that adlarinin rush.

Hence why Karna wanted to explain her the situation but as he come to dolphin part he get the answer he was looking for, it was not that anyone leaked this things to her, She herself seen it.

It kicked him that she blinded herself for quite some time that to for the penance to feel the same pain of her husband, Means the power of her Karma and the spiritual power of her devotion would have helped her a lot to ease her suffering.

And even if she later stop wearing the blind folds but that virtue she still possesses, That alone might have given her an advantage others do not have, So from his hypothesis she has a power related to vision just like his eagle eyes.

Maybe not as powerful as his vision made for archery but she could have a telescopic vision at least, He was sure of it that this might be the case.

"Your head runs a lot doesn\'t it, Ha Karna!"

Gandhari saw the look in her Karna\'s eyes and realised he found out her "secret" which only amused her as he was able to figure this out quickly. Even her brother needed to ask 5 questions before he came to this conclusion.

Her husband also needed 7 ones to find out about her gifts. So for now Karna is the one who finds out this in the least questions, Which has to be some kinda record.

But how can she allow him to gloat about it after accusing just a big crime? So she by instinct stretched her hand out and then pinched his ears in her soft fingertips before gently twisting it.

"Ahh ouhhh!! Queen, I was wrong. Forgive me for my ignorance, It will never happen, I swear in the name of Mahamahim Bhsihma."

Karna seeing that started his usual drama, He quickly asked for forgiveness which he did it for real as even if he was being childish he should have never say those words to her.

It\'s just his feelings got better of him making him say that to her, so he wholeheartedly apologised even in the disguise of acting knowing she would understand him.

And he was right, Gandhari indeed understand what he said he meant it, Just she don\'t understand why he dragged Mahamahim Bhishma in it? As a guarantee or to escape from the consequences if he did it again let Bhishma deal with the aftermath?

Who know what was always cooking in this his mind but she didn\'t care about it, She was happy and so she happily dragged him by ears to stable, She has to send him home now even though she wanted him to stay.

Radha and his father would be worried, So she can\'t keep him here, if the sage woke up now then Karna had to stay here even if he wants to leave as the matter here would be considered utmost important.

But if Karna has gone before they wake up, then she can call him back this way his family also know he is fine and the sages would also not get offended.

\'Did I forget something?\'

Karma knew what she was doing and he also wanted to do the same but while he was leaving he could not help but wonder if he was forgetting something important, Just could not put his finger on it.


"I guess we should also leave now."

Surya saw reluctantly as he saw his son fade away from his sight, After he was gone, He trained around and said to his wives who were looking at him in horrified gaze.

"Arya, I don\'t know why but I feel like we know this sage, So can you tell me I am wrong."

Both women said in sync looking at their husband wanting him to reply in a negative way that they indeed nit know the sage.

".....We are doomed."

But Surya, seeing the face of the unconscious sage, nearly fell in shock as beads of sweat covered her forehead, not believing what her eyes were showing him.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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