I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 78 78. The First Weapon, Asi

"Kripa? When did you come?"

Drona was taken aback by his brother-in-law standing in the house looking at him with his complicated eyes.

The drop could understand why Kripa was here or why he was looking at him with those eyes but then his eyes slowly widened as the realisation hit him, He became panicked and ashamed, He did not dare to meet eyes with Kripa.

There can be only one reason, Kripa might have seen his wife Kripi feeding their son flour mixed in the water as milk, It might be the only reason why he had that complicated look in his eyes.

If not, Kripa would not have just stood there, He should have hugged him as they not only share the relationship of in-laws but also they are friends, His friend did not greet him can only be justified from because he should have seen that painful scene.

Drona for the first time felt afraid to stand in front of someone, He can face the army on his own be it amey of the King or god but this time he did not have the guts to face Kripa.

He is a culprit for the pain he caused Kripa\'s sister and his wife, He felt that sharp pain and guilt just dreaming of that unholy scene, He could not imagine what his wife had gone through to lie to her son like that, And because of that, he was ready to face any punishment Kripa would give him.

"When or why I came here is not important anymore. Son of sage Bharadvaja, I wanted to ask just a few questions. Are you, not the strongest second only to Bhagawan Parsurama in the knowledge of warfare and Astra\'s?"

Kripa had a plain face as he replied to Drona in a natural voice. There was no hint of his current emotions in that tone but Drona who knows Kripa for many years can tell he is angry, So angry right now.

This only solidifies the thought of his wife really doing what he saw in his nightmare, This made his head down in shame as he was ready to hear all the taunts and blame that Kripa justifiably has for him.

But to his surprise, Kripa asked a question which not related to what is happening right now but he knew he should answer him, Even if not as a friend but as a guilty party, He has to answer.

"Yes, I am. Other than a few of Shiva\'s destructive and Portactive Astra and the BHARGAVA Astra, Which is a self-made strap of my teacher Guru Parsurama, I get all the remaining Astra from him in the donation."

Drona take a second before he truthfully answered, Yes he indeed got those Astra from Bhagwan Parshuram, The currently strongest warrior or sage currently living on this earth.

When Parsurama was wiped out 21 times by evil Kshatriya Kings, He decided to stop as he flowed too much blood even if it was for the right cause but there has to be a limit.

So he put down his Parshu (Battle Axe) and decided to reside in the Maghadari Mountain range, After that to gain some Karma after all that bloodbath he decided to donate to Bhramans.

It is when Drona asked for all the Astra Parsuram can give him in donation, Which he gladly did but that didn\'t mean Drona was not worthy of these weapons, Rather he was worthy to receive these weapons which is why he was able to ask for that in a donation.

If he was not worthy, No matter how hard he tried he would not be able to get those Astra as to get something like Astra one needed to not only have enough qualification but also a good Karma.I think you should take a look at

"Good, That means no one can beat you in battle right?"

Kripa just nodded and then asked another question with the same tone making Drona confused about what is going on in the mind of his friend but he was guilt-ridden, He decided to answer him honestly.

"Yes, In this Bhulok (Mortal World) other than my Guru Parsurama, No one can defeat me till I am fighting for the win"

Drona again answers him, He who has the First ever weapon created by Lord Brahma, The creator himself, the legendary sword Asi is undefeatable by anyone in a fight.

As long as he hold that sword in his hand, Which was also known as the originator of all the weapons did not have to fear ever losing to anyone, He can be called Invincible in the state of being armed by that sword.

The only downside of that sword is that he can only use it to benefit Dharma. He can\'t use that otherwise he will be the one who falls under it.

"Oh, Tell me then great Sage and Warrior why there is not even a common thing as milk in your house to feed your one and only child? Do you not love him? Is your pride more important than the happiness of your son?"

Kripa finally asked the thing he wanted to ask him, His voice was still neutral but this time there was a slight tremble in it showing he was not as calm as he was showing on the face.

His eyes were locked on Drona with unknown emotions but one emotion of resentment was a very obvious one and why should he not resent him?

Kripa after becoming the Royal teacher and Family Guru of the Hastinapur family offered the position to Drona of becoming the teacher of Princes, He offered the luxury that others can only dream of but Drona rejected him.

He said that he as a Bhraman should not be under the debt of others to teach their kids, If that is the case he will never be able to teach them with an unbiased outlook, Though he offered he can teach that prince but they have to come here to learn from him.

"Bhrata, You can\'t talk to my husband in that tone, Please, I request you apologise to him immediately."

Drona wanted to say something but the voice of his wife, Kripi stopped him in his tracks, Kripa too continued further but the sharpness and anger contained in his sister\'s voice also made him stop.

(A/N : Don\'t worry this is the beginning of the story. Also, I decided who will be the first teacher of Karna, It is an unexpected person, that\'s all I can say now.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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