I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 123 122. Pig Disguise As Fox

Karna and Eklavaya both were looking at the little fox who just ate the whole apple which Eklavya was using as a target practice, While the fox just lay there without any shame.

A moment before Karna came to the guest palace area and was searching for Eklavaya as his heart felt anxious for no reason at all, So he thought there was something wrong with Eklavay and searched for him.

He found him here in the guest garden practising archery with the makeshift bow and arrow on the apple, Though he wanted to use something else but soldiers informed him that they don\'t have anything else for target practice.

But they said not to worry about wasting food as these fruits will be fed to the horses and others at the end of practice, So Eklavya decided to use it and put the apple on the rock and go far in his position and then aimed at the apple.

It was when Karna appeared and saw this, Seeing Eklavya in action he stopped. The soul of bow of his became excited when he saw the bow. His eye of the eagle also saw that though Eklavya\'s aim was slightly off, It will hit the apple no doubt about it.


Eklavya pulled the string of the bow to his ears before he let go. The arrow blazed past everything towards its target, Apple but the last second before the arrow hit the apple, The white fluffy figure came up and gulped the whole apple.

And so she because now in the position of the target got hit by the arrow, No matter if this is a makeshift arrow, It had the capability of piercing flesh to reap the life, Especially when shot by someone like Eklvya.

Karna didn\'t even notice when this fox saw the apple and go to eat it but then find out he was quick to move knowing he will not be fast enough, Arrow already hit the fox.


But who have thought that? The sharp arrow capable of reaping life hit the soft furry fox and broke into thousands of pieces. While the fox did not pay any attention to anything at all, She just sat there looking at Karan who at this point reached to her.

"Wow, Gurudev, what kinda animal is this? It\'s so beautiful."

Eklavya also comes close to them right now. He at first was worried he hurt the innocent animal but when got close to his disbelief that the innocent animal looked at his teacher with a guilty look.

Then he also noticed how beautiful this animal was. The white fur whiter than snow, Icy blue eyes and most interesting 9 fluffy tails she wagging around slowly in front of Karna.

So she asked about this to Karna wanting to hear the answer about the origin of this creature as he had never seen anything like this before.

He was very curious about this being, After all he who used to wonder in the forest all his life, But not even once he said animals with multiple tails, There were some from Yaksha (Demi-Human) but even they only have only 2 or 4 pair of tails never nine.

"She is a pig disguised as a fox, I will not name her because of the same reason as I am confused about what I will name her as fox or pig."

Karna straight up on the face of Eklvaya spoke up without baiting eyes, While here this time fox felt like she was pierced by an arrow hearing his words and started her melodrama.

She put a very hurt emotion on her foxy face and there was even a drop of tear hanging on the corner of her eye as she looked at Karna who did not spare her look making her act even more hurt.

"What pig? Fox? I don\'t understand Gurudev…Oh, I get it, You are really intelligent Gurudev."

Eklavya\'s heart melted seeing the expression of the fox, He felt pain seeing how hurt this animal was looking but when he heard the words of his teacher he was taken aback, He did not understand what did mean by his teacher.

How can a beautiful being like this one compare to an animal like a pig? He was quite puzzled by these words but thinking that this is said by his teacher, Eklavya thought there had to be a hidden meaning behind it.

His teacher will never say something useless, After all in his eyes Karna is the Avatar of some god, So he thought about it hard and might as well go overboard before he came to the conclusion and saw how intelligent his teacher is.

Indeed only his teacher can be this smart. Even he had to think this much just to understand the hidden meaning behind the words of his teacher spoke so casually.


While Karna had a lot of question marks on his mind not knowing what happened to this boy, How come he suddenly decided to say this, First thought of Karna was that Eklvaya wanted something but knowing him, Karma dropped the idea.

If Eklvya wanted something he might not ask but definitely not try to use this trick on him, So curious Karna decided to ask him.

"I know I am smart but care to explain to me how you come to this conclusion on your own Eklavya?"

Karna asked him, He needs to know what is cooking in the mind of this boy. Who knows what will happen if he lets this thought ferment in his mind and he once again walks on the road of his old destiny.

"Oh, I am ashamed to say this in front of you Gurudev but I understand. You by calling this beautiful being a pig in disguise of Fox is your way of teaching me to always be aware of people.

Especially the ones who look harmless just like this fox are the ones who are most lethal as we do not expect to be attacked from them, So the fox represents to be careful of them, one who others do not take seriously.I think you should take a look at

Pig here represents the ugly and disgusting thing people have inside us. No matter how beautiful and innocent people look on the surface, There is a hidden side of them which is just like you said, Pigs disguised as a Fox.

Here you are teaching me to judge people based on their actions and not their words, As maybe the one I am trusting is a pig which I am too foolish not to notice.

Only this much information I am able to figure out from your words Gurudev, But don\'t worry, I will soon figure out the rest of the meaning from it."

Eklavya with slight embarrassment answered Karna, He was indeed ashamed of the fact he took so long to understand the words of his teacher, He just hoped that the answer he gave was sufficient enough.


Question mark, More question marks.

Karna just stared blankly at Eklavya, not able to understand how the brain of this boy works. How come from his casual words of his he created this whole life lesson section.

Even the white fox stopped her drama and looked at Eklavya the same way Karna was, Both were very confused, concerned and curious how the thinking process went in the mind of Eklavya.

"Eklavya not everything I said has any deep meaning, Sometimes one should not divulge too much into the hidden meaning of words that they ignore the words that are being said."

Karna decided to fix the way Eklavya thinks, So he gave a light speech to him. These are the words he just spoke casually. It\'s just when they come out they sounded way more mysterious than the one casual word he spoke before.

So as expected when Eklavya heard his words there was stars in his eyes, Which surely says that he indeed thought too deeply than the meaning of the words spoken intended to.

"I understand Gurudev. Indeed I should not think too deeply about other people\'s words and waste my time. Wise men speak when they have something to say like you but fools speak because they have to say something.

I will keep that in my mind Gurudev."

Eklavya directly kneeled in front of Karna and bowed down to his guru taking Karna and Fox aback who once again "sneakily" claimed back in his shoulders.

Karna indeed wanted to say this but he also didn\'t want Eklavya to exclude him from this, But now he can\'t help it, No matter what he will say, Eklavya will turn it into a teaching moment.

So he just dropped the subject. At least now he will not waste time thinking of others too deeply.

"Stand up, Now let\'s go, we have to go to the treasury and find you a good bow."

Karna lifted Eklavya up and without giving him time to respond dragged him towards the treasury to find Eklavya a bow.

Yeah treasury and not armoury as Karna knows in armoury there are not that good weapons compared to the ones in the treasury, They are there for the reason that they were more valuable than the others.


"Brother let\'s go, Mata asked us to go with her but we are now late, Hurry up or Mata will be angry."

Little Loli Sushala in the balance was dragging the arm of an unwilling eldest brother Duryodhana towards the royal treasury for her to choose the jewelleries, The one she has in her room not her best ones.

Her mother specially instructed her to wear her best today, Though she was supposed to go with her parents but her stupid brother overslept and she stopped for him and said she will come later with them.

That\'s why the funny scene of loli dragging an unwilling and half-asleep boy in the palace towards the royal treasury.



In the house of Adiratha, The little jealous girl felt shivers feeling something bad worse was going to happen, But she just couldn\'t figure out what, It\'s just the flame of jealousy now turning into a blaze.

She didn\'t know why her heart was excited and anxious, making her even more annoyed right now.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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