I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 109 108. Paranoid Karna

"Who is coming, Mata?"

Karna turned around 180° and asked his mother in a shaky voice while going through all the possibilities of who could be this unexpected guest.

At first, he thought it would be his Guru Durvasa but he quickly rejected that idea as if this was the case, The atmosphere of the house will not be this calm down.

After all, Which mother will be able to keep herself down when she finds out her son chose someone as a Guru who is infamous for giving curses? There will be a lot of interrogation done by her.

That didn\'t happen means she didn\'t know about that yet, Which is a good thing, News like that has to be given using sorting the blow as much as possible.

His second guess was Mahamantri Vidur, It\'s highly possible that guy may come here, Though not bad but because he is not his enemy, There will be countermeasures against him.

As everyone knows He, Karna can only be controlled by his mother Radha, Others always come to her for complaints, Wise men like Vidur might choose this option as there will be no bloodshed and he can easily able to separate himself from Kauravas.

If this is the case, Karna had to be prepared beforehand because this time Vidur will come prepared and was fully on guard, It will be quite hard to trick him again like before.

But still, Karna has a hunch, Vidur will not move this early, The wound of underestimating him is still fresh, Karna was sure Vidur now only going makes a move against him when fully prepared, So it was highly unlikely it would be Vidur.

3rd option which Karna is most afraid of, Unknown. 

He has no idea who else could be the guest coming home, May someone call him paranoid but he who knows or thinks that Niyati can\'t be changed was very afraid of Unknown.

Who knows what tricks in dark Niyati will play, What thread it will pull to bring everything back together, Hence why Karna likes to be well-informed about things, Knowledge is one of the strongest weapons in his arsenal.

"It is a surprise, Your Pitashri does not allow me to say it, You have to wait till you find out tomorrow, All I can say is that it\'s about you."

Radha on the other hand only gives Kanra a mysterious smile and does not tell him anything, She even pulls out his father\'s name which prevents Karna from asking any further questions.

If he wants to, He can go ask his father for details, Which is not possible as he will be sleeping right now, And Karna didn\'t want to wake him up as he should be working hard all day taking care of the horses and chariots.

Even though he now became head of the royal chariots, He still did not sit back and work his share diligently, Which though honourable but also tried him out.

"Mata, You do know how weak a heart I have, I can\'t handle surprises, Just tell me who is coming, There is no need to tell me the reason why they are coming, Keep it secret as much as you want."

Karna didn\'t give up. This is a matter of life and death of his, So he had to ask questions even though there is a high chance that he will not going to get an answer.

But a simple hint will be enough, He is thankfully blessed by a brain with quite formidable intelligence. The only drawback of his intelligence is that he thinks too much of even simple things.

"....All I can say is that, The guest is your father\'s childhood friend, That\'s all I will say it."

Radha wanted to refuse Karna but knowing the paranoia of her son wanting to know the things, She had to give up and give him a hit to put his mind at ease.

She was afraid he, like last time, went on searching mode. That time he thought so many things and came to multiple conclusions which somehow led him to the top of the mountain.

While the secret was they were thinking of getting Karna a pony to get him used to animals around him, But because they did not tell him, He decided to look for himself.

Maybe he saw the grass under the sole of his father, Which was from the farm he had gone to look at the ponies for him, And it turns out that the grass grew on top of a nearby mountain, Which led him to climb the whole mountain.

She still has no idea how he could even climb the mountain on his own but from now on they decided to not stretch his curiosity too much, They are afraid to keep him in the dark.

It\'s just the thing they wanted to do tomorrow. It was helpful that Karna stayed in the dark but seeing the same crazed look in her son\'s eyes, Radha dared not to risk it and just answered him.

"Oh, Just old childhood friend? That\'s it? Does Pitashri just want to show me off? If that is the case why not tell me this sooner? I have to get ready, bye mother, Good night."I think you should take a look at

A heavy stone lifted up from his heart when Karna found out it was nothing but an old childhood friend of his father.

It\'s not like he doubted this but it was not happening the first time, His father had done this multiple times, It\'s one of those rare moments when he shows his happy emotions.

So the duo of father and son show off to friends of his father, It can be said it\'s bonding moments between them.

Karna also enjoys this moment. He loves to see the shocked faces of others and the smug look on his father\'s face when he introduces him as his son. Of course, there is always his mother who keeps a check on them not to let them cross the line.

And so Karna didn\'t pay any attention to this news. He was only thought of that if he knew this sooner, He could have prepared more if he knew this beforehand.

"Wait, Mata. Do any of those 4 come here?"

Karna wanted to go back to sleep but then he remembered there are still 4 more people he has to worry about.

Those four are like water and fire, Did not want to exist together at all. The only reason they bear each other\'s presence is that he is their common friend. If not they would have beat each other in a battle royale.

Especially Heera and Supriya, Both of them are always ready for a fight. Though the other two are not that offensive but they are also not friendly with each other. They prefer to use their words rather than weapons. 

"Oh, those 4? They did come yesterday and today. They look angry, Did you miss their appointments also?"

Radha knows which 4 Karna was talking about. She took a second to recall before she told Karna what happened in his absence.

Yesterday those 4 had come to her, Meghna already knew where Karna was and told her about it. He will be spending time outside the home, So she just tagged in with the group to see the drama.

Those 3 then asked her about Kanra, Radha didn\'t know much about it, So she was not able to provide them with enough information, But seeing the smug smile of Meghna, She should have said something to them.

They also come to her in the morning because Karna not only missed their evening meeting but also their usual everyday game/task, So all of them were furious.

But that didn\'t help them as this time even Meghna didn\'t know the whereabouts of Karna.

Seeing all this, Radha was sure her son was in big trouble but it was a matter he had to deal with it, So she didn\'t want to interfere much with them. All she could say is that it was all Karna\'s fault and he should clean the mess he created.

"....I will handle them tomorrow."

Karna felt helpless, He already knew what punishment was waiting for him tomorrow. After all, he was the one who created that punishment for them, But who knew he would be the first one to be punished by it first?

Helpless, Karna bid his farewell with his mother and white fox on his shoulders, He headed towards his room with handling head. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day for him.

"Hey lord, Give this stupid child a little brain to deal with these problems, If not he will not going to survive a bit with his personality."

Radha seeing the reaction of her son could not help but fold her hands and pray to her lord Surya Narayana. He was already having problems with the 4 little girls.

She could not imagine what kinda trouble Karna will be in after tomorrow, Not to mention after he officially takes the position of King of Anga.

She shook her head. It\'s not right to worry about these things, Tomorrow is a big day for her and her family. She should prepare for it.

(A/N : What\'s going to happen tomorrow with Karna?

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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