Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 626 Stairs (3)

After confirming this, Lin Fan looked around himself to see where he had been sent, or rather to see what kind of trial he was about to face.

Looking around, he found that there was only a white space around him that he couldn\'t see the ends of. Looking down, he found that he was standing on just empty space, he wasn\'t even able to see what exactly he was standing on.

The only thing of note in this entire space was the staircase that was in front of him.

However, unlike the staircases that were outside, this staircase was much smaller.

It was like this was a personal staircase for him.

It didn\'t take much to guess that the trial that faced him was climbing up the stairs, but he couldn\'t help feeling surprised. After all, if it was just climbing up the stairs, didn\'t that seem a bit too easy?

For a trial that was set by someone with the aura of the woman in blue, it shouldn\'t be something that was this easy.

So it must mean that there was some kind of trick behind these stairs.

Lin Fan looked at Brainy who came out of his sleeve and after exchanging a nod, he released a rat in front of him.

Brainy controlled that rat to move up to the first step of the stairs, but as soon as it did, they were both shocked by what had happened.

The moment that the rat stepped onto the first step, it was like a mountain had fallen onto it, instantly crushing it into the ground. The rat didn\'t even have time to give a squeak before it was flattened into a meat patty.

It didn\'t take a genius to understand what kind of a trick this was.

This was a common test that was used in trials like this. In fact, Lin Fan had even faced something like this back on the Blue Star Realm.

In the Inheritance Realm that he had gone to, there was a tower where pressure fell upon those that entered and with each floor they passed, the pressure became stronger.

This was the same concept, but instead of increasing the pressure on each floor, it seemed like the pressure increased with each step.

Looking up at the stairs in front of him, Lin Fan could count at least a thousand steps before he couldn\'t see the stairs anymore as they disappeared into the clouds.

Based on what he had just seen, the pressure increase wasn\'t just double. To completely flatten the rat like that, it would take at least ten times the normal amount of gravity.

Now take that and multiply it by at least a thousand since that was the minimum amount of steps that Lin Fan could see…

This trial was on a completely different scale compared to the one that Lin Fan had taken back on the Blue Star Planet.

However, even if the level of difficulty had been raised, that didn\'t mean that Lin Fan was afraid since he knew that he had an ability that would easily allow him to pass this trial.

His absorption force would help him absorb the pressure that fell onto him, making it his own power. This would allow him to constantly grow and adapt to the pressure that fell onto him, which would allow him to continually move forward.

The only problem with this method was that it took time and time wasn\'t something that Lin Fan necessarily had.

According to what the Thunder Sect and the True Spirit Sect had told them about these Ancient Era Ruins, they would open for at most a month.

With these thousand and more steps, Lin Fan wasn\'t certain that he would be able to finish within that time.

But since he was already trapped here, there was no choice but to take the first step onto the stairs.

So after thinking all of this through, Lin Fan covered himself in his life energy as he took the first step onto the staircase. However, the moment that he stepped onto it, he found that nothing had changed for him.

He had seen the rat being crushed under the pressure on the stairs, but for some reason, when he took his first step, he hadn\'t felt a single thing.

It was almost as if the pressure that the rat had felt didn\'t exist for him.

Lin Fan took another step and he found that nothing had changed for him still.

As he continued taking steps forward, Lin Fan had found that there wasn\'t anything different from climbing these stairs normally. He went from the first step to the tenth step without any pause and even when he was on the tenth step, he continued walking forward as if everything was normal.

He continued up the staircase, not feeling any of the pressure that he should have felt.

He reached the fiftieth step, the sixtieth step, the seventieth step…All the way up to the ninety ninth step.

Only when he reached the hundredth step did he finally start to feel the pressure that he was supposed to feel, but even then, it wasn\'t as strong as he expected.

It was only a tiny bit of pressure on him that almost felt like he was being rained on, but it didn\'t impede his movements at all.

He continued forward, going step by step as the amount of pressure on him continued to increase.

He was able to continue normally for another twenty steps before the pressure started to impede his movements. When he reached the hundred and fiftieth step, he was finally moving at half his normal speed.

Then when he reached the hundred and ninety ninth step, he finally felt enough pressure that he wasn\'t able to move forward anymore.

It was at that time that Lin Fan finally started releasing his absorption force to help him negate some of the pressure that fell onto him.

But the moment that he did, there was half a statue that formed almost instantly inside of his dantian.

Lin Fan was immediately shocked by the speed of this statue formation, but his shock wasn\'t just because of how fast the half statue formed. Even now, as he released his absorption force, he could tell that the statue was growing at a visible rate.

It seemed like it wouldn\'t take long before he would be able to use another new type of law.

Lin Fan was naturally excited at the prospect of another law, but at the same time, he also felt a bit disappointed. He was disappointed that he was only able to go up a fifth of the visible way.

He had expected himself to be able to reach halfway when he had felt the lack of pressure in the beginning, but now he had been stuck at the one hundred and ninety ninth step. It really was too lacking compared to what he had expected himself to be capable of doing.

But he didn\'t stop to think how amazing this was already since the pressure increased ten times with each step and with one hundred and ninety nine steps, it had already been increased by one thousand nine hundred and ninety times.

Just ten times gravity was enough to crush a normal human and while cultivators were stronger than normal humans, that didn\'t mean that they were invincible.

The rat had been crushed on the first step because it was just a normal rat without any cultivation, but as for the other cultivators that had been sent into this trial with Lin Fan, the highest any of them had gone was the fiftieth step.

It had to be known that there were Child Soul Realm experts here as well!

Of course, even with their high cultivation, that didn\'t mean that their bodies were as strong, so it was natural that they were stopped by this kind of trial. Even with their pets released to help them strengthen their laws into barriers, none of them had gone past the fiftieth step.

For Lin Fan to reach the one hundred and ninety ninth step in one go already meant that he was a monster.

Especially since he hadn\'t released his pets to set up the array to help him resist this pressure.

Even Brainy had already been put back into his pet space since she was a beast that cultivated her spiritual sense, so her body was weaker than most beasts.

After a few minutes of absorbing the pressure, Lin Fan was finally able to take another step forward, reaching the two hundredth step.

The moment that he did and the pressure fell onto him, the statue inside his dantian was immediately finished.

Lin Fan didn\'t release this law because he knew that it wouldn\'t be of any help to him in climbing this staircase.

The new law that he had received was the law of gravity.

If he were to release this law, it would actually hurt him instead of help him since it would just put more pressure on him if he used it on himself.

As for using gravity to combat gravity…That would just make the pressure stronger, so that wasn\'t a good idea either.

But with his understanding of the law of gravity, he did feel the pressure relieve a bit as he started negating some of the law of gravity that was pressing down on him.

This time, it didn\'t take a few minutes for him to take a second step. All it took was one minute before he stepped onto the two hundred and first step.

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