I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 46 46. Pandavs

"I object, Sushala can\'t marry you yet, Mitra."

Suyodhan rushed to Sushala and tried to pull her back. 

"What are you doing Bharata? I just want to marry him. What\'s the problem with that?"

Sushala became annoyed, She just wants to marry him, So he will also make a dress for him, Might also make one for Sushasan\'s brother, That way they will have a complete set to play with.

"No, You can\'t marry yet, When you grow up, I will personally arrange your wedding."

Suyodhan was not happy. He couldn\'t let her marry this soon. She was still a kid and their brothers needed her.

"Maa!!! See brother Suyodhan is bullying me, Tell him, I can marry, okay?"

Sushala was not happy at all. She retracted her wrist from Suyodhans hand and ran towards her mother. Then she hugged her legs and complained in a spoiled manner.

"No, you can\'t, Maa (Mother) tell her she can\'t."

Suyodhan also runs to his mother and asks to reprimand Sushala. 

"No, I will marry now, Humph!!

Sushala did not give in and talked to her brother. She really wanted that dress. She was very annoyed and angry right now.

Normally, Her brothers did not deny her anything. Then why are they doing it now? If she can get dressed by just playing house with Karna, Then she can do it. 

It\'s a win-win for her, Not only does she get the dress but also plays with her brothers and Karna. She loves this tread a lot. She is not losing anything but only gaining it.

"NO!! You can\'t."

Suyodhan also did not give in this time, He can fulfil her other requests but not this one. Maybe when they grow up, He will himself make wedding arrangements.

But now is not the time, Marriage is a very important thing, Although Mitra Karna was the best choice for his sister but now is not the time for them to get married. 

"No, I will. Mom says that to brother now, okay?"

Sushala held Gandahri\'s red sari asking for help from her, showing her puppy eyes.

This is a Bhrmastra, Anytime she does this no matter who it is they agree to her demand. This even works on hardened warriors like Bhishama, So how could it not work on her own mother?

"No, Not yet, I will ask Meghna to make a dress for you. If not , Karna might also find time to make one for you, So stop your antics, you little devil."

How can Gandhari not know what is happening in her youngest mind? She knew that this marriage thing is just for getting a dress.

But she also loved the innocence her youngest had left in her. At least she had not matured before time. Her brother does take good care of her.

"Really?? I love you, Mata (Mom)"

Sushala at first was very disappointed hearing she does not get to marry him now but after hearing that, she will ask him to make a dress for her, She was happy once again. 

She quickly hugged her mother and landed a soft kiss on her cheeks and then she didn\'t forget to turn her head around sticking her tongue out provoking her brother, Suyodhan who was very glad that his mother did not agree.

But then he saw the smug face of Sushala making him realise all this was because of a dress, Putting his heavy heart down.

"Maa, Also made one for Sushasan Bratha (Brother)."

After provoking her brother as her usual ritual, Sushala once again turned towards Gandhari and asked one more thing.

She really wanted to play if not now then maybe later but for that her brother Sushansan also needed to be dressed and prepared for it.

"Wait! Why me? What have I ever done to you, devi?"

Before Gandhari can say, Sushsan popped up and quickly demanded an answer from her, Poor him always a target of her shenanigans.

And now she wanted him to wear the clothes of a woman. How can a man do that? Others will surely make fun of him.

"What\'s the problem with wearing a dress for once? I always wear it. Be a man and wear it Bharata."

Sushala hugged Gandhari for safety and said to Sushasan with a sly smile on her face.

\'Why is this woman obsessed with putting men in women\'s clothing?\'

Karna who was seated in his place seeing everything happening around him, He did not take the marriage proposal seriously as for him it was just a child being a child.

And what he said was a joke, So he also did not think much of it but what got his attention was the words of Sushala.

These words reminded him that there is a little monster who also wanted him to put on the woman\'s clothing for some reason.

"You- "

"Wear it, Anyway we are still children, So there is no problem."

Sushasan wanted to argue but Suyodhan interjected and spoke to him in an elderly tone making Sushasan helpless.

His elder brother always takes the side of their little sister, But he also knows that Suyodhan loves them all equally. It\'s just this elder brother of theirs who loves to spoil their little sister just like them.

"Okay, Jestha (Elder Brother)"

How can Sushasan go against the word of their father-like a brother? So he, though unwilling, agreed to him.I think you should take a look at

Karna saw that and raised his eyebrows. It surprised him to see Sushsan this obedient as the one he heard of before in Kalyuga said to be lusty and arrogant.

Well, Karna did have forgotten lots of things but there were still a few that were vividly remembered by him, And now it seems that just like Pandavs Kurava brothers also did not defy their elbrother\'shers commands.

"When will the food be served, Maharani? I am really hungry."

But then Karna\'s stomach protested, stopping his chain of thoughts and bringing his attention back to the food.

"Don\'t be impatient Karna, Royal cooks were busy doing it, It will serve in just a few moments."

Gandhari turned to Karna holding Sushala in her hand and said to him in a gentle tone, She still thinks he was messing with her when he said he hadn\'t eaten anything since yesterday.

"Arghh, What\'s taking them so long? If they are any later I might start eating at this table."

Karna was hungry, The use of a Sovereign body put too much toll on his body, After all, equivalent exchange was also a thing here too.

So he really might really start eating at the table. Anyway, his body can digest it, Being a demi-god has its own perks.

"You can eat this."

Karna lay on the table with his face down grunting because of hunger, He really second-guessed eating at this table. At this time Sushala somewhere in the middle got down from her mother\'s arms and came to Karna.

She tapped on his shoulder and handed him the mangos they gathered before.

Karna looked stunned by this action of hers but then again his hunger got the better of him and he quickly picked one mango and started eating.

Eklavya on the other side seeing his guru acting like this had lots of question marks hovering above his head.

He does not understand who has not eaten for weeks, Is he or his teacher? After all, even after being hungry for a week, he was able to hold back his hunger but his teacher can\'t?

There is definitely something in it that his teacher wanted to teach him, Well he does think a lot.

"Hey, have you really not eaten since yesterday?" 

 This time Gandhari was still confused. She knew Karna did not like to ruin his appetite by eating something before lunch or dinner but he did it now.

Making her think he might really be too hungry.

"Yeah, I was busy learning and then weaving dresses since yesterday, So I did not have time to go home or eat something. This is  my first supper and breakfast."

Karna hears Gandhari\'s question and answers her while eating mango like an animal staining his hands and face with the juices of mango.

Though still thanks to his charm, He not only looked disgusting but on the contrary looked breathtaking giving the impression of being down to earth.

"Wait!!? Really???? Why did you not say it before? Servants, please bring the food that is ready right now."

Gandhari\'s heart pained hearing it, Before she thought that an overprotective mother like Radha would not let him stay hungry and she was right but now that she knows he had not gone home since yesterday, means Radha had no way to reach him.

So he might-no definitely have not eaten since yesterday.

That\'s why she quickly asked royal servants to bring out food already ready without waiting for others to make it.

Though she was feeling bad, there was also happiness in her heart as he was hungry because he wanted to dress for her.

The slight anger and resentment have also gone replaced with joy.

Soon servants bring out prepared dishes, While others are being made now, Karna could not wait to dig in.

"Eklavya and Mitra and you all quickly sit and start eating because once I start there will be nothing for you guys."

Karna, though eager to dig in, Asked others to sit with him and they too followed suit. Though Eklavaya wanted to wait for his teacher to finish before eating, the stern eyes of Karna made his seat next to it waiting to be served.

"We too are hungry, Serve us too."

When servants were ready to serve Karna and the group, 5 younglings came in with some older women and demanded to be served too.

Karna looked at them and the corner of his lips turned upwards as in this 5, One big fat guy is very easily identifiable as his face was swollen and turned blue and purple.


Karna didn\'t even have to think about them as he already has a good guess about their identity.

(A/N: Yoo how have you been, guys? Good? Great? That\'s alright.

Well I should apologise for a super delayed update but I too am helpless guys, There is already my book 

[ Surviving in the woman\'s world as the novel villain.] 

(Yes I am shameless)

This did not give me time to write this one but here I am. I will try to give more updates soon but it will still take some time as this book is not contracted, While my other book is and I am also writing one with the same intention.

But don\'t worry, It will not take this much time, Might take 3 or 4 days at max.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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