My Vampire System

Chapter 2428 Strongest Trouble Maker (Part 4)

The four elders along with the three vampire settlement leaders sat at a table in the grand dining room. It was incredibly dark inside, with themes of red splashed throughout. Such as the red rug underneath the table as well as the red candles placed around the place. 

They sat as they waited for food to be served to each of them. 

"I am sorry if the food is not to your liking." Muka stated. "We were short on time with getting your preferences, but I hear that your tastes are the same as the humans we have. Still, as you may know, we ourselves do not eat the same as humans, but I hope you enjoy the meal."

The meal served to both parties was completely different, but it went down as a treat as they finished their food and waited for the next course to come out. Although they didn\'t mention it, Muka had specially had someone brought from Earth to prepare the meals for them, which was why they were of a high standard. 

"I wanted to ask." Xox said, in between waiting for courses. "Did you at least inform Quinn that we would be here. I\'m sure if you did, he would be inclined to come here, after all we did a lot for your family, helping you out."

Layla was about to bang the bottom of her knife on the table but stopped before she did. Once again, the young elder was asking about Quinn. The reason she restrained herself though, was because his words were true. 

The princesses as well as the Mermerials helped in the war when they didn\'t have to, due to Quinn\'s ask. At the same time, she and the rest of her family had lived on the Mermerial planet for some time being protected by them. So they too owed quite a lot to the Mermerials. 

"Of course." Layla replied. "If he knew about this beforehand, and the meeting wasn\'t so suddenly called for, he would have made time, but he has other arrangements as you know. It isn\'t my place to speak about those arrangements and it wouldn\'t be fair for him to just stop what he was doing and make his way here." 

"I guess, we just don\'t mean that much to him then." Xox gulped down a pint of water. 

The tense situation had become quite clear with the other Elders, which was why they had decided to butt in. 

"Of course we understand, and besides it\'s not like this is the only time we\'ll be able to meet him." An elder said. "We respect Quinn\'s decision and if he is not too busy, you, him, and your family are welcome to see us whenever they wish." 

This had settled the mood a little and soon the group went to talk about other things. After the meal was done, they were given a tour around the castles and explained how the vampire settlement worked and how their system was currently set up. 

At the same time, they listened to the Mermerials talk about everything they had been going through on their planet as well. It was quite amazing to see how both groups seemed to have similar troubles and by exchanging information and culture they were figuring out different solutions to different problems which they would have never come at from a certain angle before.

Although the visit was made on false pretences, the Mermerial Elders felt like they had gained a lot on the visit so far. However, the young Elder Xoxy hadn\'t said a word since dinner had ended.

That was until the long and winding tour and talk seemed to be over. 

"You have a nice settlement here." Xox said. 

Everyone turned to look at him with their eyes wide open. After all of the words he had spoken so far, they thought he would never say something nice, yet here he was praising the settlement. 

"I think, rather than just experiencing these things from your word, it would be nice for us to experience them first hand. Do you think it\'s possible if we can have our own time to explore, to see your world first hand?" 

For a while now, Xox was thinking how he could get away from Layla, and how he could get closer to her family. Maybe even search for Quinn. There was a chance he was hiding in the settlement doing something after all, but he needed to be away from the eyes of others. 

"Of course." Xander answered. "Where do you want to go, what do you want to see, would be happy to take you there." 

"There is no need for you to guide us." Xox quickly said. "I feel more comfortable walking alone, and besides you already told us how safe this settlement is, so I think there would be no problems for your guest to walk around. I certainly know you wouldn\'t have any problem walking around on your own with the Mermerials." 

Xox didn\'t know if this was a fact or not, but just wanted to say it to light a fire on the other side, and it seemed to work. 

"Of course!" Muka said with a smile. "Please be our guest and explore the settlement to your heart\'s content. If you have any problems at all just report to one of the guards who will help you, or they can contact us as well."

Xox didn\'t need to be contacted twice, and with that he was off, already exploring the settlement, seeing if he could find any answers to what he needed.

The other elders were happy to continue their journey with Layla and the rest, and said that they would be happy to explore with them around the settlement, seeing whatever they thought was best to show them. 

While they were walking out of the castle and making their way to the main area of the settlement, Layla was unable to hold her tongue anymore. 

"I\'m sorry, but I have to ask, why is that young Elder of yours, why is he so different compared to the rest of you. He is so impolite, and seems to ask a lot of questions." Layla asked. 

She wanted to say, ask a lot of questions about Quinn, but didn\'t want to make it too obvious that was her main concern. 

The oldest Elder sighed. 

"Xoxy has actually been brought onto the council recently." The Elder answered. "He was actually introduced by our old god, Yongbu." 

Layla knew who this was, she had faced him head to head in the past. 

"The truth is, Yongbu wanted to use the young elder as a chance to build up the relationship between him and Quinn again, which is why I believe he is asking so many questions." 

Although the Elders didn\'t think much of this, for Layla, alarm bells were ringing in her head. The Elder was working for Yongbu, a celestial that once had tried to hurt them, and now here he was again. 

\'I… can\'t help but not trust that guy, I need to keep an eye on him.\' Layla thought. 



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