I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 164 162. Rudra, The Most Frightening One

Chapter 164 162. Rudra, The Most Frightening One

But Sukracharya was terrified of even making a muscle. He jumped out of the natural instincts of fear but now that same fear holds him in a place not allowing him to comfort the being standing in front of him.

Yeah being as Durvasa now a completely changed person, His long hair was set loose and became braided, His skin now turned ashy but after a giving sharp look it is confirmed to be actual ashes covering him.

And the knowledge of Sukracharya, he knows those are not normal ashes but the ashes of the enemies slain by that being without any mercy.

His eyes were also crimson red void of any emotion other than infinite anger, A extreme anger, The anger that might even be calm down even if he burned the whole universe down.

His height also changed, Which was before only 9tf in stature now it\'s turned into 16ft, Almost double the height, Looking at the being like an ant which he can crush at any moment at will.

There was a twin crescent blade half of his height in his hands, Those blades appeared out of nowhere and we were dripping the blood of who knows whose.

They were covered in the thick blood aura indicator that those swords reap at least a few million of souls for it to have that strong blood aura, And yet they look so beautiful.

The sharpness of that blade makes it look like it can cut anything without any hindrance, Their appearance was a lot that special just like any ordinary blade with black coating.

But what made them special was the bone-chilling killing intent. Make one believe that if they directly dare to look at it, Their soul would be cut in half by that mere intent.

And that fact was true, if mortals dare to look at the swords they will be face those consequences as the killing intent was so strong and pure that it actually manifested itself into reality.

Cold aura was not just one\'s own imagination caused by fear rather temperature dropped just as those swords approved on the physical plane, So much so that there was a formation of ice everywhere on the battlefield.

And yet there was a heat wave coming from the body of that being. He was just standing there but the pressure he was emitting was so strong that even people present far away in royal chambers feel suffocated as they were not able to breathe cause of the pressure on their chests.

If not for Lord Surya, Goddess Sandhya, Goddess Chhaya, Goddess Ganga, Rishi Narada, Mahamahim Bhishma and even Kaliya taking action quickly there would have been no saying that if this palace was even standing here by the just pressure resonating from that body of that being.

So it\'s not hard to imagine the condition of Shukracharya, He being closer to the source and lacking enough spiritual power after the initial fight, was bearly able to stand the pressure of that being.

He was terrified to stand near it and yet he did not dare to move, Because he knew if he did then this being would hunt him down to the end of the world. He knew that because he had seen it before, That encounter was the one who gave him the name Sukracharya.

Yes, this one is a much weaker version of that but even then Sukracharya in his condition is incapable of facing what can be called a terror who can slay even immortal gods for fun.

"Rudra (The most frightening one)."

Lord Surya spoke up in terror, His whole body was shaking at the presence of that being, He was afraid, He was afraid for his life.

And his fear is reasonable. His body still remembers the feeling when he was cut down by swords like that in half before in the holy ritual of Prajapati Daksha.

He still remembers that incident which send shivers in his spine, the terror and homelessness he felt that day.

Yeah this one is different, He is less powerful than the Veerbhadra sent to kill everyone in the ritual of Daksha as punishment for the death of the wife of Lord Shiva, Goddess Sati.

Whose father was no one else than Daksha, Who hated Lord Shiva and so he was furious about why his daughter chose to marry him, and so when his daughter went to that holy ritual without invitation as daughter did not need invitation to go to her father\'s house.

She wanted an answer of why all gods were invited but not her husband, the god of destruction and her who is manifestation of Adi-Shakti (First power/ Power of creation) but what she got was humiliation, Not only her but her father also humiliated her husband, lord, Her love.

This made her furious, if it was someone else as the goddess of creation who hold power to destroy whole creation itself would have cut that person right then and there but that person was her father, So she keep mum and decided to leave.

But this made Daksha think his daughter didn\'t have anything to argue and started humiliating Lord Shiva more, calling him various derogatory names, at that moment she realised why her husband asked her not to come here but she didn\'t listen thinking her father will never do this to his beloved daughter.

It\'s just that reality slapped her hard. She was furious, hurt, betrayed, humiliated but then she snapped. Her anger reached so far that it triggered her backside, The part only came out when she became extremely angry.

The Kaali, Goddess of Destruction, Death and Time.

Sati knows that if she allows this to continue, She will definitely kill her own father in anger. No matter how disappointed and angry she was with her father, she didn\'t want to do that.

So she decided to self-immolate in that same holy fire which was there for holy sacrifice.

This obviously made Lord Shiva so angry that he in that rage and fury grab his own matted hair and threw them in the last rites fire burning nearby, And then there was the creation of Veerbhadra.

The force that was filled with infinite rage and fury, To whom Lord Shiva gave command to wipe out all the gods present in the ritual sides, Who just watched and let all those things happen.

He also asked to behead Daksha, The son of Lord Brahma.

And so the massacre happened, Veerbhadra in rage walked towards the ritual site, He did not fly there nor did he blitz past there, No he just walked towards the site fully exposing his presence and intentions.

This made Daksha little fearful and so he asked gods help present them, and because now their bound by the promise they give to him of protection before they had to protect him.

So they go against Veerbhadra who was least bothered by their presence. Each time his sword lofted there were heads of gods falling on the ground, The one who was said to be immortals in front of that beast looked no less than helpless mortals.

As gods started to fall and fear of death started to appeared in the heart of Daksha, he asked his Lord for help, The one he was big devotee to, Lord Vishnu.

So Lord Vishnu had to enter in the battlefield with Garuda, Seeing him Veerbhadra just wanted to walk past him not wanting to fight him as both Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva said to be friends and like each other.

But Lord Vishnu bound by his promise, couldn\'t allow Veerbhadra to walk past him, So battle in them broke out. At first Veerbhadra was appeared to be losing in front of the mighty god of preservation, One of trimurti.

But that was just appeared because when Veerbhadra lost his patients he started his offence, He using his iron club hit the chest of Lord Vishnu making him fall in the ground.

In rage with red eyes of anger Lord Vishnu got up and used his terrible disc which has the lustre of the black sun and threw it towards him intending to kill him but Veerbhdare just shot it down.

Then Lord Vishnu used his bow and started attacking him intending to mot let him move past him, though he know Daksha in wrong and whatever was coming to him was he deserves it.

But he bound by the words he given to his devotee and so he started his fierce attack but Veerbhadranjust ignored those sharp arrows and jump on the Lord Visnu breaking the string of the bow.

Which he used then to behead the caretaker of three worlds, The god of preservation, Lord Vishnu, Though just after that Lord Vishnu became fine on their own but the fact that Veerbhadra able to do that is terrifying.

After which he did what he was ordered to do, he killed all remaining gods, And Daksha.

That is the story of just one Rudra, The reason why they are so feared by the bad people as once Rudra decided then no force in the world can prevent him from fulfilling his promise.

And currently right now, Durvasa just involved the part of Rudra inside him, Though not as strong as actual Rudras but this one is quite unstable means Durvasa right now does not have much control over his actions anymore.

That is why everyone is so terrified and why Sukrracharya refuses to move and the horrifying thing is that Durvasa has yet to complete his awakening fully means he is going to get even stronger and unstable.

(A/N: Also mind you there are various stories about Veerabhadra and Lord Vishnu fights, It\'s just this one I know about as my father used to tell me, So don\'t mind me and take this story with a pinch of salt.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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