My Vampire System

Chapter 2328 The Search Is On

Hearing the devastating news, the sound around Jesscia was deafening. She was on such an up as she headed into a building, after days of things irritating her bit by bit, this was nothing compared to all that. Suddenly, she was wishing that she hadn\'t slept.

It was a stupid thought to have, but maybe if she was in discomfort, then nothing bad would have happened to the others. She just didn\'t understand at all, why Stacy and Gabe. Why them two, what had they done?

Eventually, Barbra had moved Jessica to her office. Thankfully, it seemed even though no words were getting through to her, she was just on autopilot following along. In the office, Hikel and Edvard were already present, Quinn was a bit late because he had directly been following Jessica and had heard of the news as well.

\'Is this the work of Immortui as well. Is he targeting those around Jessica instead of Jessica herself? Or, is it just someone who has a grudge against the Vampire Corps? Maybe someone she captured in the past?\'

While the rest were in their seats, Barbra stood at the front. The whole situation looked uncomfortable for her, it made sense, all of the vampires in the Vamp Corps were her responsibility.

"I want to explain to you all the current situation that we are in." Barbra said. "I\'m sure many of you have already heard about Stacy and Gabe. I will give you the details of what we know for now, but it is an ongoing investigation.

"In the early morning around 4:12 am there was a report of loud bangs and fighting occurring in one of the apartment blocks. In the room itself there are clear signs of fighting as the equipment was completely destroyed.

"The active night shift team, squad 0002 arrived at the scene at 4:30, they had arrived at a bloody scene, with Gabe and Stacy lying there on the ground. As you know, the two of them lived together. The markings on their bodies, and the way they were killed suggest that it was done by a vampire."

For a second, the others looked at each other in the room. Hikel and Edvard could gauge the strength of the vampires since they fought alongside them. They were around the level of a vampire nobel, not quite skillful enough to be a vampire knight, but not just any vampire could beat them.

"As you know, its normal procedure to have another squad investigate what is happening." Barbra continued. "All of you, are too close, and will be too emotional to the case, which is why I have one more piece of information, Galanar."

Jessica\'s head lifted up in that moment, as she failed to realise it, she had heard the devastating news about her two members, the ones that had been with her practically since she had rejoined the Vampire Corps, that she failed to see, that Galanar wasn\'t even in the room.

"As of this moment and time Galanar is missing. We had sent a squad to his apartment, where there seems to be signs of struggle like the rest, but there\'s no blood found, and there is no body."

Jesscia immediately stood up from her seat.

"You have to let me try and find him!" Jessica said. "I can\'t just sit here and do nothing. I know… I can\'t investigate the deaths of Stacy and Gabe, I can\'t do anything to bring them back. But if there\'s a chance that we can still save Galanar, and catch the people who have done this, don\'t you think we should use everything we have!"

Barbra hearing this let out a big sigh.

"I knew you would ask this, but I can\'t just let you go out on your own."

That\'s when Quinn stood up from his seat.

"We will go with her, she has an important request, and it could be linked to something else."

Barbra and Quinn stared at each other for a moment, and then he gave a small nod toward her. She knew that Quinn and the other two were here based on the recommendation of Andyl. It wasn\'t just any normal recommendation either.

Andy had stated that if there was anything they needed that she should comply. She was unsure whether something like this counted, but it seemed that the new vampires joining might be connected to this case after all.

It made her clench her fist, wondering if something from higher up had involved her people, allowing her good people to be hurt, but she had to swallow all of the pain in, as she needed to make a decision for what is best.

"Fine, but all of you move together. It\'s not like any of you would be able to do work after hearing this.You are to work with the other teams, if you are a distraction to them, or hamper them in any way, then I might have to take you off this case, do you understand!"

All of them nodded.

The group arrived at the apartment block which had already been blocked off from the regular public. Apparently the Vampire Corps got a monthly balance to choose which apartment they wished to live at, so not everyone lived at the same place or area.

Heading inside was relatively easy, it looked like most knew Jessica and let her through without even asking to see any form of identification. When they got to the actual room, they could see the state it was in.

There were some destroyed walls, furniture, chairs and other things. Meanwhile there were also those from a different squad, 0015 that were working on this investigation.

Jessica went ahead to talk to the captain to see if there was anything she could find, meanwhile the other three had gathered.

"Do you think its the work of him?" Hikel asked.

"It\'s too early to tell." Quinn replied. "If it was Magnus, then he could have easily had the strength to take on all three. So much strength, that there wouldn\'t even be a struggle in the apartment. So I would rule out the fact that it was Magnus.

"However, I wouldn\'t rule out the fact that it was Immortui."

"Then why attack those around Jessica?" Edvard asked.

"Maybe just like with me, it\'s to show her what he\'s capable of. I was able to save the people that Immortui targeted, but what if Jesscia believes that she can\'t. After killing those close to her, she might do everything in her power to make it stop, and if that\'s the case, she might accept Immortui\'s deal."

Imaging themselves in Jesscia shoes, they could see why she might go with that option.

It seemed that Jessica had no luck getting information out of the captain, but just when she was about to head to the others, another group of people had entered the room.

A man with spiky black hair, off to the side with a big cut down the side, wearing the Vampire Corps uniform, along with him, there were another two that were by his side.

"Captain of squad 0006, Captain Ryder." Jessica said, giving a polite bow.

"I heard that you were here." Captain Ryder said. "I didn\'t know you would have company with you though, who are they, I\'ve never seen them before."

"Oh, they\'re new recruits." Jessica answered. "They have just recently joined the squad but are working with me."

Ryder\'s eyes lingered on them for a few seconds, before going back to Jessica.

"Unfortunately, this is not the time to catch up, but I have some good news, we have found a lead on Galanar, and we have tracked them down to a particular location.

"Our vehicle is outside, but we can do with some back up, and judging by your reputation, I could use your help."

Jessica was ready to jump at the chance.

"Of course, let\'s go!" Jessica said.

At the same time, Quinn and the others followed, but Ryder looked at them.

"This is a dangerous situation, new recruits shouldn\'t get involved."

"Where she goes I go." Quinn answered.

"He is reliable." Jessica turned back and smiled at Quinn. "They all are, they\'re coming with me, it\'s Barbra\'s orders."

With no choice, Ryder turned around.


All of them went away, off into a large flying van that shot off into the sky. Meanwhile in the apartment room, the captain had felt something was off.

"I didn\'t get any report that squad 0006 were involved in this case, maybe I should call it in, and just double check."



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