The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 95 - Bonds Severed

After I explained the plan, we immediately moved into action. The four girls dashed towards the giant humanoid monster once known as Xuan Kun, each heading towards one of his limbs. While they were doing so, I readied another Infernal Arrow, waiting for the right moment to shoot it. This time, however, I wouldn\'t have any Time Element to help me. I wouldn\'t know when an opportunity would arise, so I had no way of properly timing the Time Magic, seeing as how it didn\'t last forever.

That being said, I didn\'t think an opportunity would arise anytime soon. The monster purposefully didn\'t let me get a clear shot on his chest, where I previously wounded Xuan Kun. This only confirmed my theory from earlier, but it was troublesome. The girls were trying their best to give me a clear shot, but the monster was effortlessly dealing with them with its large arms.

"Damn...! My attacks aren\'t hurting him at all!" Yu An Yan yelled in frustration, narrowly dodging one of the monster\'s fists.

"Yeah, we already established that!" Feng Mian shouted in reply. "But there\'s nothing we can do about that! Just keep hitting it with all you\'ve got!"

"...If only...we could immobilize him..." Yu An Xue gritted her teeth.

"Immobilize...that\'s it!" Feng Mian exclaimed, then quickly went to work. "Level Two Poison Magic - Intoxication Cloud!"

A cloud of poison formed directly around the monster\'s eye level, and it was blinded momentarily. Feng Mian called out to Yu An Xue. "An Xue! Help me freeze its feet!"

"Right...!" Yu An Xue reacted quickly. "Level One Ice Magic - Freeze!"

One of the most basic Ice Magic spells - Freeze. It did exactly what its name implied - freeze target location. In this case, Yu An Xue directed her magic at the monster\'s right foot, and the ice instantly did its work.

"Nrghn??!" the monster growled in confusion.

Feng Mian, however, wasn\'t going to allow the realization to sink in for it before she froze its other foot.

"Level One Ice Magic - Freeze!"

Blue ice crawled up from the ground and enclosed the monster\'s foot completely, completely preventing it from moving or turning.

"Grrahh!" the monster finally realized what they had done, and was furious. Cracks appeared in the ice the two girls had created, and it was on the verge of breaking free. However, the girls weren\'t about to let their hard work go to waste, and Yu An Yan wasn\'t just idling around either.

"I\'ll keep this guy off of you!" Yu An Yan declared, skidding to a stop directly in front of the monster. "Focus on strengthening that ice!"

"Got it!"


The two girl appreciated her help, but this was no time for polite words. They quickly went to work on the ice, and soon enough the cracks disappeared. However, this wasn\'t just the two of them\'s doing...

"Level Two Sky Magic - Thunder Flash!" Yu An Yan chanted, unleashing a barrage of lightning one after another focused directly on the monster\'s head. 

"GAHHH!" the monster roared, and placed its two arms over its head to defend against the lightning strikes. From this, it was revealed that he did in fact feel pain, and could be injured through magic attacks. It seemed that its head was weaker than the other parts of its body.

I had an open shot right now. However, since the ice casing from the two girls still wasn\'t complete, there was a chance the monster would break free and dodge....ah, screw it. I took careful aim, and let the arrow fly.

However, since the ice casing still wasn\'t complete, the monster could still shift slightly, and my arrow missed by a hair\'s breadth. I cursed, and prepared another arrow. Firing it now wouldn\'t work, so I had to wait until the ice casing was complete...

"Level One Sky Magic - Flight!" Yu An Yan chanted, rising up into the air directly after as a better method of distraction. Indeed, the monster took the bait, and looked upwards, forgetting completely about the two girls back on the ground busy freezing him. The ice was now up to his thighs, and still going.

"I\'ll help you, An Yan!" Qing Yue, who had remained silent until now, yelled. "Potentia Excitant: Celeritas!"

"Thanks, Qing Yue!" Yu An Yan called back.

Casting a speed boost Potentia spell not on herself but on Yu An Yan, Qing Yue received gratitude and smiled. "Now go beat the shit out of that monster~!"

Had this been normal circumstances, I would\'ve told her to watch the language, but I was too focused on aiming and carefully looking for any open opportunity to even care.

"Level One Sky Magic - Voltage Strike!" Yu An Yan chanted, launching lightning strikes one after another from her palms while dashing around at amazing speeds thanks to Qing Yue\'s speed boost. The monster flailed around wildly with its arms, trying to get a hit on Yu An Yan. However, she, like a beautiful butterfly, gracefully dodged them all.

The attacks weren\'t doing much damage to the monster, but it definitely served as a good annoying distraction. And then, before the monster knew it...

"Okay, An Yan! We\'re done!" Feng Mian hollered up into the air, and Yu An Yan sent them a thumbs-up. She flew back and landed on the ground while the monster struggled to free itself from the ice - which was now more than halfway up his body now, right beneath the place where I was aiming at. They had done so on purpose, obviously. I smiled realizing this, and took careful aim. However-

I narrowed my eyes. "Is that thing...actually intelligent?"

The monster had shielded itself with its two arms, wrapping them around itself as if in a hug. With it covering its own weak spot with its durable arms, there was nothing I can do without using more powerful magic, which I couldn\'t afford to do here since Liu Jian was watching.

"Damn it..." Yu An Yan cursed, flying up into the sky once more. "Feng Mian, An Xue, you two just make sure not to let him break free! I\'ll try to move his arms, somehow..." she trailed off at the end, since she probably wasn\'t confident she could actually do so.

"Level Two Sky Magic - Thunder Flash!" she chanted, using the same spell from before. She recalled the last time she had used this, the monster had used both of its arms to protect its head. However...

"So even this doesn\'t work, huh..." Yu An Yan muttered in frustration. 

The monster had used one arm to shield its head, while its other still remained where it was, blocking the weak spot in the center of his chest.

"Damn...if only we had one more person..." I muttered. If we had just one more ally, this battle would be over. Each of them control one of the monster\'s limbs, and that way I can have a clear shot on the monster\'s chest. Qing Yue wouldn\'t work, since she barely had any attack power. Perhaps she could blind the monster at best.

Then, suddenly, a crimson javelin burning in red and black fire flew down from nowhere, stabbing directly into the monster\'s arm. This was the first attack that had actually drew blood on the monster. As for the victim itself, it was surprised he had actually gotten injured, and roared in anger. However...the fight was already over.

The slight timeframe when the monster\'s arm left its original place after being hit with the impact of the javelin - I had taken advantage of it. The roar of the would be the last thing it ever did. The flaming bow in my hand dispersed into thin air, and I walked closer to the monster, who was still standing upright, though not moving one bit.

When I was right in front of it, I looked up at its disproportionate face, which still, although faintly, resembled my brother, Xuan Kun\'s. I closed my eyes.

Xuan Kun...since birth, you have always hated me. For what reason, I do not know. However, since you despise me so, I will return that favor. This is the result of that. That being said...we are still related by blood, however much the two of us wish to deny it. And despite your repulsive personality...your strength deserves to be respected. However...strength without morals is just evil. The moment you drank that elixir, the moment you decided to rely on someone else\'s help to get stronger - the moment you chose this path, you were destined to lose. The moment you did so, you turned into a monster, something no human would show mercy to. Don\'t repeat the same mistake in your next life, former brother.

Thinking this, I leapt up from the ground, and shoved the Infernal Arrow I had shot into his chest earlier even deeper. I drove it into his chest completely, utterly without any mercy or compassion.

I jumped back to the ground, as the massive monster collapsed onto the sand with a sound that shook the entire arena.

Farewell, former brother.

"Duel End - Victor: The Chaotic Tranquility!"

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