My Vampire System

Chapter 2249 Abandoned

Seeing Dober, for Geo, was a big surprise. After defeating Athos, three Amra in total had led the race and their multiple planets and this included Dober himself. Although originally Dober wasn\'t a fighter, he had grown quite strong. 

He was brought into the group due to his smarts and information he had on new technologies. Back then, he was one of the few Amra that was researching technologies that they could use. 

However, being around Geo and Nock who had great power, had also somewhat influenced Dober. On top of that, he gained natural strength as he worked in the Forgery and helped around in several places in and outside of the tower.

This was why Geo was surprised in the first place, because Dober was in the tower, and if he was now out of it, there was a chance someone else was as well. 

"Don\'t get your hopes up." Dober replied. He knelt down and looked at the face of Nock. There was nothing, no equipment, no crystal that could save him now, the life had completely gone out of his eyes.

Dober hadn\'t seen any part of the fighting or what was going on, but seeing Geo\'s reaction and what happened so far, it was no wonder he was putting a lot of hope into that person.

"He is working hard away, and is in the final stages, but it is impossible to know and it would be wrong of me to give you a time frame… but for you, what is happening here?"

Peter\'s body was relatively hurt from the constant pounding. His body was healing and he could still fight, but in order to heal properly he needed to heal. If needed then he would fight Geo back in a desperate attempt. 

However, the hunger was quite painful for him, so Peter went to find one of the dead bodies that were nearby, for a quick meal to replenish him. He wouldn\'t usually do such a thing. 

Even he had respect for the dead that fought their lives in the war, but it was an important time. Seeing how Peter wasn\'t attacking him,  Geo realised he had some time to talk, but was unaware of exactly what Peter was doing, so he kept an eye on him, while talking.

"I\'m not sure we can do anything." Geo replied. "These two are stronger than I imagined. Nock gave his everything, he fought alongside me with everything we had, and we still were unable to beat him. 

"The strength in my own hands is dwindling, I am not as strong as I was at the start of this fight."

Geo was being kind, Nock was stronger than Dober, so if the two of them had no chance at winning the fight, then with Dober, it certainly was the case. As for his powers, the glow on his forearms was fading, the celestial energy he used to power himself was running low. 

Most of the energy had been used up in his current fight, but Geo had been fighting all over the place, going against the vampire leaders and going from one place to the next, while Peter and Chris were very fresh.

Maybe because Geo had just lost Nock, but he wasn\'t feeling very hopeful about the situation, and was believing there was no point for him to go on fighting. 

"I\'m afraid, that I don\'t have good news to bring to you, but I thought I had to inform you." Dober stated. "Me and the other forgers, we all left the tower and immediately could see that several areas were in trouble. 

"We spread out and are doing our best to help out all groups, but we are being pushed back in all areas. Without any help, it will only be a matter of time before they reach our base… and reach the tower."

Looking at Peter, he was seen chowing down on human flesh, ripping part of its skin and eating it on the spot, but what Geo really wanted to do was glance at something else, another fight that was going on. 

Several pulses of energy were felt, ripples and waves sent through the air that would hit them. 

A powerful claw was thrown from the side, and with two swords swinging down, Sera managed to cut through Chris\' skin once again. He could feel that it managed to hit the bone and had stopped just there. 

\'He is going through even all the Qi that I have placed in that area. I\'m even having to use Qi to protect my raw bones, otherwise his weapons would have cut through that.\' 

Chris, out of anger, went to open his mouth, and attempted to bite at Sera. Before he could do so, Sera lifted his leg and kicked him across the face. A big shockwave went off with the hit, and a large cut was on the side of Chris\' face. 

Looking at the foot that hit him, he could see a blade sticking out of the end of the boot that appeared to be hidden. 

\'This person, just how many weapons does he have!\' Chris, out of anger, swung his fists, not caring whether he was hit or not. 

Sera could feel the anger, and rather than going in for a strike and risk taking hit for hit. He decided to block, lifting the two swords. One of the swords he held took the brunt of the impact, and he could see part of it shatter. 

\'With my powers, this weapon should be on the demon tier level, and this person… has the strength to basically break it?\' Sera thought. 

Moments later, what he had feared had come, as the sword shattered. With a kick of his boots from the ground, they had activated an active skill, that was almost like a puff of air, and Sera increased the distance between the two. 

Chris would have been able to catch up, but during the fight, more than once, he had been hurt trying to follow after his opponent. The wounds on Chris\' body were piling up, but still healing. 

"Your healing, the more I hurt you, the slower it\'s starting to get. I guess you\'re not as invincible as you thought?" Sera stated. 

"I never thought I was invincible." Chris replied. 

There was something strange about the fight he didn\'t understand. Even with all the strength his opponent had, Chris still felt no less than him physically and with speed. 

Sure, his opponent was skillful with weapons, and could use their active skills during the fight that was helping him, but Chris still felt that it wasn\'t the deciding factor, it wasn\'t the difference between the two, as to why Sera was winning the fight.

"You don\'t understand do you?" Sera said. "I can tell you the answer, I don\'t mind because it\'s not something you can fix anyway. It\'s because you are scared of death, but you see for me, I\'m not scared of dying, so I can take more risks than you."

Chris listened to his opening words but didn\'t understand it. Chris didn\'t feel scared when fighting, and he had fought with his life on the line multiple times. 

Regardless of these things though, the subconscious thought of death would always enter one\'s head. Blocking large attacks, being careful when attacking, the use of Qi, and skills, a lot of decisions were made because one wanted to preserve their own life. 

For Sera, being who he was, he didn\'t have these fears, death was more of an annoyance more than anything.

"There\'s no point me trying to figure this out now, all I need to do, is get a lot stronger than you." Chris\' voice trailed off for a second, because in the back he saw something he didn\'t expect. 

Geo, and Dober had jumped up to a building. 

"Sorry my stranger friend… but the city and my people are in trouble. I wish you good luck, and all your power in attempting to defeat these two."

With those words, Geo and Dober had left the battle scene. Peter had just finished recovering and felt like he was back at a hundred percent. 

\'Did that alien just leave me to deal with these two on my own?\' Sera thought.


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