Never Judge

Chapter 483 - 483

"Adri." Cedric said as his wife sobbed into his shirt.

"Ced, I thought your mom would die." Adrianna cried. "I was so afraid that she would bleed out in my arms." 


"She is fine now Adri, mom has regained consciousness and she is with my dad." Cedric said as he caressed his wife\'s hair.

"Cedric, why are people so cruel?" Adrianna asked.

Cedric frowned and sighed. He knew he had no right to criticize people for their actions, he himself was not innocent. People had died on his orders.

He simply held his wife in his arms as she cried herself to sleep.

The rest of the car ride to the Reyes Mansion was quiet, Cedric watched as they drove by the city. Every so often he would find people pointing out his car, some even took out their phones and snapped photos or  videos.

Cedric knew now that everyone knew who he was, this would be his new reality. He felt sad that he could no longer go out and walk the streets like everyone else. He would always need to have his bodyguards around.

The life he had lived for so long would have to change, but it was for the best. He was glad that he had met Adrianna before he turned twenty eight, if he had met her any time after that he was sure that she would have rejected him without getting to know him.

When his car finally pulled up to the Reyes Mansion gates, he shook his wife awake. 

"Adri, honey, we\'re back at the mansion." Cedric said in a gentle voice.

"Mmmm, five minutes." Adrianna said.

Cedric noticed his son was already awake and sat up with a smile. Cedric sighed at the thought of having to watch over his son as his wife slept, then an idea hit him.

"Yoyo." Cedric said, using his son\'s pet name.

"Yes daddy? Do you want something daddy?" His son said with a grin. It seemed the boy knew his father had other intentions because he used his pet name over his real name.

"Yoyo, can you go up to the room on your own?" Cedric asked his son with a smile.

"Of course I can daddy, I am a big boy now." Emilio told his father proudly.

"Good." Cedric said with a nod and a smile. "I\'ll carry your mom while you walk on ahead of me."

"Okay." Emilio said eagerly. The little boy wanted to impress his dad.

As the car pulled up in front of the mansion a butler opened Emilio\'s door and helped the little boy down. Cedric smiled at how independent his son looked, he knew the kid had a bright future ahead of him. 

Cedric stepped out of the car and carried his wife\'s sleeping figure bridal style.

When Nicole saw them, she couldn\'t help but smile. To their small group Adrianna\'s and Cedric\'s love had always been a goal they wanted to reach.

Nicole watched as Emilio ran up and stood beside his father, even at a young age Nicole could see that Emilio would be picking up the signature Reyes Family demeanour.

"I\'ll take my son and wife up to the room first, you can go ahead to the garage." Cedric told Nicole. 

Nicole simply nodded and left.

Cedric walked up the stairs as a maid followed him and Emilio. He knew that the maid was the nanny his mother had assigned to take care of Emilio whenever the little boy was in the old mansion, which was quite rare.

Emilio was familiar with the woman so he didn\'t get scared when she helped him climb the steps.

When they got to Cedric\'s room in the old house the maid opened the door for Cedric and Emilio.

Cedric nodded his thanks and walked in with his son.

"You can go." Cedric told the maid as he placed his wife in bed.

The maid nodded and left as Cedric had asked.

"Yoyo, dad needs another favor from you." Cedric told his son.

"Yes daddy?" Emilio asked with his bright eyes looking up at his father, the little child, eager to please.

"Daddy has to find the bad guys that hurt your grandma and auntie Mia." Cedric explained. "I need you to keep your mom company." 

"Okay daddy." Emilio said proudly.

"If you need anything press this button." Cedric said as he pointed at a buzzer that called over the maids. It was placed on a table next to the king sized bed. "I want you to rest too. I know you are tired Yoyo." 

"Yes daddy." The little boy said with a yawn he had been suppressing.

Cedric smiled as he watched his son crawl into bed. 

Cedric decided that his wife needed a bath, so he picked out some clothes and a towel for her and brought her to the bathroom.

He filled up the tub with warm water and placed some essence of rose to calm her. When it was filled to a satisfactory level, Cedric gently lowered the now naked Adrianna into the tub.

He was surprised that even as he scrubbed her clean Adrianna did not wake up, she must have been so exhausted as to not notice what was going on.

When he was satisfied that she was clean he dried her and dressed her, before finally placing her back on the bed next to Emilio who was already fast asleep under the sheets.

Cedric leaned down and planted a kiss on his son and on his wife, before finally leaving and heading towards the garage.

He made sure to give strict instruction to the help to listen should his wife or son need any of them. He also arranged for some calming tea to be brought to his wife, he knew that she still needed to fully process what had happened at Pris Mall earlier that day.


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